This can’t be a good sign.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private philanthropy fund, sold off almost all of its pharmaceutical, biotechnology and health-care investments in the quarter ended June 30, according to a regulatory filing published Friday.

The Seattle-based charity endowment, set up by Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates and his wife, sold its total holding of 2.5 million shares in health-care giant Johnson & Johnson in the quarter, according to the filing.

The foundation also sold millions of shares in major drug makers, including 14.9 million shares in Schering-Plough Corp., almost 1 million shares in Eli Lilly & Co., 8.1 million shares in Merck & Co. and 3.7 million shares in Wyeth, over the same time period. The foundation no longer holds shares in any of those companies.
The foundation’s decision to drastically reduce its exposure to health-related stocks is striking, as many of its charity grants have been disbursed to address developing country health issues. Its move comes against the background of anxiety among drugmakers and healthcare insurance firms about the potential impact of the Obama administration’s proposed overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, which could put pressure on prescription drug prices.

  1. Amsterdamned says:

    Maybe they figure Baxter’s Swine Flu vaccine is going to depopulate the planet anyway so why bother with saving people.

  2. Dallas says:

    Seems premature that Gates would reason that drug price gouging will go away any time soon.

    The ginormous drug industry with the help of their GOP proxies has managed to drown debate.

    The strategy of hired mob shouting, violence and fear mongering with death panels has been quite effective.

    I don’t see healthcare reform in this country anytime soon. The drug industry is likely to milk this industry for a LONG time.

  3. bobbo, never news, always misdirection says:

    I only wish Obama could pass an OVERHAUL: which would be single payer, universal coverage, death panels, abortion on demand, health/prevention oriented. Just to begin with.

    Bias: reporting mere frittering at the edge as some kind of overhaul.


  4. bobbo, but what is more interesting says:

    If you had billions to “make the world a better place” how could that best be done?

    Making people more healthy seems like mostly a waste of money to me. So more will survive so they can die in a war or of starvation later?

    Seems to me basic research/development of renewable ENERGY would be the ticket and let THAT trickle down to all the other areas that could use improvement.

    Or, education so the tyranny of religion and tribalism and nationalism could be lifted?

    But not healthcare.

  5. Weary Reaper says:

    If the greediest people in the world are bailing out of the health care business because they’re afraid the insane profits are about to revert to normal, everyday-type-business profits, that’s a good sign for everyone else, isn’t it?

  6. HEMPCARE says:

    OBama should invest in real solutions
    I want Hemp food, clothing shelter, energy, jobs

    It is an organic crop and does not need pesticides or herbicides to grow.

    Once we get our hemp right there will be less sick.

    America will once again be a lean healthy society.

    The minerals and nutrients that are present in Hemp food will provide amazing health benefits. Everyone who has a clue knows what I am saying. Before we sign away more trillions lets start raking in the billions from the ultimate crop that can grow in most of the U.S.

    Acai Berries are a super food but they grow in the amazon. Soy contains Estrogen, Flax contains it as well.

    Dear Feds let us put our money where our mouths are. Let us eat our ways to health.

  7. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #10 I have trouble finding the least bit of relevance between your post and the article. Just saying.

  8. MikeN says:

    It’s a mistake to think drug company prices will go down. They are spending $150 million to sell ObamaCare, so clearly they are making money off of it.

  9. mary c says:

    Where’s the foundation called “Provide Clean Water and Enough Food To Every Human Being On The Planet In Order To Provide The Foundation of Health Health Foundation”?

    All of these other foundations are ego driven money laundering schemes where they keep the cycle of funding appearing back into their own portfolios as they decide where to allocate funding that makes them the most money.

  10. Nom de Guerre says:

    #6’s personal attack of #4 is painful to read. So your educated response is to call #4 naive, invoke the Kennedys, and then claim “we” are not as “stupid” as #4 is?

    Who is this “we”? Why don’t you present an argument based on critical thought? What #4 said is so innocuous it must have really got to you (why would it get to you so if there is no truth to it?)

    whichever “we” #6 is referring to, I am not part of it.

  11. Nom de Guerre says:

    #15 if you are going to be a troll, do it with some style. Is demagogue your favorite word?

    Oh, and I am in awe at your dexterity at using spell check.

  12. Griffy says:

    Maybe they are getting out to avoid a conflict of interest, in case they want to directly fund vaccines, etc.

  13. bobbo, I'm shocked, SHOCKED, at these attacks says:

    So painful, its funny.

    #14–nom==correctly criticizes Pedro for making ad hominem.

    Then after a completely appropriate respond from Pedro ((except, I can only guess at what a “wet beard” means==not standard imagery yet, but I love the creative use of language)) you flip into robust ad hominem yourself at #17.

    What I’d like to see is more foundational elements in a post. Kennedy is “known” for being “Mr Healthcae for the people.” Pedro posts as if he is Mr Insider for Drug Profits.

    No body interesting cares about the give and take of a bustling interchange==but information is critical.

    Is Kennedy a drug dupe or not?

  14. sargasso says:

    #18. that makes sense to me. They’re obviously not doing it for the money.

  15. bobbo, I didn't know stupid was a competition says:

    Soundwash, I’m guessing you want to be taken seriously? Which of your electromagnetic circuits has gone awry?

    Here is a universal formula for stupid:

    All things are controlled by X.

    You fill in the X. God, The Will, Pure Blood, Good Intentions, Electromagnetics.

    We all know a good crap fixes everything.

  16. deowll says:

    I go with #1. Way to much uncertainty.

    I watched a Fox panel today that had the guy in charge of putting together the Senate’s by partisan panel that is writing the Senate version of the health care bill as a guest. He seemed astute and I think they are doing a good job. He’s taking his time, listening to feed back, and waiting till he gets cost estimates before adding parts. So far they are coming in under budget at least on paper.

    When asked about Obama’s health care plan the guy said Obama doesn’t have a health care plan. The Senate has a health care plan. The House has the Nancy Palousie plan and a few other plans are floatling around.

    I think that pretty much sums up why Obama is having so much trouble selling his health care plan to to the public.

    That and the fact that the Nancy Palousie plan as first presented and even as it still is contains provisions that make a lot of independents and Democrats freak out. Nancy may have enough votes to ram it through anyway but if they do I think a lot of House members won’t be back. You don’t cross your voters.

  17. soundwash says:

    bobbo, your ignorance and arrogance never seizes to amaze me.

    you know nothing about what i’m talking about, yet you speak as if your a peer reviewed authority on the subject..

    the reason why you’ve never heard of this aspect of medicine or biology is because it has been kept under heavy lock and key, especially here in the states.

    magnetic stimulation of tissue has been known since 1896.

    take a look through this Google Scholar search result. -hundreds of university research papers study all aspects of this field.

    -you do remember that these papers get published because someone is funding them, yes?

    -and that typically, in this fine, Capitalist society, its a safe bet that at least half of those studies are done because there is a strong profit motive to do so, yes?

    still think this is *stupid* or
    pie in the sky thinking?

    perhaps even your feeble, tiny mind can grasp the fact that every atom in the universe functions because of the electrical relationship between the protons and neutrons in its nucleus and the electron(s) orbiting
    them. -and that the electrons are bound to the nucleus electromagnetically -and those same electrons determine the chemical properties of an element, as well as strongly influence an atom’s magnetic properties.

    KEY WORD here is magnetic.. -yes, its that simple.

    tune or resonate an electromagnetic field [pulse] properly and you can manipulate the atoms of *anything* quite easily.

    take a look at how a mass spectrometer works for another angle.

    also..where ever there is an electrical current, you’ll find a magnetic field.. whenever you have two magnetic fields interacting, a current will be produced.

    can you see how stupid simple this stuff is?

    when “pulsing” living cells(your body), think of the magnetic pulse coil as the primary coil and your body as the secondary coil.

    pulse the primary coil and a current is *induced* (see: Induction) in the secondary coil(your cells or body, –cells of your body)


    -see, its friggen eighth grade science!

    stupid simple..get it, stupid?


    (extra credit: look up how electric potentials effect cell biology and health.)

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    “…every atom in the universe functions because of the electrical relationship between the protons and neutrons in its nucleus and the electron(s) orbiting
    them. -and that the electrons are bound to the nucleus electromagnetically -and those same electrons determine the chemical properties of an element, as well as strongly influence an atom’s magnetic properties.”

    I hate to nit-pick (oh, who am I kidding — I LOVE it!) but the interactions between protons and neutrons are governed by the strong force. The neutron, being electrically neutral (thus the name) doesn’t feel the electromagnetic force. The rest is okay, though.

    “-talk about a vivid imagination, eh?”

    I’ll say!

  19. Nupek says:

    health benefits offered by morning walk
    The secret of longevity for a major section of people who are ‘ octogenarians ‘ – That is People who are in their eighties would be morning walk which was done for decades. People have nowadays gradually started realizing the importance of morning walk in shaping the health of human body. But still there are umpteen number of people who do not unwind themselves from their mechanical lives. Technological advancements have made life more simpler in all respects but we humans must also pay the price for it if we do not allocate time in our hectic schedule for some physical work like walking or visiting Gym’s. Around fifteen years ago, TV remotes were rarely found in houses and hence we used to walk at least for changing channels. But now ? Sitting hours together in front of the idiot box, continuously feeding the stomach with snacks or sweets, leading to obesity. If you question a doctor on the health benefits offered by walking he would give you a long lecture. Let us see some of the benefits.
    1) It is a stress buster which instills a feeling of freshness to the body as well as mind.
    2) blood circulation is promoted, reducing greatly the chances of high blood pressure.
    3) Checks obesity by burning unnecessary calories of fat in the body.
    4) It makes the joints more strong and hence people would be less susceptible to Orthopedic troubles associated with old age.
    5) Chases away neck pain and back pains.
    6) If you go walk in a park surrounded by trees, you will inhale more fresh air, containing higher concentration of oxygen, thereby bringing down breathing problems too.
    7) Keeps sugar levels under control.


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