Talking Points Memo – August 17, 2009:

Talk about a political draft. In an interview with World Net Daily, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked whether she would ever run for President — and she replied that she would do it if God calls her to it:

“If I felt that’s what the Lord was calling me to do, I would do it,” she answered. “When I have sensed that the Lord is calling me to do something, I’ve said yes to it. But I will not seek a higher office if God is not calling me to do it. That’s really my standard.

“If I am called to serve in that realm I would serve,” she concluded, “but if I am not called, I wouldn’t do it.”

How about the Bachmann/Palin dream team?!

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    The Bachmann/Palin dream team can never be. It raises the unavoidable conflict between matter and anti-matter.

    Imagine the apocalyptic consequences of God directing one of them to wear the red dress while directing the other to wear the blue dress? Just what color dress would god be for?

    Just waiting for the rupture.

  2. theBadSteveO says:

    I get the distinct feeling the Lord is calling me to eat another burrito….

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    Hopefully God doesn’t have her phone number…

  4. bobbo, god can do anything says:

    Hopefully God doesn’t have her phone number… /// hah, hah — hopefully not, but he still makes that ringing noise in her head.

  5. Tappen says:

    Now I’m going to have nightmares about our future BPO: Bachmann-Palin Overlord.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    She also said God told her to run for the House of Representatives. He really told her to run in the house and get him a beer.

  7. Special Ed says:

    Finally the day comes and she gets a call from god on her cell phone. He says to her, “Michelle, I want you to . Shit, no bars. WTF…

  8. Popp Boner says:

    Nah, she’ll get a call from got but the ID says UNKNOWN so she doesn’t answer the call.

  9. Usagi says:

    God called. He said, “Don’t quit your day job…”

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Another Christian fanatic who wants the top job. Didn’t Bush Jr do enough harm to the US and its image?

  11. gimleteye says:

    These Christonuts are scary!
    Palin said she “felt God’s spirit beckoning me,” and “I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth.”

    She says he prays every day, typically for “forgiveness for my sins and flaws, which are many, the protection of my family, and that I’m carrying out God’s will, not in a grandiose way, but simply that there is an alignment between my actions and what he would want.”

    Creepy stuff, huh? Listening to the invisible voices and acting accordingly.

    Oh, wait…those are Obama quotes! The first from “Audacity of Hope” and the second from a Newsweek interview.

    Never mind, being guided by God’s will is fine as long as you’re on the left!

  12. Howard Beale says:

    Michele Bachmann is a flip-flopper she consistently scores between just (False) and (Pants On Fire) false

    politifact. com/truth-o-meter/personalities/michele-bachmann/

    Her god put “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” up there as one of it’s Top Ten

    If she is right about her god being all-powerful she should be more worried about going to hell then the Whitehouse

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    Hard to know how much of this is actual belief and how much is pandering to the religious. I suspect the latter it more prevalent amongst politicians.

  14. qb says:

    Don’t count out Huckabee yet.

    I see a lot Pachmann/Pacman jokes coming.

  15. R.O.P. says:

    If there is a God he/she will make this happen and put a stake through prosperity gospel religions forever. I live in MN and the whole state just shakes their heads in disbelief at the people in her district.

  16. sargasso says:

    Harsh truth, the USA was founded by wacky religious zealots exiled from an increasingly moderate and tolerant Europe. It’s in the blood, learn to embrace the inner wackiness. If the senator wants to speak to the little pixies who dance on the end of her little finger, we should respect her for saying so.

  17. duhreadabookortwo says:

    —wacky religious zealots exiled from an increasingly moderate and tolerant Europe—

    Not much on actual history are you, son?
    Europe at the time was not the dope-smoking, agnostic, gay-friendly, do-as-you-please place it is today…it was a place of massive religious intolerance, where you could be killed for going to the wrong church, and where little things like the Thirty Years War and the Scottish Civil War made today’s “religious zealots” look like Unitarians.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer more dope-smoking gay-friendliness here, but let’s be real and not let anti-American sentiment rewrite history. The Pilgrims weren’t much fun to hang out with, but they were just trying to avoid religious tribunals that could have them imprisoned for not going to the right church.

  18. bac says:

    If only god would listen to choir boys.

    Choir Boy: “Please God, tell Father O’Reilly to stop touching me.”


  19. Joe Joes says:

    God told me to fart on my cat. Crazy Dionysus!

  20. lou says:

    Hope God calls and tells her to get into MILF porn.

  21. right says:

    I think we all agree that she’s a nutjob.
    It’s the stupid, ignorant people that voted her in you have to worry about.
    I’d bet that Alfred1 was a voting member of her monthly blood excretion.

  22. Delta Dan says:

    Another Blackwater (z) recruit no doubt. Wonder if she gets into the wife-swapping? Naughty little christian…

  23. green says:

    Lucifer works in weird ways.

  24. billabong says:

    We would have 4 boobs as V.P. and Prez not just 2.

  25. Waltersobchack says:

    Good lord Christ almighty I would love to see a Bachman/Palin ticket. They could lose the race to just about anyone I can think of. Not an ice cubes chance in hell they could win, hopefully that’s the best the repubs can come up with.

    If they were front runners for the republican party that would all but 100% guarantee another 4 years for Obama.

    Why can’t we get a Jesse Ventura/ Dennis Kucinich ticket? Now that is a platform for which I would proudly vote.

  26. Animby says:

    Michelle? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?????

  27. Greg Allen says:

    Even the atheist Dems are praying for a Palin-Bachmann GOP ticket in 2012.

  28. figureditout says:

    Alfred, you are missing the important rule of politically corrected anti-symmetry.

    When it’s Leftards being kooky and racist, it’s understandable pandering to gain votes in certain communities. All part of the political game, don’t you know, everyone knows how it’s played (wink wink). They don’t really MEAN the bad things they say.

    When it’s Evil Satanic RepubliMonsters who bathe in baby blood each morning, every wacky thing they say is merely a pale shadow of their real beliefs, which drip with the evil of eldritch horrors man was not meant to know.


  29. RSweeney says:

    Did Satan ask John Edwards to run?


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