Talking Points Memo – August 17, 2009:

Talk about a political draft. In an interview with World Net Daily, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked whether she would ever run for President — and she replied that she would do it if God calls her to it:

“If I felt that’s what the Lord was calling me to do, I would do it,” she answered. “When I have sensed that the Lord is calling me to do something, I’ve said yes to it. But I will not seek a higher office if God is not calling me to do it. That’s really my standard.

“If I am called to serve in that realm I would serve,” she concluded, “but if I am not called, I wouldn’t do it.”

How about the Bachmann/Palin dream team?!

  1. Greg Allen says:

    >> figureditout said, on August 17th, 2009 at 7:32 pm
    >> When it’s Leftards being kooky and racist, it’s understandable pandering to gain votes in certain communities.

    I’m curious, when in your opinion has the Left been as racist as the Right is being to Obama?

    I’m not saying liberals are incapable of racism — EVERYBODY has some racism in ’em, IMHO.

    But, lazy thinkers and GOP apologists want to pretend that everybody is equally guilty of everything.

    But, it’s NOT the same. Most liberals at least TRY not to be racist but that can’t be said for a lot of conservatives.

    How many liberals talk show hosts sing anything as racist as “Barak the Magic Negro”?

  2. People who consult their imaginary friend, have no business being in charge of anything except a street sweep’s push-cart..

  3. soundwash says:

    well i guess that disqualifies her..

    does this mean that politicians are exempt from being called mentally unstable if they claim a voice (god) told them to run for office??


  4. right says:

    “We religious people talk a lot alike, in church, when it comes to a personal relationship with God.”

    A personal relationship with an imaginary being….excellent stuff Alfred1. An imaginary being! Does not exist in this real world.
    For you to argue against this premise, tell us exactly (exactly) where god is so we can bask in the same glory. 100 miles up in the air? 1,000 miles up? On the dark side of the moon? Where please?

    Woo hoo like that will make you dizzy, ya know.

  5. right says:

    Alfred1 – when subjected to a reality based question – his head explodes.

  6. Hugh Ripper says:

    #35 Alfred1

    Typical party political reaction. Criticise one side and they whine that the other do it too. Not very far removed from the schoolyard, are you.

  7. Alki Postings says:

    ENOUGH with the crazies in the Republican party! Boot them ALL out and get back to being a real logical common sense small business main street oriented group.

    If you think GOD, the creator of 100 trillion galaxies PERSONALLY wants you to run for office, you’re f**king nuts. End of story.

  8. meetsy says:

    god? What god is this? Not MY god. s/he don’t do that kind of bulls*it.
    This woman is insane, clinically. That Alaska chickie is an idiot.
    Makes me ashamed to sit and pee the same way they do…

  9. Named says:

    40 AlfredENewman

    “I had a moment of clarity about you all…about the left…observing as I do, daily, your twisting of the truth…your inconsistent standards…the spin…your evident (delusion) of moral superiority over others…so they are less than human…

    You are all budding nazis…”

    Annnnnnnnnnd, Goodwin’s Law makes an appearance. I wonder if AlfredENewman is going to Goodwin every topic now that he’s had his “clarity”.

    I wonder if you thought your comment had some dramatic gravitas… You are delusional enough to believe so…

  10. Dallas says:

    My first thought was ‘oh, just another loony’.
    …then realized she is already in government. Ouch.

    The only thing that must keep our “good Taliban” congress members from fucking things up must be the strength of Constitutional law.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, in addition to her religious beliefs, Bachmann is just plain nuts. There’s plenty of video out there of her saying some of the stupidest shit you could imagine.

    The brush you use to paint Obama also paints the entire Christian faith, so be more careful with that.

  12. Animby says:

    # 32 Greg Allen said, “How many liberals talk show hosts sing anything as racist as ‘Barak the Magic Negro’?”

    Hmmm. Good one. I can’t think of a one. But, not a talk show host, how about this liberal racist comment (paraphrased): “I have no idea what happened but the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

  13. SN says:

    45. “how about this liberal racist comment (paraphrased): “I have no idea what happened but the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

    Maybe you can explain how Obama’s comment was racist. At worst it may have been inaccurate (although accusing a nearly 60 year old man with a cane with breaking and entering basically defines stupid in my book. Not to mention arresting someone merely for complaining about such asinine mistreatment…) But racist, clearly not.

  14. qb says:

    The right wing here has really lost it’s punch. Sad, very sad.

  15. badtimes says:

    #45- that statement was neither racist nor inaccurate.

  16. Rabble Rouser says:

    Her damn god should tell her to kill herself!

    Bat guano crazy female dog!

  17. Named says:

    45 Animby,

    Sometimes, you just got to quit. Instead, you grasped at the finest of straws. Really, really sad. But, it’s also comforting to know that you can’t find an example, isn’t it?

  18. bobbo, not a racist bone in my body says:

    #45–Animby==”“I have no idea what happened but the Cambridge police acted stupidly.” /// Completely explained by anyone who thinks that “once identity is established, a man should not be arrested in his own home for speech alone.”

    Now, others may think an exception should apply for not respecting the authority of the police.

    Only a few would play the race card when such a real and vibrant issue of import certainly supercedes it.

    But, as noted, your answer is about the best that can be provided and is a total fail.

    I would answer: There are no liberal talk show hosts. If there are, who cares? Liberals and well informed students of the First Amendment read books.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Alphie,

    So are you suggesting Reverend Wright was wrong? All you did was post a link, you didn’t tell us how that related to the topic.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Hugh,

    Not very far removed from the schoolyard, are you.

    Well, under the terms of his release he isn’t allowed near schoolyards.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, Alphie,

    Fact remains…you all insult Obama…he talkied just like Ms Bachmann in church…in private…and in public…if I take the time to read his books…

    So I haven’t seen where Obama has been talking like Bachmann. Maybe you could post a link.

    I remember when you also tried to convince us that Obama was a drug dealer. You couldn’t back up that claim, will you back up this one?

    You are all budding nazis…

    The Nazi platform resembled the Democratic Party platform, at first….

    Now, maybe you could refer us to where in Mein Kampf the Democratic platform is.

    Then maybe you could give some evidence that Obama is a drug dealer.

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh here we go again, another female republican whos got you loonie lefties’ knickers in a twist.

  23. Animby says:

    Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response. You can call it whatever you like. I’ll keep my opinion.

    SN – I believe he broke into the house with a crowbar, not his cane.

  24. bobbo, to all proud repuglicans says:

    #55–Really Big Boy==are you this much of a knee jerk ditto head? YES–liberal think those two females are idiots. So do moderate Republicans.

    Guess what group doesn’t think that way?

    What do YOU think Big Boy, does god talk to you too? Are you afraid of poor people getting health care? Death Panels?

    Heh, heh. Put your feathers on full display.

  25. Named says:

    56 Animby,

    Ah. So you’ve quit whilst behind. Better than falling even further.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Animby,

    Gentlemen, I feel that when a black man comes to the aid of a black man without any idea of what has happened, this represents a knee jerk racial response. You can call it whatever you like. I’ll keep my opinion.

    So if I helped another white man, that would be racist too? But if I helped a black man, that wouldn’t be racist. What if a black man helped a white man?

    If I ever see anyone in need and I am in a position to assist them, then I will. I don’t really give a shit.

    [sarcasm]Of course, if they wear a “Palin” button or “Liebertarians Forever” tattoo, I might be a little slower in my actions. [/sarcasm]

    SN – I believe he broke into the house with a crowbar, not his cane.

    And I think you are an asshole and a racist idiot. And I have more proof than you do about Gates.

  27. bobbo, don't give him cover says:

    #58–named==animby CERTAINLY fell much farther behind with that completely racist statement. He can’t even consider anything other than the race of the people involved even when very clearly other issues are involved.

    Sad. I hear he has more than a GED. I was expecting more from a world traveler. Makes me want to turn in my passport.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    Getting back on topic, if Bachmann runs for (vice) President I’ll be really happy. I’ll jump for Joy and when she goes home I’ll still be feeling pretty Mary.

    The more the radical right wing nuts make themselves the center of attention the more it helps the Democrats. 80% of America is turned off by these idiots. Go right wing nuts.

  29. Personality says:

    Do all repukes think god is talking to them?

  30. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred1 said, on August 17th, 2009 at 9:43 pm
    >> For 20+ years, Obama talked the same way, in church, with others, who spoke also of God’s leading…
    >> You all insult Obama…if he read your comments, he would take it personal.
    >> We religious people talk a lot alike, in church, when it comes to a personal relationship with God.

    Holy smokes, Alfred, you need to get out more.

    Not all Christians have the same kind of folk mysticism as Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

    They don’t talk much about “God told me to do [ ]”

    Has Obama ever said, “God told me to run for president”?

    I’ve never heard him say that but I don’t know every Obama quote.


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