Talking Points Memo – August 17, 2009:

Talk about a political draft. In an interview with World Net Daily, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked whether she would ever run for President — and she replied that she would do it if God calls her to it:

“If I felt that’s what the Lord was calling me to do, I would do it,” she answered. “When I have sensed that the Lord is calling me to do something, I’ve said yes to it. But I will not seek a higher office if God is not calling me to do it. That’s really my standard.

“If I am called to serve in that realm I would serve,” she concluded, “but if I am not called, I wouldn’t do it.”

How about the Bachmann/Palin dream team?!

  1. Greg Allen says:

    >> Animby said, on August 18th, 2009 at 6:01 am
    >> Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response. You can call it whatever you like. I’ll keep my opinion.

    And what about a country where white men have come to the aid of white men for centuries?

  2. Named says:

    65 AlfredENewman,

    “who disparage others to the point of dehumanizing them.”

    Have you ever looked in the mirror… or perhaps, read your own comments? Kettle, meet AlfredENewman. He’s as BLACK as you are.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    #57 Bobbo, the pig ignorant mental defective,

    Your comments proves what I said…

    When I want you to know what I think, I rattle your cage…

    As for feathers, humans don’t have feathers Bobbo, maybe it’s time you get off the computer, take your meds and have a nap…

    Ha Ha HA!!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, Alphie,

    64 Without accepting the truth of your premise, we can still document its flawed argument, that two wrongs make a right…

    Please explain how you get “two wrongs make a right” from Greg’s post?

    And what about a country where white men have come to the aid of white men for centuries?

    Are you suggesting it is a wrong to help someone else? Well, there goes that ‘Good Samaritan’ shit all to hell.

  5. bobbo, I have seen better looking chickens says:

    #67–BigBoy==quite a display – – thanks. My worst fears confirmed. Alfie has a playmate.

  6. orangetiki says:

    can we separate church and state by force now? I would like to see humanity continue to grow and prosper

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Alphie,

    So, was Rev. Wright wrong?

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Alphie,

    Where did anyone argue that it is OK for Obama to leap to the defense of a black man but not a white man?

    BTW, Obama’s comment about the arrest being stupid was so correct that the DA dropped the charge before it went to court. Arresting someone in their own home for disorderly conduct is a bogus charge, and stupid. It doesn’t matter what color the cop and victim are.

    I think you are arguing that if Obama does it, it is wrong. If a white christian does it, then it is fine.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, BigBoy,

    Did you take that handle from the name on your diaper bag?

    Yes, Bachmann is currently being laughed at by liberals. Guess what, so are McConnell, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Cheney, and a whole host of other stupid Republicans. Why? Because they say and claim stupid things. I have no idea why you think Bachmann is so special.

  10. Animby says:

    Fusion – I will gladly accept the appellation, “asshole.” Lord (not Alfie’s) knows I certainly can be one. But, please, don’t call me a racist. You know me well enough through this blog to know better. One thing you do not know is the color of my skin, my eyes and my convictions. I will tell you the color of my hair: grey.

    Shame on you.

  11. Howard Beale says:

    Alfred1 here on this very blog you have been called out for unChristian behavior and false witnessing and refused to repent. We all know you are going to burn. It’s not to late. Repent now and you can still get ruptured. I would love for you to be taken away. Please shape up THAT GOD OF YOURS IS WATCHING

    Your God specifically commanded you not lie, in really simple terms that anybody ought to be able to understand. So just stop lying to further their own hateful agenda.

    The whole point of believing in this God of yours is to have a higher standard of behavior. What are you a moron? Walk the walk.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #76, Alphie,

    So you ARE saying Wright is right. Which means that when Wright claims the white institutionalized bigotry and racism has been hurting blacks ever since they were dragged to these shores in chains is correct.

    And are you now in favor of reparations to all descendants of former slaves?

    If you had a sister would you mind if she married a black?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #78, Animby,

    If you don’t want to be labeled a racist then don’t post a racist remark. Go back to #56 and read what I responded to.

    Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response.

    You claim that if a black comes to the aid of a black he is a racist. Wrong. If I see someone needing assistance I don’t look at what the color of their skin is. And I sure the hell don’t think I’m a racist if I help a white man without knowing the details.

    The color of your eyes, skin, and even hair is irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter if you give candy to children on their way home from school or volunteer to change diapers at the day care. It is your conviction that a black man is racist if he helps another black man that betray you as a racist.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #83, OK, so now we have it. Reverend Wright is right and you wouldn’t mind if your sister married a black man.

    But should the government pay blacks reparations for all the harm whites have caused them?

    Is it right to tell everyone that you will / will not run for a political office if ‘god’ speaks to them personally? What would happen if two opposing candidates both claimed ‘god’ told them to run for office?

  15. Named says:

    Every AlfredENewman post from 40 on…

    Would you quit it on the Nazi linking? You probably don’t even know what the Nazi political party was let alone reference it…

    Just like a Nazi, you tar and brush everyone the same way. Just like a Nazi, you use God as a weapon. Just like a Nazi, Alfred. You’re just like a Nazi.

  16. bobbo, putting on his nightcap says:

    #86–Fusion==you have your hands full in this thread. Not surprisingly, you have the better position, the clear position, the only position in both arguments.

    Find your joy where you may, and think about other hobbies?

  17. Gawdmachine says:

    To NOT recognize the parallels between Nazis & the ‘work’ of Repugnicunts over W’s last 8 years is proof of blind faith &/or blind allegiance to a political party.

    NO I am not a Democrat (a recovering one thanks) as I see them both to be two wings of the same rotten f&^%ing bird that IS a giant vulture waiting to pick our bones clean.

    Thank God I’m not a religious wacko, pun firmly intended.

  18. Howard Beale says:

    Alfred1 #82
    “Rather than discuss her positions, and your disagreements with it, you smear her which some out of contexts quotes.”

    No I did not more of your lies>> all I did was link her words to an internationality recognized unbiased fact checking sight

    “Don’t worry about my standing with God…I am in His loving hands…no one can pluck me out of them.”

    Your Satan has his tendrils in you so deeply you cant even see it.
    I run with an enlighten crowd but if I meet up with any one of your ancient superstitions I will ask them to pray for you. Should they unlike you actually practice what is preached to them they will. I for one will just hope you get better. Perhaps they will add mental health counseling to the Healthcare Reform bill. Remember not to let the GOP and FNC to trick you into voting against your own best interest they are only in it for the money you are just an obedient pawn to them.

  19. Named says:

    95 AlfredENAZI,

    You are also aware that the Nazi party used Christianity to further their nationalism, right?

    Oh, no, of course you didn’t. Its because you’re an idiot. And it doesn’t mention it in KJV either…

    But, good try!

  20. Howard Beale says:

    More lies its like talking to a wall good thing your Jesus is into forgiveness BUT ONLY if you REPENT today.

    politifact is an non-partisan site that calls foul on Left as often as the Right for making false statements. is my favorite and covered some of Bachmann’s deliberately intended to deceive false statements but I liked the “pants on fire” meter reading politifact gave out in this case.

    You should go to these sites it could help you not look so stupid on this blog.

  21. God says:

    Hello? Is this thing ON?

    Michele? Are you there, girl?

    Say, we’re all proud of you and stuff, but do the Universe a favor and sit this one out, please. Can you do that for Daddy?

    Nothing personal. But Daddy has a different Plan.

    Good girl.

  22. Phydeau says:

    I think “budding Nazi” must be one of Rush’s talking points lately, the way alfie has been spouting it.

    What happens when an entire political party goes full Godwin? I’ve never seen so many people go so crazy.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #98, Howard,

    More lies its like talking to a wall good thing your Jesus is into forgiveness BUT ONLY if you REPENT today.

    Easy on the Jesus bashing. He is a savior and does work very hard. In fact, he is one of the best lifeguards they have at the Community Swimming Pool.

  24. Phydeau says:

    Yep, “budding Nazis” is definitely one of the talking points. 🙂

  25. Howard Beale says:


    I would never bash Jesus. Sorry if it came off that way.

    Some of mankind’s best thoughts on how to get along his followers credit to him even though most predate Jesus, Judaism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Islam… almost every religious belief system on earth all say you’re supposed to love your neighbors and such.

    I see Jesus as the best darn imaginary friend a guy could have. It’s nice to know Alfred1 has a friend even if he is a make believe one. I was just hoping he would start listening to his friend. This Jesus has some good advice for him and Michele.

  26. Named says:

    102 AlfredENAZI,

    The NAZI party was not a leftist party. Please do some research before typing. You’re shaming yourself.
    “Like religious cults, the deceived are never told the whole story up front…they wouldn’t accept it…rather items they can agree with are taught, at first, till the cultist stops questioning, then once ensnared, they real material becomes known.”

    I see that you have a new understanding of your KJV brand of Christianity. Good start.

  27. Phydeau says:

    Alfred1, comparing any current political party to one of the most evil men in the 20th century is despicable. You are a fucking scumbag.

    For the record.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    I find it truly, and more exceedingly offensive, these politicians’ evoking of personal directives from God. Does any sane person really believe they’re getting such a message to run for high office? And considering the number of times these politicians violate the Ninth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (aka LIE!). One would wonder why God can’t find someone better to take the job? Or why God can’t also put the fear of himself in politicians, NOT to lie so easily and skillfully. But it’s almost like a prerequisite job skill. So maybe God’s got a different set of rules for politicians. Lord knows Congress behaves as if it does. And not just God’s laws, but ever other man-made book of rules, save whatever unwritten one they all live by.

    I just think these Republican cracker heads should stop pretending that they’re getting any kind of directive from God, to run for office and lie like hell. It just doesn’t fit God’s profile. And any politician that actually believes this crap they’re saying. Ought to be seriously considered a case for the loony bin. Cause what’s next? Getting messages from little green men in space, if that becomes a popular delusion?

    There ought to be both a physical and mental health check (that’s real, and NOT a token lie) for anyone running for high office. Just as they might screen potential Generals and Admirals (hopefully they do), who’d have the power to get us into a very costly war.

  29. right says:

    Michelle is going to allow a 3rd party to take over her life and decide what she’s to do. Now who would want someone like that in charge of anything? Sorry, she’ll never make it any further than she is now and even that is seriously compromised with her crazy ideas. Her political career is over and that’s a good thing.

    Alfred1 loves this attention even if it’s negative but I’m pretty certain he’s used to it by now and actually thrives off it.
    That’s how people with mental disorders cope sometimes. Being cupped in the hands of his imaginary friend has turned him into a Nazi, I’m sure.

  30. Named says:

    110 AlfredENAZI

    Pathetic. You’re not good enough to be a sophist, you’re not good enough to be a “Christian”, you’re not even good enough to drive a taxi I bet.

    I do really enjoy seeing you try and pretend you have a logical argument.


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