A man suspected of making threats against the White House was pulled from his car Thursday after an hours-long standoff in the parking lot of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles.

The man had refused to leave his red Volkswagen Beetle and withstood four rounds of chemical agents tossed inside the car after police broke a rear window. About an hour later, officers shot out the drivers window with a bean bag gun and pulled him out.

This story is so funny and weird, you have to keep reading it. By the way, this was mentioned on the latest episode of No Agenda.

  1. bobbo, my how the law changes says:

    It “used to be” that to be taken as a threat the government had to reasonably believe that the person making the threat was in a position to take action.

    The example of the time was “suppose someone threatens to blow up the White House but they are living in Los Angeles?” Answer–no threat.

    The law evolves. Meanwhile, Rush calls Obama a Nazi and is still on the air.

  2. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #1, Limbaugh compared him to a Nazi. Many people compare many other people to Nazis — it’s called freedom of speech.

  3. ECA says:


    Comparing an individual to a NAZI, is really stupid.
    NAZI had other behind them, HELPING assisting, covering their backs..
    1 person TRYING to get justice and assistance, ISNT A NAZI.

  4. bobbo, heh, heh, the baby has no candy says:

    #2–Guilherme==yes, AND THATS MY POINT.

    Its as much a threat as the kid in LA. Rather knee-jerk to stop thinking after identifying the area of discussion as “free speech.”

    Its as much a threat as the kid in LA. Now, compare/contrast the two situations.

  5. ECA says:

    “Detective Gus Villanueva said Moshe was booked on two previous unrelated misdemeanor warrants but did not provide details. Officials later said he was taken to a hospital for observation.”

    OK, 8 hours for FULL swat team and they arrest him on WHAT??

    if’ HE MADE THE CALL AND FULLY KNEW WHAT HE DID..I would find the reasoning.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Remember the whiners in the previous post about the cop tasering the woman that was asking for it? I guess they went overboard here too. I long for the good old days when they just gave wood shampoos with the night stick. The stitches and broken bones last a long time, the tasering just causes them to do some involuntary aerobics. They should ask the individuals what they prefer.

  7. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #4, got it.

  8. jim says:

    Christ, for an old man sitting in a bug on the other side of the country they had , Police cars, a swat team, the secret service,armored tanks, black opps vehicles, a microwave antennae truck, they even had a robot for crying out loud. Plus he withstood being tear gassed, pepper sprayed and tazered. Ya, don’t look over here nothing to see.

  9. deowll says:

    Making a threat that is recorded is now a sure way to do a crash and burn even if you have no ability to carry through on the threat.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Drill a hole on the roof of the car… pour in ants… the sucker will be out in minutes. Imagine the amount of cash they could have saved.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    #10 Jag

    LOL. The cops should have remembered the ACME brand cans of ants that they have on hand for such an occassion.

  12. jealousmonk says:

    #6, yes this is very much like that incident. I thought for a moment it was a duplicate posting.

  13. Miguel says:

    THE GUY WAS IN LA?!?!?!?!??!!?!

    I read all of this thinking… so, where’s the bizarre of it? Then it slowly started dawning…

    The guy was in L frakking A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. orangetiki says:

    Good. You threaten the main office of the government where I live? I hope the pig zaps your ass until the fumes from your skin start to sizzle like bacon.

    Free speech is one thing, threats are another. You can say the government sucks, but don’t threaten people. do something positive to change. It’s like talking to a rock.

  15. killUSA says:

    please just blow up the whitehouse and get everyone out of power in this shit hole called the US. We sit back and watch them bully us around and we do nothing!!!!! fucking people, stand up for your selves!!! i fucking hate this country so bad!!
    We are slowly signing away our rights and not doing sit about it.
    FUCK AMERICA!!!!!!!!


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