Security expert Robert Siciliano does an interview with Fox News where he just makes up stuff about cookies being able to track all your online behavior. By the way, he calls himself an “identity theft expert”. Best quotes:

“These types of cookies, they actually track the computer user’s behaviours, what they like, what they dislike, what they buy, websites they visit. These types of cookies can record usernames and passwords […].”

“Cookies’ closest cousin is spyware. Cookies aren’t spyware, but they are very close.”

Cookies don’t do any of that. They can just store a small piece of text in your browser that identifies you when you are on that website. It serves for remembering passwords and stuff like that, and it certaintly can’t spy on you.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    Fox News powns Dvorak Uncensored!

    You better check with someone who understands computer technology.

    Ask John Dvorak to explain Flash LSO-cookie properties to you.

    A few points about these super cookies: they never expire, they have a storage of 100 KB (vs usual cookies of 4 KB), can’t be removed by browsers, these Flash LSO-cookies are not harmless.

    Google it!

  2. hhopper says:

    You’re right Bobbo. The only reason they want to track you is to make ads more appealing to you. Isn’t that a good thing? Most ads are boring as hell.

  3. SenatorSIA says:

    Everyone seems to think that this guy is completely wrong about his statements. Come on people do you forget this is our government? This guy is probably completely correct as to how the government implements cookies on their websites. That’s why it cost $18mill for a govt’ website created with Druple.

  4. honkytonkwillie says:

    #31 – I care about being tracked because it’s valuable to somebody and I get no benefit from it.

    If tracking isn’t a big deal, why is it being done to begin with?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    # 30 pedro – If cookies are don’t dangerous to your privacy, why do you have to delete them or use firefox add-ons to get your privacy?

    Thanks for answering your own question.

    I smell that the only incompetent here is not Mr. Siciliano.

    No need to feel bad about it, pedro. Read some books, and you’ll make a living out of it… just like Robert Siciliano.

    #31 – bobbo – Why would any “normal” person care about “being tracked”…

    Why do you care if the police search your car on a daily basis?

    #32 – jbenson2

    Thanks for your two cents, but we’ve already dealt with super cookies. Get BetterPrivacy to remove them.

    #34 – SenatorSIA – This guy is probably completely correct…

    Yeah, that’s why he’s interviewed on Fox News and not Wired.

    #35 – honkytonkwillie – If tracking isn’t a big deal, why is it being done to begin with?

    Excellent point.

  6. bobbo, how about some "THINKING" says:

    #35–HONKY==thats very precious.

    I know basically nothing about computer cookies. But I understand “words.”

    Can a cookie spy on you? Everyone should begin their evaluation of this question by asking: “What is the definition of cookie that you are using?”

    When “THINKING” about an issue, be flexible. Don’t start by defining a subject that leaves only one answer. Thats not THINKING!!!!!!

    You’d “think” that a tech blog editor would be a CHAMPION of recognizing that technology CHANGES over time? Improves? Gets Better? Does more things?

    Beyond that, language should not even control your thinking. Lets say that the issue under discussion here is NOT A COOKIE by general agreement. The guy is still telling you what the government is DOING. Who cares if he has the wrong “word” in his description.

    Very troubling. The best and the brightest not having the simplest gears and levers of thinking.

  7. J says:


    The Whitehouse, CIA, FBI and all the government websites I have visited DO NOT USE FLASH COOKIES!!!!!

    Even if they did. Flash cookies are very limited just like regular cookies. For a while now Flash LSO are not cross domain so site A cannot read site B’s Flash LSO

    Besides you can shut them off and you don’t need to install a plug-in for your browser either. Go to the link then go to Global Storage Settings. Move the slider to none and then uncheck “Allow third party….”

    God! So much bullshit and so many people believe it.

  8. J says:

    Oh BTW that same link will let you see what Flash LSO’s you have on your machine and delete them.

  9. JimD says:

    What do you expect from Faux Spews ???


  10. Jägermeister says:

    #38 – j – The Whitehouse … DO NOT USE FLASH COOKIES!!!!!

    Yes it did

  11. J says:

    # 41 Jägermeister

    I call bullshit on the report. I visit the website regularly. At least once or twice a week. To hear the Presidents address. I also have Flash LSO cookies turned off and always have. If you do…anytime a website tries to place a Flash LSO a little window pops up and says “Hey they want to store a cookie” NEVER!!! has the website done that. Nor have any other government websites I visit. Even during the Bush administration.

  12. J says:

    This is a bunch of bullshit!!!

  13. J says:

    Typical fear mongering

  14. bobbo, just assume the issues away says:

    #43–Now J==are you sure the same website is being discussed? Same time periods? Is something unintentionally different about your computer compared to others?

    Usually, there is more than one variable. You think you have observed one thing, so everyone else is wrong?

    More than just the earth is not the center of the universe.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #42 – pedro

    Screaming for attention. Now you got it. 8)

    #43 – J

    Perhaps the techies at were playing with it when the Wired reporter tested the site? I don’t visit that site too often. 😉

  16. J says:

    # 46 bobbo

    “are you sure the same website is being discussed? Same time periods” Yeah I am sure it is the same website. What a stupid fucking question.

    “Is something unintentionally different about your computer compared to others?”

    Unintentionally? No. It is very intentional that I have Flash LSO’s turned off. Most people do not.

    “Usually, there is more than one variable. You think you have observed one thing, so everyone else is wrong?”

    Oh BULLSHIT!!! It is absolutly one thing!!! Flash LSO’s I have them shut off and any website that trys to install one……I am alerted. So yes! Everyone else is wrong.

    “More than just the earth is not the center of the universe.”

    Are you high or something?

  17. BigKahunaBurger says:

    Here is his blog post on it. doesn’t seem too radical.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #50 – J – Besides they can’t track people with a Flash LSO’s anyway…

    But they can still use the LSO user ID to recreate a deleted cookie… which could then be used for cross site tracking.

    What’s amazing is that Fox News isn’t bringing up the carte blanche Bush gave NSA and the boys during his regime. Some of those spying privileges haven’t been revoked by Obama’s administration.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    “isn’t bringing up” = “doesn’t bring up”

  20. bobbo, just assume the issues away says:

    J—hah, hah. Glad you are back, for a while I hope if you don’t return to the Hospital for high blood pressure?

    Am I high? I am, yes. Just high on life and all the blessings that befall me like other people’s problems not being my own.

    I’d delve into this deeper, but as posted, I don’t care who tracks me for what.

    J===why have you turned your cookies off?

  21. J says:

    # 51 Jägermeister

    “But they can still use the LSO user ID to recreate a deleted cookie… which could then be used for cross site tracking.”

    No they can’t. LSO’s can only be read by the site that creates them. As a matter of fact they can’t even read ones from a different address on the same site. for instance http://www.[siteA].com can’t read LSO’s from location2.[siteA].com.

    No I am not saying people can’t hack LSO’s. BUT it is a far far stretch to jump from accusing the Whitehouse of use Flash LSO’s o saying they are using hacked Flash LSO’s. BIG F’ING LEAP!! Which they are using neither.

    Like I said this is a bunch of bullshit.

    # 53 bobbo

    How ‘s it going bobbo? You still pissing people off on DU? LOL I don’t post here as much because I am tired of arguing with stupid people like a few of the new ones that seem to have their head further up their ass than some of the oldies. I never thought I would se someone dumber than Patio!!

    You should care!!

    My cookies are off because I don’t like personalized marketing . It creeps me out! Marketing. lol. The industry from which I profit. How ironic!

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #54 – J – LSO’s can only be read by the site that creates them.

    Yes, but if you store the same User ID in the LSO AND the browser cookie, and if the user deletes the browser cookie… you can use the LSO User ID to set the the browser cookie when the user gets back to your site.

    Then you can use the browser cookie to transfer the User ID to another domain by using it as a third-party cookie… and of course set another LSO on that machine.

    Your end result is a User ID that is tied to your Flash installation. The only way to get rid of it is to delete the LSOs.

  23. bobbo, at the knee of the master says:

    J—isn’t it just as easy to ignore personalized marketing as general marketing?

    In fact, I think I do enjoy what limited personalized marketing comes my way. Since I have a mental block against most ads, I’m thinking of those google ads on the right side when I do searches. Quite a few right on links provided there. Useful.

    I don’t care, but you could just think of them as “options” and options are valuable even when not exercised. They confirm one’s desires and goals. I love options, especially when I can avoid them.

    You know J–I have three computers running off the same Acronis Image of my OS. They interact with websites and programs in different ways. Mostly just small irritations, but I wonder sometimes what important things may be getting different treatment.

    Wisdom–being open to being wrong.

  24. J says:

    # 56 bobbo

    You sound like you are high. Have you joined a hippy cult or something? Is your next post going to contain a statement about Cheetos?

  25. bobbo, typing with yellow teeth and fingers says:

    J==you just blew my mind. I’m eating Cheetos right now!!!!!!!!

    I was told to eat yellow veggettables, and I’m up to three bags per day.


    Only humor makes life livable.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #57 – pedro

    Perhaps you should stay out of the conversation if you don’t have anything of substance to add (as was the case with the Belgian Corporal story). The subject is way beyond your level of comprehension.

  27. J says:

    # 60 Jägermeister

    LOL. Pedro is the pesky mosquito.

  28. RSweeney says:

    cookies can’t spy on you?????

    And this is supposed to be a technically proficient site????

    Of course cookies can spy on you, they record where you have browsed.

    Idiots or ideologues?

  29. qb says:

    #62 Cookies “spy” on me? Not really. They maintain session state within or across sites and browser sessions.

    Spying is active, cookies are passive.

  30. J says:

    # 62 RSweeney

    Cookies don’t spy on you. The only way a cookie can track you across multiple sites is through the use of third party cookies. This can not track your browsing unless every site you go to has the same tracking. ie your porn site habit can not be detected by the white house unless they are both running the same tracker.


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