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  1. wirelessg says:

    A young Al Gore painfully learns to emit less CO2 to get the hell back inside.

  2. dbowers says:

    The homemade air conditioner failed when little Jimmy got distracted by a bird and stopped fanning.

  3. SB says:

    John C Dvorak’s early training for his future as an Air Pollution Inspector.

  4. Improbus says:

    No room for a nursery? Hang it from the window sill.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    Gonna be a while? Grab a Snickers.

  6. Robart says:

    These kinds of photos pane me.

  7. Tim Yates says:

    With the bait set, the wait for Mothra begins.

  8. Robart says:

    I’m going out on a ledge here and betting this photo staged.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    “Only in England”

    Here in America we prefer to chain our kids to trees, the way God intented…

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    Little Spanky was bad, so his mom put him outside, in a cage.

  11. Just thinking says:

    Much to Jimmies dismay, his mom makes room in the house for the new baby girl.

  12. Daniel says:

    An alternative to hanging your child out the window Wacko Jacko-style

  13. bobbo I'd call it, says:

    Londoners Through a Lens

  14. spiritgreywolf says:

    In today’s economy – “Office with a view” means something entirely different.

    In addition – This just in – “Younger Office Workers Take Up Less Space Than Mature Workers”

  15. dorkyninja says:

    A young Bernie Madoff after getting his hand caught in the cookie jar.

  16. Miss_X2 says:

    Gitmo II.

  17. AdmFubar says:

    Batboy the early years

  18. User7 says:

    The playroom at Neverland.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    “Mac, I keep telling you! The welder was drunk when he made the crib!”

    “Shut up about me mates, woman! What’s the worse that could happen?”

  20. ChuckM says:

    Some kids dig to China. Others build tree forts… little Jimmy started building his bridge when he was 10 months old. Funding for the project delayed it’s completion by two years, just short of his third birthday. Tragically Jimmy was killed while removing the safety scaffolding and never had the chance to walk across the bridge that took a lifetime to build.

  21. DDub says:

    Battery for the Old World Order.

  22. Surfbits says:

    Feeding the Condors was a favorite pastime for these high-rise residents until they ran out of fresh bait.

  23. chris says:

    This would be a good photo for “The Automatic Earth” when the next market meltdown comes.

  24. bill says:

    MJ Tribute?

  25. TheCommodore says:

    The designer of the Sears Tower “Ledge” describes the inspiration from his childhood.


    In the days before Pampers……

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    “It’s a bum rap, I tell ya!”


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