On Sunday, the American Chemical Society, a nonprofit scientific society chartered by Congress, released a study claiming that up to 90 percent of U.S. paper money contains traces of cocaine.

Of the 5 countries studied, The U.S. and Canada had the highest levels tested, with China and Japan ranking lowest, from 12 to 20 percent contamination levels.

Scientists are reporting that cocaine is present in up to 90 percent of paper money in the United States, particularly in large cities such as Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit. The scientists found traces of cocaine in 95 percent of the banknotes analyzed from Washington, D.C., alone.

95% in D.C., huh, what could that mean?

  1. Faxon says:

    Well, that should make it worth more in the world economy.

  2. So perhaps this explains why “money” and “cash” often causes people to do such strange and evil things

  3. meetsy says:

    wasn’t this old news in the 1980’s?

  4. Mr Diesel says:


    Read the fictional book White Plague. As I remember it was based on a guys wife getting killed in Ireland (I think) and he created a virus to only kill women and he sent it to someplace in Ireland on money sealed in envelopes. Unfortunately he didn’t think it through and it ended up killing most of the women in the world. Good book.

  5. Benjamin says:

    Isn’t the presence of cocaine on a bill cause for civil forfeiture? If nine out of ten bills are contaminated, then there is no way to get your money back.

  6. Jared says:

    I think it’s hilarious that 95 percent of the money in DC has trace amounts of coke!! Scarface would be proud lol

  7. Daniel says:

    What it really means is only coke heads are still using cash. The rest of us use debit cards.

  8. Timuchin says:

    If the police took a drug-sniffing dog into a bank, the dog would get in the door and immediately sit down, busting the whole place.

    Before I went to Cancun I went to the bank for new cash to take with me so it couldn’t be mistaken for “drug money.” They refused.

  9. justice says:

    Deductive reasoning would suggest that since the white population is more likely to use cocaine whereas blacks are more likely to use crack and whites control and use the countries money. Whites have a hell of a drug problem. What we need are drug sniffing dogs at the cash register where ever white people shop. The money and drugs sure aren’t coming from overseas it wouldn’t get through customs. Drug addicts. Sounds like a lot of drug addicted politicians in DC. Since crack is the drug of choice for minorities because of cost and cocaine is the drug of choice for whites, DC needs drug sniffing dogs outside congress and the house of reps.


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