Under the rules, swimmers – including non-Muslims – are barred from entering the pool in normal swimming attire. Instead they are told that they must comply with the “modest” code of dress required by Islamic custom, with women covered from the neck to the ankles and men, who swim separately, covered from the navel to the knees.

At Loxford School in Ilford, east London, a local Muslim group organises weekly sessions for Muslim men, with the warning that “it is compulsory for the body to be covered between the navel and the knees. “Anyone not adhering to the dress code or rules within the pool will not be allowed to swim”.

Discrimination against Muslims or Catholics or Jews isn’t OK, but against non-Muslims, go for it.

  1. Hugh Ripper says:

    #32 Bobbo

    Ahh and so we have it. Muslims are the ENEMY. This is the reason behind all your confused claptrap and magic numbers. Its Christian VS Muslim everyone. Heaven VS Paradise. Get your seats while you can.

  2. bobbo, cant see the forrest for the trees says:

    #35–Gee Hugh==I STARTED at #7 with:

    “Silly to allow non-tolerant fascist religions into any country. Keep them locked up festering in their own.” // YOU are the one that constantly argues with the ASSUMPTION this applies to all Muslims.

    I suspect you are strongly a Fascist Muslim trying to nose his way in under the tent.

    ALL I have asked for is an analysis of the question/risk. Its only once we have an answer that firm values apply.

    Maybe a few more years in language school will give your cabal the covertness you really do need.

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    #36 Bobbo

    When you talk about not allowing a religion into a country OF COURSE it applies to all followers of that religion. This is another example of confused thinking.

    And the correct spelling is forest. I assume you’re not referring to Gump. 😛

  4. bobbo, says:

    #37–Hugh==stop trying to confuse me. You can’t post all stupid and then alternate with a good sense of humor. OR – I guess your lack of consistency gets demonstrated 5-6 ways?

    “When you talk about not allowing a religion into a country OF COURSE it applies to all followers of that religion.” /// Of course, thats right. But I don’t think monolithically–if there was only one Muslim religion of concern there would be no numerator and denominator. The arab muslim branch is much more theocratic than the Indonesia branch for instance. Religion/Sect/Group/Church/Leader–definitions are important.

    I can’t spel, and I can’t tipe. Its all part of my anti-authoritarian complex.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    #38 Bobbo

    A reasonable attempt at a save but I’m afraid I’m gonna red card this thread. It has become irreparably tangled.

  6. jpfitz says:

    #21 bobbo

    “Doesn’t matter what I think though as long as I can fool the ladies.”

    Yes indeed.

  7. Freddie Fernwall says:

    I’ve swum naked with persons of both genders. I have swum naked with naked Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The Vale of Kashmir which is Muslim has a lake in which children of both types swim nude. Naked girls grab onto passing boat and yell and giggle to let you know that they are there.


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