• Hacker steals 130,000,000 credit cards. Gets busted.
  • Dell’s iPhone clone to roll-out big in China.
  • IBM has new DNA technique to make chips faster and smaller.
  • iPhone deals hurting carriers. They are losing out they say.
  • Apple worried about London Times story.
  • Gmail takes third place over AOL.
  • US DOJ takes side of RIAA.
  • Tiny Laser is the key to optical computing.
  • Twitter tries to shut down uSocial.
  • Show brought to you by AVIS at www.avis.com/tech5 where a discount is waiting.

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  1. hhopper says:

    Yes, it’s a good article and you can read it HERE.

  2. Amsterdamned says:

    Shanghai just dropped 6%. It did this last year, too. This could be bad.


  3. Jim says:

    I keep aol for spam and throwaway email address for companies that demand one.

    Otherwise, I use yahoo, gmail and my own domain for general mail.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Is 130 million cards stolen FINALLY enough to wage a class action suit against these goofballs who allow our cards to be stolen?

  5. The Watcher says:

    The mud monster (now 23) still uses AOL e-mail. Can’t get her to change her address.

    Meantime, I use it for my business as a backup – dialup when I’m on the road, etc., and some other really strange things. (Their message size capability was pretty good.) I used to use pcAnywhere to link with a client across town, and then light up AOL on his machine to send large files to me via the web, rather than using the 36K dialup supplied by pcA. GoToMyPC is a lot better, but flaky on their old Win98 box. Someday….

  6. Glenn E. says:

    “Hacker steals 130,000,000 credit cards.” Which is 3x what it was the previous time. And you can bet it will double or triple again, soon, before anything is done about putting a stop to it. The Credit Card industry just keeps on rattling along, with these severe security holes. And figure you all will foot the bill for their mistakes. It’ll cost too much profit to fix it right (if they even CAN). So it’s like No Fault insurance. Several hundred of million card holders will cover the losses of a hundred or so others, with rate increases.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    That “Jammie woman” (is that her name?) ought to just tell the DOJ to allow her to print up her own currency, to pay this ridiculous fine. Because that’s how the government pays its bills.

  8. deowll says:

    Congress and the White House are for sale. Why not the DOJ that works for them?

  9. I think the real question here should be, “People really still use AOL email?”



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