Talking Points Memo – August 17, 2009:

Talk about a political draft. In an interview with World Net Daily, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked whether she would ever run for President — and she replied that she would do it if God calls her to it:

“If I felt that’s what the Lord was calling me to do, I would do it,” she answered. “When I have sensed that the Lord is calling me to do something, I’ve said yes to it. But I will not seek a higher office if God is not calling me to do it. That’s really my standard.

“If I am called to serve in that realm I would serve,” she concluded, “but if I am not called, I wouldn’t do it.”

How about the Bachmann/Palin dream team?!

  1. Named says:

    113 AlfredENAZI
    “she never said critical thought would be suspended while she got orders from above…”

    Critical thought and faith are not allowed in the same room bubba. You know that. You don’t have critical thought.

  2. Named says:

    115 AlfredENAZI,

    “What happened was your position was critically demolished, repeatedly.”

    I don’t recall having a “position” except as your intellectual superior. And that hasn’t changed. You have no concept of history, logic, fact. But, you’ve got fiction so far up your ass you think it’s in heaven… But it’s just the empty space that’s between your ears.

  3. Phydeau says:

    #110 BS Alfie, she didn’t call them Nazis, she complained when people brought swastikas to the meeting, said they were calling Democrats Nazis.

    Or show me a direct quote.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #104, Howard,

    I would never bash Jesus. Sorry if it came off that way.

    Aahh, I was just joshin ya. Hey, everybody makes fun of his hair lip. But damn, the kid is a good life guard. Saved two people already this year. Went to give mouth to mouth to one guy and he thought there was a big wet kitty on him only he didn’t call it a kitty.


  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #117, Alphie E Nazi,

    Your smears of Palin and Bachmann are so easily dispensed with,

    Please post what has been said about Palin and Bachmann that are untrue. I guess two examples each would do it.

  6. Howard Beale says:


    “#104 What is imaginary is your belief you are a wit…”

    Well Alfred1 you got me there good one

    I do just argue with you for my own amusement. I know with out years of counseling you can’t really be helped. I guess I feel you don’t have many/any real life friends. (when ever I come on to DV/blog here you are spewing out the same nonsense) Those folks at that big church where you must worship a big god talk to you about what Rush said last week and stuff but they have to in church they are not really your friends. That makes us your only friends, even if we are just lowly cyber friends you like to spar with we could be the only human interaction you might have on some days. Evidenced by how much time you spend on these pages. Don’t bother to deny this it will just make you look sadder we are your friends and don’t want that. Now if you like what Jesus is supposed to have taught start small work on the Golden Rule. If you are ever in my town I’ll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk in person about how the Michele Bachmann’s of this world hurt the Country and Christianity more than they help. You would like a real life conversation there’s usually a lot less name calling.

  7. Animby says:

    #84 – Fusion. You are arguing just for the sake of arguing. You know what I meant but you take my poor wording as an opportunity to attack my character. That is disingenuous and well below your intellectual ability. Worst of all, it has brought Alfie to my defense! You are desperately near to being a troll, Fusion. Take your meds.

  8. JimD says:

    Perhaps God will call the both in the traditional manner: with LIGHTNING BOLTS !!! Problem Solved !!!

  9. bobbo, we're all intelligent here (except for---you know) says:

    #125–Animby==the meaning of “Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response.” is pretty clear and just what Fusion has said.

    If you expressed yourself poorly, then rephrase it. No body “can” just take your word you are a nice guy when your words are just the opposite.

    You may have missed by harmonious chime at #51. In the main, I think Obama was responding to the human rights issues that apply to all men.

    Lets see now. What kind of person refuses to be corrected? Who is it that think they walk on water???? Usually, your humility shows thru. Why is your motor running on this issue?

  10. Howard Beale says:

    Animby glad we are still going back to #56

    “Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response. You can call it whatever you like. I’ll keep my opinion.”

    This is referring to the arresting of his friend.
    Race is not the issue it’s Obama thinking he knows his friend. I will often stand up for a friend on there own word. If I later find out the facts are not what they seemed, I’ll do what I can to correct any thing I might have done erroneously in that defense and counsel my friend on what went wrong.
    I for one flip out a little when I feel falsely accused and I have relatives who worked in law enforcement I understand there need to keep control of all situations. It’s easy to see that it was the media circus that made such an issue not the officers or professors or their friends. Obama learned a valuable lesson in this, as did all parities involved. But defending a friend is not racist even if the issue to be defended has to do with race.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    I see that once again, Alfred1 has managed to turn a thread and make it about Obama. I’m sure he would blame Obama for getting pickles in his Big Mac.

    What worries me about these people is when God ‘calls’ them and asks them to bathe country X in a purifying white light.

  12. bobbo, Alfie world is not that bad says:

    #129–Hugh==Alfie has not turned this thread anywhere. His posts, and responses to them, are easy to skip over. The rest of the thread is still there.

    Backman, Religion, Racism. Still good stuff.

    “I’m sure he would blame Obama for getting pickles in his Big Mac.” /// Good one.

    “What worries me about these people is when God ‘calls’ them and asks them to bathe country X in a purifying white light.” /// No, as demonstrated, its when these religious idiots, but leaders of our country, INVADE other countries, or view the world in Black vs White, good vs evil, you are with us or against us. I don’t know if that is being religious or just plain stupid, but they seem to go hand in hand.

    Who doesn’t like purifying white light? That hot babe in “Alien Agent” took a shower in one. Best 30 seconds of TV ever.

  13. Named says:

    124 AlfredENazi,

    I see you’re post to Freerepublic (that’s a funny name for a bunch of Fascists) proves that Pelosi did NOT call them NAZI’s. Thanks for proving yourself wrong. Man, you can’t even read your favourite sites correctly…

    and your #132? Including God and The Matrix? Oh, that is so classic! Is Neo your prophet now? Do everyone a favour. Turn yourself into the police as a potential megalomaniac serial killer and get some help. KJV just isn’t cutting the mustard for you.

    You are so far removed from reality it’s pretty damn frightening…

  14. bobbo, a gourmand of sweet eats says:

    #134–named==you are aware that nuts hang in bunches?

  15. deowll says:

    “How about the Bachmann/Palin dream team?!”

    You are challenging the Fates.

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    Does the paraphrase illustrate what was wrong with the original statement?

    “Gentlemen, I feel that when a white man comes to the aid of a white man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response.”

    How about a further paraphrase:
    “Gentlemen, I feel that when one man comes to the aid of another man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response.”

    The original paragraph both gives me the willies and contains some truth. All people naturally feel kinship more easily with others who are like themselves. Everyone feels more comfortable around those whose speech can be easily understood, whose clothes are familiar and so on. As humans, we all inherently suffer from xenophobia from earliest childhood and must be taught to be more widely accepting. This will always be a sticky issue, made stickier by history.

    – – – – –

    “…for example, the Voltswagon was invented because it was thought to be better for the planet to use less gas.”

    The Volkswagen (“people’s car”) was developed to provide cheap transportation to more of the population than could afford the cars of the day.

    From Wikipedia:
    “The VW car was just one of many KdF [Kraft durch Freude — Strength through Joy] programmes which included things such as tours and outings. The prefix “Volks” (“People’s”) was not just applied to cars, but also to other products in Europe; the “Volksempfänger” radio receiver for instance.”

    – – – – –

    “…sheep like as Cubans are…”

    Have you ever _met_ any Cubans?

  17. Phydeau says:

    #124 FAIL No proof Pelosi called protesters Nazis. You idiot.

    Hey pal, guess what. YOU LOST. The majority of the American people rejected your candidate and his ideas. The other candidate won. Stop being such a SORE LOSER. All of you wingnut crybabies. You lost! Go thru your grieving period, whatever you have to do. But YOU LOST. You have to come to terms with it.

    It was the same when Clinton got elected. The Republicans refused to accept it. What a bunch of sore loser crybabies.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    You are doing fine with the ad hominems and distractions. Lets get back on topic though.

    Please point out two things each we have wrong about Bachmann and Palin? You claimed we constantly get them wrong, so please enlighten us so we might correct the errors of our ways.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:


    I went through the posts and listed the ones where you accuse us of lying and / or smearing Bachmann. Please help us and just post where we actually made any misrepresentation about her and Sarah Palin. Then you can post where Pelosi called anyone a Nazi.


    but because in it one can determine the smears against Michele Bachmann


    Ad hominem against Michele Bachmann is a nazi like tatic meant to dehumanize her…perhaps for a future gas chamber.
    Rather than discuss her positions, and your disagreements with it, you smear her which some out of contexts quotes.


    you admit to smearing her.


    Any honest student of history will acknowledge the parallels that exist in this blog smear of Michelle Bachmann,


    #111 You are smearing her…she never said critical thought would be suspended while she got orders from above…


    Your smears of Palin and Bachmann are so easily dispensed

  20. Mr. Fusion says:


    Answer the question, how were Bachmann and Palin smeared?


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