A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.

The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.

It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.

Meh, who cares, you won’t be able to sue the government anyway.

  1. Syrinx says:

    Someone refresh my memory. Wasn’t there talk about flu vaccines causing nerve or brain disorders before or during the beginning of the Swine Flu media blitz?

  2. tom says:

    Umm, that has always been true with flu vaccinations. Nothing really new there. It’s always been a possibility and has been widely published and disseminated in the past.


  3. gquaglia says:

    Is it just me, or is Swine Flu the most overly hyped disease since AIDS. Barely anyone dies from it, at least in this country. Now people are lining up for a new vaccine that can cause nerve damage. People are so retarded, its beyond belief. We truly are doomed.

  4. Improbus says:

    Nope, only the lemmings are doomed.

  5. loconavi says:

    Move on people. Nothing to see here. Physicians receive these kinds of communications all the time.

  6. Improbus says:

    Yes, for God’s sake don’t panic or question Authority. OBEY.

  7. deowll says:

    I believe John D. said the problem was they were adding a chemical to stretch the supply that makes people hyper sensitive.

    While in normal terms I think vaccination is a good idea not in this case.

  8. nolimit662 says:

    HA!!! Just as Adam Curry and John Dvorak warned about in their No Agenda podcast. And the government wants to mandate that we all get these shots in the fall. Over my dead body. My kids, wife, and I will not be letting them inject us with this crippling crap. It’s all a big money grab from the drug companies. They most likely created this virus just so they could create a vaccine for it. We’ll just take our own precautions like we normally do. Send the kids to school with bottles of hand sanitizer,etc….

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Ha! The government seems to be in this “bail out” mode for all sorts of major industries. Not just the auto industry. The drug and vaccine manufacturing industries too. And I believe this whole H1N1 vaccine push is just another excuse to boost the business of an industry that hurting at this time. People can elect not to get the yearly flu vaccine, and just risk not getting it. Especially if they can’t afford every flash in the pan cure that comes along. So big brother gov. has come to the vaccine makers financial rescue with this dire forecast that some flu bug, that might be related to the last Swine flu bug (which hardly even effected the world population). Might somehow turn deadly (though apparently it has never been more deadly than regulate flu, or even a very hot day) and reduce a tiny percentage of the immune compromised population.

    I’m sure they’re already dosing the US military forces, which haven’t any choice in the matter. And keeping any bad reactions off the record (as it did before), to protect their vaccine contractor. Which it apparently cares more about than the health and well being of it personnel. Soldiers are guinea pigs, or sacrificial lambs, as far as the Pentagon thinks, when contractors’ bottom line is concerned. It’s been that way since WW2.

    So now we’re hearing that they remember the last time such a vaccine caused more of a problem than it’s like to solve. So the gov. is warning doctors to look for this, and probably keep it out of the media, as long as possible. Especially as once again the vaccine makers has to take shortcuts to produce massive amounts of it, to dose everyone it can. Question is, is this vaccine the real thing, or just a close cousin that they can reproduce faster? And maybe it doesn’t immunize against the REAL H1N1 virus. But some virus that’s not even causing a problem.

  10. Guilherme Cherman says:

    Just a test to see timestamp.

  11. zed says:

    Just a note, this is not the US govt, it’s the UK govt.

  12. Special Ed says:

    I think I’d be more concerned about getting Roseanne-Barr.

  13. soundwash says:

    well duh…of course this warning would only comeout in the UK, because everyone knows our CDC has found that us Americans are immune to the dangers of untested drugs and vaccines.

    I imagine some pro-vaccine trolls
    are eating their hats right about now.

    I’d like to know when someone will finally release the millions of dollars of *old* research that shows that almost any disease (including this feeble H1N1 flu) can be cured
    with time varying Electromagnetic Pulse technology.
    (also known as time varying magnetic fields)

    This technology also greatly speeds up the healing of bones and other damaged tissue.

    It has been used for decades outside the U.S.

    Only three reasons hold it back:

    1) Greed. this technology can be built for under $50 and sold at retail for around $200 (and self administered)

    2) Greed part II:
    it would potentially eliminate all drugs (or at least 95%) from the “healing process” as well as many other expensive therapies.
    (as well as make a complete mockery of *all* allopathic medicine)

    3) This same (cheap) technology can be used to *induce* the same disease symptoms that it can eliminate. (think homeopathy) -obvious abuse
    (and military) potential exists.
    (the military aspect is already in widespread use)

    When the blinders come off the masses and people realize the state of our health (and all life forces) can be “tuned” up or down simply by manipulating the resonance of a minute electromagnetic field[pulse],
    -a new era of medicine that should have (and was about to) taken off at the turn of the century will finally be realized.

    Electrical Engineering people take heed.


  14. The Watcher says:

    It is my understanding that the last “swine flu”, some decades back, DID result in some people coming down with Guillain-Barre, apparently from the vaccine.

    This warning popped up on the US media about the time that the H1N1 “pandemic” began.

    I believe my wife managed to catch the flu, btw. She works in a nursing home, and was vaccinated for the “standard” flu varieties, and has had good luck with that. This year, though, a few months back, though…. She didn’t give it to me, and the symptoms were quite “wrong”. I’m a bit older, and may have residual immunity from the vaccination last time around – or I _really_ got lucky…. I’m guessing that she was infected by a secondary contact – that usually results in a milder infection if not pushed by other problems.

    Just speculation, though….

    There are two problems here, IMHO. First, bHo and friends need a crisis to get our minds off what they’re up to, and second, should this bug get out of hand, apparently it’s going to be very unpleasant over a large scale. The early and strident warnings, plus untested vaccines, etc., make the first position tenable. But who knows.

    One thing to consider – the elderly and weak (including young children) are at about as much risk of dying from ANY flu (not to mention some other complications of lesser illnesses) as this one. It probably is more dangerous, overall, but comparisons with the “Spanish Flu” of the First World War are invalid. Should somebody seek treatment, and the treatment facilities not be over-run, the ability of a half-decent hospital to treat this is hundreds of times better than in 1918….

    The problem being that bHo’s health czars may keep treatment a little too hard to get, or just deny it to the very young or very old.

    I hate to be a conspiracy type, but I don’t trust bHo….

  15. bobbo, what are the "facts" says:

    Not trusting DU Headlines or sources, I only skimmed the link.

    Isn’t normal flu death rate around 35-50K people per year and we are on track for that (not “no one” as claimed above).

    And the Death From Swine Flu in USA so far is about 500. The fear is it might mutate with the same consequences of the 1916 flu that it shares many characteristics with which is what is raising the alarms = millions killed.

    And the death from Guillain-Barre was 25? Think I saw 500 some where else.

    So==yea, millions vs up to 500 deaths.

    Too bad needless death from flu couldn’t be limited to the idiots who won’t take the vaccine. Maybe if we handed out free bullets at the same time?

  16. soundwash says:


    -Ignorance is wasted on the blissful.


  17. Amsterdamned says:

    Youth is wasted on the young.
    Ignorance is wasted on Americans?

  18. joaoPT says:

    This h1n1 crap is getting on my nerves:

    ONE: it’s flu, for god’s sake… not better nor worse. Same death rate.

    TWO: Tamiflu or Relenza should work exactly the same with h1n1 as with common flu, ie. not very well. For some people will work better than others.
    Wait for the real vaccine, that btw, can work better or worse for some, as all do.

    THREE: If you have doubts that your government is not acting on the clear, seek help and advice with some independent health consultants, or maybe your M.D., not with Crackpot and Buzzkill…

    FOUR: If you are of the Conspiracy Theory persuasion: Go right ahead, have a blast, this should prove fun times for you!

  19. Amsterdamned says:


    Tamiflu was only ever pushed on the public because Donald Rumsfeld is on the board of directors of the company that makes it. Remember him from the Bush years? So, as any police detective will tell you, there was a conspiracy behind it.

  20. Improbus says:

    It is hard to trust a government that lies to it’s people as a matter of course.

  21. bobbo, statistics is fun says:

    So even if a “bad” batch of flu vaccine is pushed on the public this year as has been done in the past, the death rate from bad vaccine is still a fraction of one percent of what WILL EVENTUALLY HAPPEN when a bad flu hits.

    Statistically, we don’t have to trust anyone, unless you think you have to “trust” math? Or that statistics don’t apply to YOU!!!! – ??

    Statistics may prove that wearing a seat belts saves lives, but it is just a plot by the government to give Big Seat Belt a market that wouldn’t exist otherwise, and I had a neighbor who was thrown clear in an accident where the car exploded. IF he had been wearing the Fascist Required Seatbelt, he would have died.

    Yea==all you who equate 100 years of public health improvements with incompetent conspiratorial governments are on to something big.

  22. Stars & Bars says:

    #21 bobbo,

    “Yea==all you who equate 100 years of public health improvements with incompetent conspiratorial governments are on to something big.”

    A censored WGBH public television (Boston) documentary — produced public health expert Dr. Leonard Horowitz — contains an interview with leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who explains how Merck vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia and other deadly plagues worldwide. The documentary provides evidence that Merck vaccines have long contained cancer viruses (including SV40 or Simian vacuolating virus 40).


    bobbo, your simply another true believer with their with HUA disease. HUA = Head Up Ass.

  23. Stars & Bars says:

    If you do not wish to be vaccinated, quote the Nuremberg Code.

    1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.


  24. bobbo, statistics is fun said says:


    A quick review of someone who should be better known.

    So==stars and bars==my post directly addresses and acknowledges there are risks and DEATHS caused by taking vaccines. Just like seatbelts kill people too.

    My challenge to anyone who can read and type is to run the comparitive worth/risks/benefits.

    You can do that can’t you?

  25. Stars & Bars says:

    Thirty-seven countries participated in the Gulf War yet only Solders from four received the Anthrax Vaccine and only solders from those same four contracted the Gulf War Syndrome.

    Change the word anthrax vaccine with flu vaccine and see your possible sufferings.

    Betraying our Heroes, Gulf War Syndrome – Anthrax Vaccine


  26. Stars & Bars says:

    #24 bobbo,

    Jesus H. Christ, did you watch the f*cking video?

    Hell no you didn’t, just another Pavlov response from a true believer suffering from HUA disease.


    Tell me, how has the percentage of cancer per 1000 people changed over the past 100 years?

    Watch the f*cking video, it’s straight from the horses mouth.

  27. zed says:

    Thousands of farmers and ranchers get the SAME anthrax vaccine that the soldiers (including me) got during the gulf war. There are no reports of “farmer/rancher disease” with symptoms like “gulf war disease”.

    In fact “gulf war disease” is set up with such a broad range of symptoms that just about anyone with a mild viral infection that was in the gulf war could be said to have it, much like “morgellens disease”, just another made up problem for people to complain about.

  28. bobbo, not a scientist says:

    #26–Stars==so the good doctor has no proof just “feelings” that the vaccine causes cancer? Feelings–whoa, whoa, whoa feelings, feeling like I have never had before ………

    Ambiguity. No Proof. No Consensus forming on said hypothesis.

    So, again==who’s the nutbag here?

  29. Brent says:

    Really might be time to correct the headline here. As someone else pointed out already, it was the BRITISH government and *not* the U.S. government who sent the letter. The U.S. government does a lot of questionable things, to be sure, and it’s always good fun to bash the gov, but let’s not accuse it of something it definitely did not do according to the linked article that is the subject of this post. Credibility, anyone?

  30. Lucas says:

    Public knowledge. Can happen with many vaccines, chances of it happening is extremely small.


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