I think the gun mavens are too paranoid about this bill, but it is very onerous towards anyone who has any sort of firearm. Besides the tax on all guns owned one of the riders floating around makes it so you will have to list all your guns every year on your income tax form. This bill stems from a gang shooting that killed an honor student in Chicago. Does anyone think that the provisions in this bill would have kept a gun out of the hands of the gang member? It makes no sense. There seems to be a desire to leave the public helpless while gang members are armed to the teeth. How is that good? This bill was introduced earlier this year and now seems to be finally getting some attention.

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. Improbus says:

    This bill will be shot down … Gangland style.

  2. right says:

    “Dangerous anti gun laws!”. Har, what a joke this guy is. The world laughs.

  3. Joe says:

    The bill will go nowhere.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Fortunately, this bill was apparently DOA, but like a rotting Zombie corpse, it could rise again.

    The question remains, “There seems to be a desire to leave the public helpless while gang members are armed to the teeth. How is that good?”

    Not good, PERFECT! That is if you want the people to be more afraid and more dependent.

  5. Riker17 says:

    This bill will be made into law. I oppose it and all decent, law-abiding, gun-toting Americans oppose it. The Brady bill was not likely to pass and it did, so what makes you think this has any less of a chance of passage? I will state here and now, if this bill becomes law, I will ignore its provisions and statutes. I will become a law-breaking citizen proud to uphold the 2nd Amendment. Do not forget that the 2nd protects all the other amendments as well as life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness here in America!

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Let’s take a look at the community organizer’s home town:

    “Gun violence is so pervasive in Chicago because of the sheer number of gang members, according to Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis.”

    “We have the largest gang population of any city in the United States,” Weis says. “The only city that rivals us is Los Angeles.”

    This bill, just like the Brady Bill, have no impact on the true source of violence: criminals.

  7. pecker says:

    Apologies if this is not directly related to the subject, but this post made me wonder about the following:

    Has there ever been an occasion where a law was abolished, regulation relaxed or personal freedom extended at the expense of less control by government? Does anyone know or can cite an example? I can’t come up with one.

    It’s not just gun laws – I don’t care much for guns personally – I’m talking about ALL activities that you could possibly do as an individual.

  8. Weary Reaper says:

    I can only hope this Bill never passes.

    The more illiterate, insane Americans who are encouraged to own and utilize guns anonymously the better, I always say.

    It’s good for business.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    jbenson2, if you haven’t already read this, you should.

    A very good http://tinyurl.com/The-Belgian-Corporal" rel="nofollow">true story about the dangers of gun registration.

  10. diazamet says:

    Don’t think I’ll ever understand America’s obsession with guns.

  11. JimR says:

    That’s a very sensible bill. It’s not perfect, but it’s about the best effort I’ve seen. I hope it passes… perhaps with a more reasonable waiting period of 30 days after application, instead of just 2.

  12. GetReal says:

    “Has there ever been an occasion where a law was abolished, regulation relaxed or personal freedom extended at the expense of less control by government? Does anyone know or can cite an example? I can’t come up with one.”

    It has happened many times, usually at the urging of big business and always at the expense of ordinary citizens. One example is the repeal (or gutting) of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.

    (from Wikipedia)
    The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and included banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.[1] Some provisions such as Regulation Q, which allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts, were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
    (end of Wikipedia text)

    (That was Phil Gramm, by the way.)

    But not to worry about that example. The only bad thing that happened from gutting that law was worldwide economic destruction. No big deal, eh?

  13. fpp2002 says:

    #10, diazamet, I’m with you. Gotta have a gun to keep the boogeyman away! Bunch of paranoid fraidy cats, these gun nuts.

  14. RSweeney says:

    People are terrified that their neighbors might (gasp)own a gun.

    And they call gun owners paranoid.

  15. fpp2002 says:

    #15, pedro. The fairies visit me every day, because I don’t live in the US, thank gawd. You do realize the rest of the world laughs at the US gun culture, right?

  16. Alex says:

    It should be a goal of this country to never have anyone get killed or injured again–even if it means all of our rights. I think free speech should be next–how many times have people been murdered after a heated argument? Arguing is not a right if it means people get killed.

  17. SparkyOne says:

    …that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government”

    just about time if you were to ask me

  18. SparkyOne says:

    …that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government”

    just about time if you were to ask me

  19. Faxon says:

    John, John, John. You just post this to get the never-ending debate started again, don’t you? This bill is so ridiculous that even if it were to pass, we who would be affected would simply ignore it. I smoked pot when it was illegal, I was a criminal, and I survived that. Precious Obama was also a criminal when he used coke, wasn’t he? So, make me a criminal. As a matter of fact, I welcome it. I give a shit. The Bill of Rights supersedes the idiots in control it. I have everything I need now, (made damn sure of that starting last September) and nothing is going anywhere. And when I am gone, my son will have it all. He is young, already well educated, and he can easily see what is right and just.

  20. Watson says:

    Why not leave the gun laws as they stand and try a different tactic…

    -> The president can label the gangs as “terrorists”
    -> We can bring the troops home
    -> We can defeat the terrorists that are on our own soil using the patriot act

  21. Watson says:

    Wow, it seems that equivocating gangs with terrorists will get you moderated quickly, despite the fact that you use no invective or lewd language.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Ah Yea,

    If you liked that fable I have another one for you I heard.

    It seems this little boy’s mother was dying and he went to a store to buy some red dancing shoes for her for Christmas. Only he didn’t have enough money some some other sucker paid for them. It turned out to be just another story, but enough people fell for it.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Ah_Yea – A very good true story about the dangers of gun registration.

    That story is made up. It says:

    A year or two later, the blitzkrieg rolled across the Low Countries. One day not long after, the war arrived in Charley’s town. A squad of German SS troops banged on the door of a house that Charley knew well.

    No SS units took part in the invasion of Belgium. The ones that were involved in the campaign in the Low Countries, took part in the attack on Holland.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, fpp,

    “dro lives in Cuba. He listens to Voice of America on short wave late at night under the blankets.

  25. right says:

    The mentality of fear covered lightly by the 2nd Amendment. Must be a hell of a way to live.
    Guess what? The British aren’t coming….

  26. Jägermeister says:

    Either the DB is crappy, or John’s deleting posts he doesn’t like. Anyway, let’s post my reply to Ah_Yea one more time:

    #9 – Ah_Yea – A very good true story about the dangers of gun registration.

    The story is not true. This quote is from your story:

    A squad of German SS troops banged on the door of a house that Charley knew well.

    No SS units were involved in the attack on Belgium. The ones that were involved in the attack on the low countries, were fighting in Holland.

    The gun lobby should do better fact checking before they publish their fantasies.

  27. SB says:

    England is gun free right? And Aren’t they scooping up the rest of their rights and freedoms at a faster rate than they are here?

    If I was a shady politician I wouldn’t want the public having guns either.

    Lets give away all our rights, at least we’ll be safe. Our Masters will take care of us.

    America, home of the brave, land of the free…
    Theres a fairy tale we will all be able to tell our grandkids.

  28. bobbo, says:

    #7–pecker==yes, legal relaxation happens all the time. Sometimes in a big way leaving controversies for those who want to impose their values on other people.

    The Biggest?==The Repeal of Prohibition. You’d think this would be a pretty rock solid model for repeal of all other similar prohibitions (ie==drugs and sex) but then, as stated, you’d be thinking. Something the American Voting Public doesn’t like to do.

  29. Jägermeister says:

    Wow… second deletion… Anyway, here’s my reply to Ah_Yea one more time:

    #9 – Ah_Yea – A very good true story about the dangers of gun registration.

    The story is not true. This quote is from your story:

    A squad of German SS troops banged on the door of a house that Charley knew well.

    No SS units were involved in the attack on Belgium. The ones that were involved in the attack on the low countries, were fighting in Holland.

    The gun lobby should do better fact checking before they publish their fantasies.

  30. Jägermeister says:

    Fix the deletion bug.


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