• Google Chrome to sync bookmarks in the cloud.
  • Free Win 7 still available but for only two more days!
  • Playstation 3 price drops $100.
  • 130 million credit card thief was a government informer!
  • Life on the comet.
  • Apple not bringing out tablet this year.
  • Apple still best in customer satisfaction.
  • Microsoft hit with two more patent suits.
  • Facebook sued over privacy.
  • White House is a spammer.
  • Time magazine asks you how will you go online when you are dead. Huh?
  • Show brought to you by Squarespace at www.squarespace.com use the code TECH.

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  1. Thomas says:

    How would Google synchronizing bookmarks “in the cloud” be any different than Xmarks which has been out for years?

  2. hhopper says:

    “Somebody’s gotta do it.”


  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Say it ain’t so! JCD got spam? What’s next, Santa’s not real?

  4. The Watcher says:


    Santa’s real. I’m not sure about JCD 😀 ….

  5. Glenn E. says:

    What’s not being publicly admitted to, is how the old theory of evolution, that most of us got preach to in high school, has been running into problems of credibility over the years. And so this “germs from outer space” supplemental THEORY has sprung forth to help save the main theory. You see, the science believers’ new notion is that even if life couldn’t possibly have gotten started from some amino acid soup on earth. Which is what Darwin based his whole concept on, without any knowledge of what DNA was. Then maybe some complex enough amino acids found their way to earth, on the back of meteors (that didn’t totally fry them to a cinder). From some other distant planet were everything was just right to allow life to evolve from lifeless molecules. And then after that, evolution took over on earth, and made everything else that’s more complex. Are ya still following me camera guy?

    In other words, it’s like saying “Ok, the very first clock gear was created on another world, where is possible to occur by random chance. And these primordial gears made the trip to our world, because they like the weather here. And after arriving, they formed themselves into clocks, as the parts just fell into place, and wound themselves up randomly. In other words, natural scientists believe in miracles, when they are THEIR MIRACLES! And they’d sooner keep propping up this crappy concept of the origin of life (posing as a theory). Then admit that any other ideas have just as much merit, in the absence of testable evidence. Some are even willing to go as far as to concede to “special creation” on a distant planet, by a higher form of intelligence (their “god”, but not your God). And then the space traveling germies flourished on earth and evolved according to Darwin’s laws (not anyone’s “god”).

    The pure insanity of all this butt covering nonsense isn’t to be believed. And if it had been suggested by anyone, decades ago. Even the natural scientists would have laughed at them. But now, as their last resort, at salvaging their precious alternative to intelligent design, they gladly clutch at straws like this.

    And I read somewhere that Darwin stole his origins “theory” from another author. And the whole thing got covered up because his family was rich enough to bury the facts. Which wouldn’t surprise me, as Darwin thought the sick and poor people should be done away with, to preserve the better, richer class. Not something you read about, but it’s in his own words, back in England. Don’t believe me, rent the movie “Expelled” from your library.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Microsoft never made `98, ME, or XP free to try. They started this with Vista, and now Win-7, only because Linux has gotten to a point where it’s a serious threat. And of course Mac OSX is a contender too, even though it’s not FREE. But I’m sure Microsoft is more worried about losing customers to trying an Open Source operating system like Ubuntu. So they’re allowing a one year trial of their latest OS, to keep everyone hooked on Windows. Even if it means sacrificing a year’s profit.

    Which causes me to wonder, if Microsoft is so desperate to get us to accept Win-7, that they’ll give it away for a year. Then what’s so bad about it (that they’re not telling us), that they’re afraid we’d drop Windows if we knew? Maybe the bad stuff only comes with the bought version, next summer. And the free version is DRM free, for now.

  7. joaoPT says:

    #5 Glenn

    a dynamically changing world really rocks your structure…

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Glenn,

    MS is offering WIN7 free as a marketing ploy. You may use it free ONLY until June 01, 2010, then it will shut down every two hours until you either pay for it or go back to your XP or Vista.

    XP is pretty good and Vista has good reviews from its users. Why do these users want to upgrade to WIN7? The free trial is the hook. The sinker is what happens when you try to re-install your previous OS, a process not for the faint of heart.

  9. Improbus says:


    Microsoft isn’t giving Win 7 away for free. They are using people to debug their operating system and they are being nice enough not to charge them for the experience. I am downloading the 32 and 64 bit versions to play with for work. I won’t be using them at home. I am transitioning to Linux.

    As to Evolution, where do you get your science news? The Pope?

  10. George_nl says:

    This Gitmo East producer would like to be a betatester! ;p

  11. Traaxx says:

    Who really cares what Duh!vorak thinks, he’s got a few problems with religion. He probably thinks he got a raw deal at some point and now holds it against God, like God needs Duhvorak to believe in hime whatever. It’s alot like health care, he didn’t have a problem in Canada, so it’s all alright. It’s the same thing as saying, I stood up in the middle of a firing range and I didn’t get hit so it’s always ok to do that. He’s just getting to be a grumpy old man, kinda sad though

    At least he’s acting more alive on Cranky Geeks, although now the shows seems to be heading into the t-weeds.


  12. Improbus says:

    Hey, Traaxx, did you have a point or did you just want to rant about nothing in particular.


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