I think the gun mavens are too paranoid about this bill, but it is very onerous towards anyone who has any sort of firearm. Besides the tax on all guns owned one of the riders floating around makes it so you will have to list all your guns every year on your income tax form. This bill stems from a gang shooting that killed an honor student in Chicago. Does anyone think that the provisions in this bill would have kept a gun out of the hands of the gang member? It makes no sense. There seems to be a desire to leave the public helpless while gang members are armed to the teeth. How is that good? This bill was introduced earlier this year and now seems to be finally getting some attention.

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. Cursor_ says:


    What the smeg prevents them from taking your house? Turning it upside down to try and find weapons and then holding said house as property of the state because you refuse to comply?

    In the situation of martial law where they would want your guns, that would happen. And of course they know it is your house, they have the registration. They also know it is your car, your wife, your bank account, your children and the rest of your family. They even have your picture. Is you gun more valuable then all of the above?

    It seems a bit overmuch to think that somehow your one or two guns, even IF they were m60s, could stave off the hordes of totalitarians that want your guns and won’t just load up a couple of 80mm rounds into your whole house.

    Until you obtain a couple of RPGs you are not going to stop a well armed military assault if they want ANYTHING you have. It is pure nonsense. They don’t need to know IF you have a gun. They will just assume that if you don’t comply you are a rebel, armed and dangerous and therefore shoot to kill you and anyone with you.

    Let them have your guns! We can always make them or use IEDs. Damn man there is more than one way to skin a facist!


  2. storm says:

    This bill was originally HR-2666 last session. I’ve heard nothing about it on No Agenda either.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Jägermeister, get it together, man! You’re simply wrong but can’t admit it.

    The article says “A year or two later, the blitzkrieg rolled across the Low Countries. … One day not long after … A squad of German SS troops banged on the door”

    You then made the terrible mistake of:
    A) Inferring that the SS troops were involved in the Blitzkrieg, and
    B) Some weird interpretation for ‘one day not long after’

    You are wrong on both counts.

    First, where does the story state that SS troops were part of the Blitzkrieg? Show me.

    Second, you seem to have some wonderful psychic understanding of the phrase “One day not long after”.
    So, Jägermeister, just how long did the author intend to mean by “not long after”?
    Remember, this story was related to Neil Knox in 1955, which he transcribed in 2000.
    So who said “not long after”? Was it the Belgium 10 years after the incident, or was it Neil 45 years later?

    You seem to know, so please impart to the rest of us mere mortals the light of your wisdom.

    No? So…
    You picked the most inane and trivial points of the story to try and disprove the entire account, and failed spectacularly.

    In fact, you have proven the rabid and imbecilic response mechanism of the anti-gun group. Pick any frivolous point (such as ‘not long after’ to attack an honest, important, and personal account of a terrible tragedy which we all should take to heart for our own good.

    You would have made a good goose-stepper since you obviously think it’s ok to trample the rights of the individual for the good of the Republic.

    Ah_Yea 1
    Jägermeister 0

    Instead of an Obama bumper sticker, maybe this is more to your liking:

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #73 – Ah_Yea

    When you’re in a hole… Stop digging!

    And trying to paint me as a Nazi, because I point out your fake story doesn’t match historical facts, proves that you truly can’t argue the point I made.

    And the story about the Belgian Corporal is still fake.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Pedro. I know. It’s sad…

    Jägermeister. Ok, you say it’s a fake.

    Why? Show me.

    Ah_Yea 2
    Jägermeister 0

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #76 – Ah_Yea

    It’s quite meaningless to repeat the facts to you again… you’re like Teflon… nothing sticks.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    So, show me some facts. I disproved your illusions.

    Ah_Yea 3
    Jägermeister 0

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Jägermeister, let’s take this one step further.

    You wouldn’t be the SS officer, you would be the blind bureaucrat who passed out the order forcing registration of all the guns.

    You may not actually kill the family, you would simply be the facilitator. You would create the means where others complete the horror.

    You think it’s ok to give up personal freedoms for the greater good.

    Fine for you. If you are in any way consistent and not entirely insane, you would also be a full supporter of the patriot act.

    Why not? Isn’t the patriot act all about giving up personal freedom for security??

    Don’t think this horror in the article couldn’t happen here.

    Blacks historically were not allowed to protect themselves. They were forbidden to have firearms.

    Lynchings, torture, wholesale murder, entire towns destroyed.

    Equal rights means EQUAL RIGHTS. Including to right to defend yourself. The freedom to own guns were the foremost civil right given to minorities, and we are truly better for it.

    That is what you want for the rest of us, isn’t it? Freedom and civil rights?

    You’re for civil rights, aren’t you? After all, how can you secure your civil rights if you at the mercy of others?

  9. bobbo, being gentle says:

    #70–Cursor==everything you say is quite correct. Doesn’t change what I posted at all.

    Numbers should be used. They are more often correct than not and when not correct, they are close.

    People wanting pefection are always to be doubted.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #79, Ah Yea,

    Face it. The story is bullshit. Told fourth or fifth hand with dubious veracity does not give you much room to maneuver. Let it drop.

    Guns, especially automatic weapons have done more to kill innocent people than perhaps any other “useless tool” we have in America. Self defense is bullshit as the actual number of self defense is minuscule compared to the number of accidents, suicides, and murders.

    If you need a gun to protect yourself from “the government” then you probably need the government to come and get you. You don’t care about America, you care about yourself. With high powered weapons you are a clear danger, not to the government with their F-16s and M1A1s, but to those around you.


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