“Pretty nice, eh,” Obama said Sunday as the family took in the breathtaking view from the Grand Canyon’s Hopi Point under a magnificent blue sky and overlooking a 5,000-foot drop to the Colorado River. “Last time I was here was when I was 11 years old.” Asked by a ranger if it looked the same, he said, “It does!”

With the wonders of his country at his disposal, Obama did things that might seem a little out of his comfort zone. It’s safe to say that this Hawaiian-born president has spent more time on beaches and in cities than he has in the mountains of the West.

Update:I heard your comments, I’ll try to back up on these types of stories, I just think it is quite amusing that these politicians aren’t working.

I know Bush was on vacation all the time, but that doesn’t mean that Obama sucks too.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    #20-Obama has worked really hard his first 200 days…

    True, destroying the engine behind prosperity is hard work. As far as healtcare reform may I ask if you have had your end of life counseling?

    If not, perhaps I can help.

  2. loconavi says:

    What a moronic post! You are pissed off because the President is not working 24/7. You idiot the office of the president is 24/7. The man by himself does not run the show.
    You must be some kind of a loner with no social ties, no wife and kinds to be making these kinds of posts about people taking downtime. You write as if you caught him doing crack with a hooker.

  3. loconavi says:

    # 19
    “Hey guys, I think he should be working on rebuilding the health care bill, not on a tour with family.”

    REALLY! Please do a Wikipedia search on how laws come to be in the US. Do us a favor, take a US civics class while you are at it.

  4. Benjamin says:

    I’d rather Obama be off on vacation. At least he is not around the White House to sign stupid bills into stupid laws.

  5. dr. Xb0x says:

    Bush was on vacation before September 11th.

  6. SmarterThanYouAre says:

    Guilherme Cherman, after reading this stupid ignorant post I’ve decided to never read Dvorak’s blog again. Your brain is a mess.

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    I’m no wing-nut, and I think Obama spends too much time “campaig’n” and making personal aqppearances. But come on, I would begrudge the guy a few hours of piece and quiet at the Grand Canyon with his family.

    Oh, by the way… What Bush did or didn’t do, is a childish argument, grow up people. Judge this President on what “HE” does or doesn’t do…

  8. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #38, agreed.

  9. RMP769 says:

    Most retarted post ever on this blog

  10. “Guilherme Cherman”

    I suggest a name change.

  11. Alex says:

    Guiherme Cherman = New Master Troll in charge. The beginning of the end of this blog.

  12. klippoth says:

    So let me get this straight. He doesn’t get a single day off until Utopia is established, is that right?

    Just askin’…

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    Whoops! My post (#38) should have been “I wouldn’t begrudge…”

    My bad…

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    Funny thing is that most “real jobs” people have, you can’t even take a 2 day vacation with out working at the place for at least 2 years, if not more. Once i read an employee manual for a gas station that said I couldn’t take a 2 weeks vacation until after TEN years.

  15. The0ne says:

    The article comment is ludicrous to say the least. One does not need to work til death because things are difficult. No one does this. NO ONE. And this shouldn’t be expected of anyone working in ANY field and position.

    Seriously, if you think Obama or someone else should work ONLY why is it that you are on here blogging away? Surely you’re not doing it because it’s your job. And as for Guilherme Cherman, since it is your job don’t take bathroom breaks or spend time with your family! Spend all your time serving US! 🙂

  16. web says:

    #20 Greg Allen said, “Obama has worked really hard his first 200 days…

    So, I don’t begrudge him some family time.”

    That’s damned good of you Greg. What a guy!

  17. RSweeney says:

    I believe Will Rogers once said that America was never so safe as when the president is sleeping.

    Obama needs to take more vacation, and take Reid and Pelosi with him.

  18. Delta Dan says:

    Guilherme Cherman, look at all the pig apples you knocked off the tree!
    loconavi, one tends to lead by example and if he is always taking time off then think about what the rest of the government is going to think. Genius, let me tell you, they are going to think they can draw an easy paycheck too. You can’t expect them to work harder when he is sitting on his brain like Bush did. Reagan worked his ass off and I don’t remember Clinton always being somewhere else than at work, yes he was getting bj’s, but at least he was at work.
    Guilherme, you broke 2 cardinal sins for this blog, you put down Obama AND you didn’t bash a cop! Uncle Dave’s gonna drop the soap the next time he sees you, keep the KY handy!

  19. Central Scrutinizer says:

    Kudos to our first Hawaiian-born mixed-race president for finding time in the most demanding job in the world for his kids and a short summer vacation. Though he’s really disappointing in a certain corporate-friendly way. Reminds me too much of Bill Clinton in his approach to Congress.

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    Congress is not in session, the members have gone home to their constituents; there’s not much for President Obama to do in Washington that he can’t as easily do elsewhere.

    In other news, #24 Somebody said:

    “A computer-generated graphic can’t have a birth certificate!
    This guy only exists on video.”

    Ding ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!


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