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  1. Chriswsm says:

    Damn thats fast. Makes my best of 12.2 look awful :o(

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Nice! Jamaica man!

  3. chuck says:

    It doesn’t count – he’s not American.

  4. green says:

    Ben johnson. Best Eva!!!

  5. Barry says:

    Ben Johnson is SOOOOO .22 seconds ago!!

  6. bobbo, I don't have to, but I will protest says:

    Nobody cares about sports. Tangents might help therefore Jag’s video, completely irrelevant, is good.

    My post about the fastest man alive was actually even almost relevant.

    YOU are the editor. For yourself, can you verbalize your rule, or is it just emotions?

    I’ve heard it said we can’t talk about race in America. Or joke either?

  7. bobbo, on the other hand says:

    Maybe I missed posting my joke myself and you are an innocent?

    In advance–I apologize.

    The fastest man alive is David Dukes catching a cab in South Chicago.

  8. jopa says:

    I can run faster.

  9. is “Bolt” his real name? or has he earned that nickname from his amazing speed, i wonder

  10. green says:

    #5 – Ben Johnson is SOOOOO .22 seconds ago!!

    Would’ve been .21 if Carl Lewis didn’t spike his gatorade in Seoul.

  11. Lalas_EFO says:

    #9 According to Wikipedia, yes, his fullname is Usain St. Leo Bolt.

  12. Travis McCoy says:

    I watched him get the world record on his run in the Olympics. He had everyone else in the race crushed and started celebrating his victory 10-20 meters before the finish line.

    It would seem like he gave himself some room in that Olympic run to win his own record again. Although I don’t think he was out to win a world record with that Olympic run, just win the gold metal at the Olympics.

  13. gmknobl says:

    Great for him! Fantastic record.

    I really hope that he’s not on PEDs. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn’t have that nasty and sudden upper body build like other stars of track, baseball, and other sports. We’ll probably find out if not 20 years down the road when health problems threaten him.

    Not that non-bicycle sports test that much for PEDs anyway. Most governing bodies just don’t want to know or threaten the status quo.

    As Fox Mulder said “I want to believe.”

    But seriously, freaky fast, mon!

  14. skatterbrainz says:

    Yeah, but can he write code?


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