Judging by the escalating boos and catcalls, squirting lighter fluid on burning coals would have been wiser. Beck is a hero to many people who are not buying the Age of Obama, and so is Fox. The network was already on pace for its best ratings year even before the health care debate sent viewership jumping during a traditionally slow month for news.

Fox’s viewership is up 11 percent over last year, according to Nielsen Media Research. CNN and MSNBC, which benefited from interest in the campaign last year, are down. O’Reilly, who already had cable news’ most popular show, Beck and Sean Hannity lead the way.

“Who’s that going to help?” O’Reilly said. “Us, that’s who. Our ratings are already soaring because we don’t denigrate the protesters, the way a lot of other TV news organizations do. They’re dying. We’re on fire.”

The US population is generally center-to-right and they are basically the only ones criticizing the government, so this is expected.

I consider myself a pro-liberty conservative, but Fox’s hosts are just nut-cases that contradict themselves.

  1. bobbo, its a zero sum game says:

    If you don’t read a book or magazine beyond “Guns and Ammo” for the pictures, what else is left?

    TV and Radio.

    It all makes perfect sense and would be rather sad any other way.

    This could all be rationally accounted for: come election time, your vote counts one half less for each year that you have not read a book.

    Elitist? Well, yes, but I got the idea from watching Glenn Beck.

  2. Bob says:

    For the most part, the mainstream media contributed in large part to getting Obama elected. Now that he is in, they don’t want to say bad things about him, unless they really, really have to.

    So here comes fox news, whos news reporting is to the right of center (and commentary that is right wing), while every other major new media is full on left wing loonys. The result is that the center and right go to the channel that’s not a cheer leader for the current administration, and the other channels are left with the left wingers.

    Since their are more Right Wingers and Center’s, then Left Wingers, you have a situation where fox news ratings go up.

  3. Dall says:

    Guilherme, are you new to Dvorak Uncensored? I’m just wondering who’s this person who’s writing so frequently now.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    Actually I watch several news programs but Fox seems to be the only one where they will actually provide both sides of the issue. Yes, they are skewed to the right but at least they will put both sides up to discuss things. MSM is just one big love fest for Obomba.

    I have not seen one of them get a thrill running up their leg………..

  5. Reganvelter says:

    C’mon the last thing these Dipshits need is encouragement.
    The only thing that motivates them is the thought of sobering up and finding work.

  6. Howard Beale says:

    Of course having Obama in the Whitehouse helps FNC.
    Those who don’t want impartial news but just want the shop around to find a channel that will reaffirm what they want to believe only have Fox. Most of the rest have more fair and balance editing but you might have your views challenged. Don’t worry it’s only TV news none of them will ask you to think. If you are on the Left and want your beliefs reaffirm there’s MSNBC but most on the left consider many viewpoints and make up there own minds finding MSNBC to full of them themselves. For some reason Fox viewers are Ok with Fox being patronizing. I guess they like being spoon feed their Kool-Aid

  7. Ranger007 says:

    #4 said “I have not seen one of them get a thrill running up their leg……….”

    and then to be fair and balanced

    #5 said “C’mon the last thing these Dipshits need is encouragement. The only thing that motivates them is the thought of sobering up and finding work.”

  8. nospam says:

    Nice to see fox and the GOP back to pretending to be for smaller, less intrusive government again. Of course it’s a lie, but then so is most of what obama says.

  9. vw says:

    Seems to me that Fox was dominating ratings even when Bush was in office, so uhhh NO

    @nospam: righton brotha.

  10. Reganvelter says:

    I don’t wish to be fair and balanced.
    What I meant to say was:

    The only thing that motivates them is the fear of sobering up and finding work.

    Funny that Palin,the GOP and Blue Dogs were for Corporate Death Panels but started the Government Death Panel myth as a scare tactic to get Grandma off the blue and orange flowered strato lounger and down to the local GOP headquarters to get on the short bus to the townhall meeting.
    That is fair and balanced,right?

  11. Dallas says:

    I watch Fox every once in a while to see what brands to avoid.

  12. Faxon says:

    I don’t watch television for news at all. I work for television news, and it is all shit.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Faxon…then you’re safe watching Fox, no news there, just constant commentary.

  14. bobbo, the best reason to watch Faux says:

    is so that you can understand Olbermann’s rants.

    That and the babes. Nice to see well spoken hot young babes on TV giving some version of the news. Also funny to see them go into that 1000 mile stare when not repeating what comes across their ear pieces.

    Tv just really doesn’t get any better.

  15. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #3, I am a new editor here.

  16. bobbo, wisdom comes with age says:

    #16–Guilherme==yes, welcome. Only a new editor would respond to criticism regardless of validity. There is a half-life of about 2 weeks before you will Imperiously ignore your readers and then actually intend to mislead.


  17. bac says:

    Well, now that bobbo has spoken the new editor pattern, there goes the betting pool.

  18. Dallas says:

    I hope Eidard is still around as he had it together. But welcome Guilherme.

    Are Eidard and Guilherme real names? Just asking as they sound very mythical in a Jason and the Argonauts sort of way.

  19. Jim w. says:

    no, but MSNBC at least and maybe CNN apparently need a Bush in office to get ratings.

    (no puns or sophomoric jokes intended)

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    Network news is an abomination in all forms. My only interest is in its deconstruction.

  21. Paul Camp says:

    “The US population is generally center-to-right”

    And your evidence for that is . . . ?

    Certainly not the results of the last two elections. They say center left.

  22. jbenson2 says:

    Fox blew out the competition during the Bush era as well.

    The major difference is the public is beginning to see the shoddy and biased reporting done by the other media.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Probably the only comparison is Limbaugh. His ratings dipped during GWB. They spiked when a black man became president.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jbenson, I dispute that. The last place in the world you can get accurate information about anything is Fox.

  25. Jägermeister says:

    Does Fox need Obama in office for good ratings?

    No, because Fox News cater to simpletons. In other words, they’re just watering down reality and twist it a couple times to fit the average American simpleton. And as many people have already pointed out… They did well during the Bush regime as well.

    #17 – bobbo – There is a half-life of about 2 weeks before you will Imperiously ignore your readers and then actually intend to mislead.


  26. jbenson2 says:

    #25 – Olo Baggins of Bywater

    So you are concerned about accuracy. What media do you rely on?

    The Messiah worshippers like MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, ABC, CBS, NBC?

  27. qb says:

    It’s all about the bimbos in miniskirts trying not to flash themselves in front of the camera. It’s a day long college drinking game.

  28. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jbenson…”messiah worshippers”? Is that code for “everything other than Fox”?

  29. Glenn E. says:

    All these fans of FNC have to do is wait 3.5 more years, until they can elect a more fascist dictator to their liking. And then all these self-righteous republican conservatives can bask in the glory of having another Hitler in office. Then Fox News and all will truly be proud to call themselves an Amerikkkan.

    I believe more republicans have just been so brainwashed to think of any Democratic president as the Anti-Christ, that they wouldn’t accept even the whitest, most god espousing democratic candidate for the office. They’d rather have the devil incarnate, as president. As long as he or she was a true blue Republican. As if what stupid party, any of these clowns happens to below to at the time, makes the least bit difference. But that’s what the American voter has come to. They vote for a label, a brand name. Because real issues, seem to be beyond their understanding. Especially a lot of the elder, who just throw their hands up and vote their party because they always have.

    I’ve given up on the whole electoral system, as it’s mostly a pointless waste of time. And whoever gets in office will simply end up doing whatever the most powerful lobbies tell them that they better do (or get wacked!). Right now, Obama is trying to figure out how to get out of all those reforms he promised. By going to a lot of places where they hate his guts, and refute his plans. So he can soon say, “The American people don’t want cheap health care. So I won’t pursue it.” It would be nice if these Town Halls had more of the millions of uninsured, that would like to see some basic coverage, that shouldn’t interfere with the Private Insurance’s bottom line, too much. But it looks like they’re mainly populated by those that have the income and a good private plan, that they can afford the time to show up and scream about others getting a freebie on their backs.

    Maybe these idiots ought to get a little history education. It was the untreated poor that spread the plagues of Europe and England. Yeah, do nothing. Oppose everything. And sit back and wait for the next population wipeout, to come our way. Because it will eventually come. And all the super expensive private health care plans won’t stop it. As long as a 20% of the population can’t afford anything.

  30. Great American says:


    The left side of the bell curve would be the lower 50%. 🙂

    I think you meant “below the 75th percentile”.


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