Judging by the escalating boos and catcalls, squirting lighter fluid on burning coals would have been wiser. Beck is a hero to many people who are not buying the Age of Obama, and so is Fox. The network was already on pace for its best ratings year even before the health care debate sent viewership jumping during a traditionally slow month for news.

Fox’s viewership is up 11 percent over last year, according to Nielsen Media Research. CNN and MSNBC, which benefited from interest in the campaign last year, are down. O’Reilly, who already had cable news’ most popular show, Beck and Sean Hannity lead the way.

“Who’s that going to help?” O’Reilly said. “Us, that’s who. Our ratings are already soaring because we don’t denigrate the protesters, the way a lot of other TV news organizations do. They’re dying. We’re on fire.”

The US population is generally center-to-right and they are basically the only ones criticizing the government, so this is expected.

I consider myself a pro-liberty conservative, but Fox’s hosts are just nut-cases that contradict themselves.

  1. Common_Sense says:

    In a country roughly split 50-50 on political bent, when the majority of people can’t be bothered to THINK for themselves and see the world is never as black and white as the zealots on any side would have you believe…

    An extreme right-winger has just one news station that is going to represent their views.

    An extreme left-winger can pretty much be satisfied with the coverage from any of CNN, MSNBC, BBC… (More and more, the left wing zealots are going to end up at MSNBC though, because Olbie and Maddow are taking cues from the right-wing group on how to spoonfeed your base what it wants to hear.

    As a result, FOX viewership is going to beat the others, and probably will for some time, regardless of who is President.

    Now, I’ll be honest – my political bent is pretty sympathetic to Olberman and Maddow, but I actually watch FOX news almost as much (and prefer CNN to both). God forbid we challenge ourselves with someone else’s views. I’d watch them both more if they made an attempt at the truth instead of packaging neatly digestible morsels to one side or the other…

    Blah, now I’m going to bed depressed.

  2. Somebody says:

    “Are Eidard and Guilherme real names?”

    ’bout as real as Corbin Dallas.

  3. eaglescout1998 says:

    # 22 The reason why Republicans have been defeated in the last few elections is because they have been governing like Democrats. If given the choice between a watered-down version of a Democrat and the genuine article, voters will choose the latter every time.

    The other problem with the GOP is that they have been operating on the premise that if they pander the the elusive “independent voter”, they will win more votes. Occasionally commentators will say that to win the primaries a candidate must pander to the extremes — the extreme left for Democrats and the extreme right for Republicans — but that to win in the general election he must move back to the center. This tactic seems to work for Democrats. With the possible exception of Obama, when Democrats ran as liberals, they lost. When they ran as moderates, they won. However, the same cannot be said for Republicans. Republicans have historically lost elections when their nominees ran as moderates (ie. John McCain, Bob Dole). Ronald Reagan was the most conservative candidate in my lifetime and he won the biggest landslide in American political history.

  4. bobbo, forever trapped in the Scouts says:

    #35–eagle==what badge are you working towards?

    Being able to handle more than one variable per issue? Recall your fire starting badge? You needed two sticks but then you had to rub real fast. That was TWO variables. Most issues have more than one variable.

    Keep working. That sash looks good on you.

  5. Perwinkle says:

    I make a point of watching both Fox and MSNBC in the morning hoping between them I would get some of kind the truth. However if you want to see a one sided, biased, brain dead, biased liberal rant, watch MSNBC at night. It is state owned television at its best. There is no alternative views allowed. There is a constant bashing of Fox and middle America to the point it makes me laugh. I hope GE gets its Obama blood money for selling their integrity,they deserve it.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    FOX SPEWS appeals to those who don’t like to think, those who need their hatred stoked periodically. Does FOX even have any reporters on staff?

    CNN presents balanced news coverage, but then they bog down with too many pundits who don’t know any other type of work than trying to explain something with a different twist than the jerk beside them.

    MSNBC is similar to CNN only they use babes to present their news.

    CNBC and FBC are keep flipping spots on the TV guide.

    The Major TV News reports are all pretty good, although the best is FOX doesn’t have one.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #37 periwinkle…I’m curious…what do you think of the Dumb and Dumber and Dumberer show on Fox in the mornings?

  8. bobbo, we'll never get an answer but, says:

    #37–periwinkle==I’ll be shocked if you can respond at all, but being fair and balanced and all: can you give an example of a rant that you thought was brain dead?

    On the other hand, I agree with you that several rants I have seen were one sided, liberal, and biased. I recall the subjects were torture is bad, tax cuts aren’t the answer to every issue, and religion should not be substituted for science. What opposing view do you think should have been added to approach “the truth.”


  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Fox must be doing something right, they have all you jerk-offs watching them…

    What? You don’t watch them? Then you’re not qualified to judge them ARE YOU!!!

  10. gmknobl says:

    I don’t believe your statement that the U.S. population is generally center to right. By whose biased polls?

    Fox sucks rotten eggs for all the lies they tell and promulgate and to a lesser extent, so do other media outlets since the age of the fairness doctrine went away and yellow journalistic sensationalist seeking owners got to do what they wanted but that doesn’t excuse inaccurate or incorrect claims such as this one.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hahaw! I was right all along. The best thing that could happen to conservative media was for Obama to win the presidential election. Everyone at the end of the Bush Jr. was tired of listening conservative TV/Radio hosts treating people who disagreed with Cheney/Rove as traitors to the U.S. nation.

  12. Gawdmachine says:

    To think that Fox or MSNBC (or anyone else on MSM) will give you factual reporting is to live a lie.

    I’m having trouble finding one talking head anywhere that isn’t deserving of the label, “traitor.”

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Dallas asks: “Are Eidard and Guilherme real names?”

    I have no idea about Eideard, but Guilherme looks to me like a form of William. In Spanish there is Guillermo, in Italian Guglielmo and so on.

    So Welcome, Bill!


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