Mexico has replaced all 700 of its customs inspectors with agents newly trained to detect contraband, from guns and drugs to TVs and other big-ticket appliances smuggled to avoid import duties.

The shake-up — part of a broader effort to root out corruption and improve vigilance at Mexican ports with new technology — doubled the size of Mexico’s customs inspection force.

The inspectors at all 49 of Mexico’s customs points were replaced with 1,400 better-educated agents who have undergone background checks and months of training, Tax Administration Service spokesman Pedro Canabal said Sunday.

Meanwhile, the US is in trillions in debt, 17% real unemployment, the dollar is going down, and Obama is sightseeing.

  1. bobbo, irrelevant, you will be assimalated says:

    Its not relevant what the Mexicans do on the border. Only relevant what USA does. So, yes, by not revamping Border Patrol, USA is on the way down. By not legalizing drugs, Mexico and USA are on the Way Down.

    Down is like gravity==a constant force. The few forces ratcheting up the general welfare are few and far between. Replacing the corrupted, with the to be corrupted, is no change at all.

    I wish I could go on vacation. I hear it makes you think better, but Bush is good evidence that isn’t always true.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    And it will fail because they can not manage traffic. It is just going to cost you and I more money to make our side of the boarder a short term parking lot where you wait for inspection.

  3. Ron Larson says:

    Hummm… I drove across the US/Mex border at Lukeville, AZ a couple of weeks ago. The Mexican side agents were napping and didn’t even bother to look up. So I just drove on in.

    I fail to understand what the Mexicans do about their border controls has to do with “USA going down”. Nor what Obama taking a holiday break before Congress reconvenes and school for his girls starts, has to do with it.

  4. Faxon says:

    “I fail to understand what the Mexicans do about their border controls has to do with “USA going down”. Nor what Obama taking a holiday break before Congress reconvenes and school for his girls starts, has to do with it.”

    Me either. Who is this “Guilherme” anyway? Is he even an American? If not, who gives a shit what he thinks?

  5. Alex says:

    What has this got to do with “USA Going Down”? I mean, we totally are going down, but that’s besides the point. This is a dumb series of posts you’ve started.

    That said, The reason for the new guards is to stop US guns from flowing into Mexico. It affects Mexico more than us, although some gun manufacturers will probably see revenues drop. Time to short Smith & Wesson.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Looks like Mexico is taking an aggressive stance at stopping all those illegal aliens sneaking across the border from bankrupt California.

  7. jasmoran66 says:

    “USA is going down” series part 3: Writer with suspiciously foreign-sounding name infiltrates popular blog.

  8. ECA says:

    And the Iraq oil was supposed to pay for WHAT??

    Who cares, Charge it to the OIL CORPS..

  9. Jägermeister says:

    Guilherme… get real.

  10. bill says:

    OH? really?

  11. Great American says:

    What a silly non sequitur.

    I have a better story that has something to do with members of the Mexican army acting as armed escort to drug runners AND entering our country while doing so. Chew on that conspiracy Sherman! 🙂

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Great American,

    Sad to say, your conspiracy theory has a ring of truth to it.

    Maybe not now, but how long will it take for big drug money to corrupt these new border guards? Not long, I imagine.

    Still, I give credit to Mexican authorities for trying.

    (And, I don’t presume for a minute that drug money only corrupts cops south of the border.)

  13. cherenkov says:

    You should be happy that Obama is sightseeing. Without a little down time, the dude would burn out. It’s the same reason that I take 3 hour lunch breaks … so I can perform at my peak!

  14. Great American says:

    #12 You’re right…the money works on both sides and, likely, finds its way to DC.

    I don’t begrudge those folks who are tying to better their country. It may be tilting at windmills but you can’t stop trying to make a difference.

  15. chris says:

    #5 Yes, this is entirely about the guns.

    #6 Texas is much more likely to be economically effected by this, because that’s where most of the southbound guns are headed.

    The biggest reason Mexico is messed up, aside from the income disparity between us and them and the enormous profits to be made possible by drug prohibition, stems from how their government historically operated.

    When the Spanish were running wild in central and south America they didn’t feel like paying government officials. Local officials were expected to extract compensation for themselves from the population they governed. This entrepreneurial model extended to law enforcement.

    If you’re wondering what perfectly privatized government looks like look at Mexico. Right now the Mexican federal government has a bigger tit, the U.S, than the cartels were offering. That does not change the fact that Mexico is not an operating nation in any modern sense.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Chris,

    Local officials were expected to extract compensation for themselves from the population they governed. This entrepreneurial model extended to law enforcement.

    If you’re wondering what perfectly privatized government looks like look at Mexico.

    Interesting take. This gives “user fees” a whole new perspective.

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    Meanwhile, the US is in trillions in debt, 17% real unemployment, the dollar is going down, and Guilherme Cherman is wasting time posting on a blog!

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    Guilherme Cherman, ignore these idiots, they all have a case of posting envy. They questiion who you are, well, who the hell are they…

  19. RMP769 says:

    And we are wasting time reading it. Who is this guy??

  20. Timuchin says:

    Drugs follow money. When the Dollar dies under Obama, the drugs will go elsewhere. The illegal aliens will stream back to Mexico. End of problem….

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Timuchin,

    Any chance the religious nuts cakes will go with them?

  22. soundwash says:

    “The inspectors at all 49 of Mexico’s customs points were replaced with 1,400 better-educated agents”

    read: assets that wont question orders.

    btw…wasnt obama just in mexico like 4-5 days ago? -interesting timing.


  23. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred1 said, on August 16th, 2009 at 10:11 pm
    >> While Obama talks sacrifice, he parties every night…and goes on shopping trips…

    Conservatives don’t even bother to get their talking point straight… they complain that Obama is a lazy (black) man _WHILE AT THE SAME TIME_ complaining that he is going too fast with his agenda!


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