1. Improbus says:

    Any body surprised? Any body? Bueller?

    How many posts until we get to the first cop apologist?

  2. soar says:

    They fucking think that just because it “not lethal” that it can’t kill. Fucking pigs don’t know how to actually do their job.

    Serve and protect, yea. If only they followed that.

  3. LDA says:

    Legalised torture.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Improbus – How many posts until we get to the first cop apologist?

    Well, it took one post for someone to put the blame on all law enforcement officers.

    This guy’s an asshole, but if these kind of uncalled attacks were the norm, you would have WAY more stories like this one. After all, there are several hundred thousand law enforcement officers in the USA.

    But don’t let reason stop you from hating the police… 😛

  5. Alex says:

    “How many posts until we get to the first cop apologist?”

    Three, apparently 🙂

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Alex

    What a post… almost intelligent.

  7. BertDawg says:

    In a country (USA) with the highest per capita rate of incarceration, much of it for victimless crimes, it astounds me that MORE people aren’t paying attention to the big business that is the corrections industry, and the fact that ordinary citizens are little more than cannon fodder. I guess we are a nation of sheep, little more than dumb animals.

  8. smartalix says:

    “People” are kept ignorant of the real issues, and sadly most want it that way. “People” only seem to care that the cable works and the pizza guy gets there in 30 minutes. “People” are so stupid that we’ve got protests to keep government hands off medicare.

  9. Weary Reaper says:

    I just don’t like her face. I would have tased her at least two or three more times.

    In my opinion, she got off way too easy. After all, if he’d just stuck a bag of marijuana or a loaded handgun into her pocket, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

    That cop should definitely be fired for incompetence.

  10. Faxon says:

    Start with the reason for the stop.. To fund the county government. Routine traffic stops should result in a ten dollar fine, which you have to make a trip to the city hall to pay. Not a $400 ticket, with “enhancements” if the city needs more money. Here in SF, the supervisors are constantly raising the fines, and always to close a budget gap. So, what are tickets really for? Here, the parking fines fund the nearly the entire city payroll.

  11. jealousmonk says:

    Jesus. Something has to be done about these fucking cops. There has to be some incentive for not using the taser or disincentive for using it. These “non-lethal” weapons are a scourge and, unfortunately, there are more sophisticated ones on the way.

  12. lividd says:

    cops should have to fill out a report every time they fire a taser, like they do with their hand guns

  13. Mr Anderson says:

    What this country needs is Federal agents that ride along with the cops to protect the citizens from the cops.

  14. Mr. Future says:

    I wonder if the 15 year old son is going to remember this when he reaches his majority. I would. Shades of William Wallace.

    Good job chucklehead.

    Traditionally Peace officers only “radicalize” the youth on the wrong side of the tracks, I wonder how this new policy is going to work out for them?

  15. Timuchin says:

    In Jacksonville the cops had too many deaths using tasers on druggies. So they went back to winging the perps. They stay alive but they don’t go anywhere….

    When Obama federalizes the police, no one will dare say anything against them.

  16. mickjagger says:

    Obama is gonna fed-i-size the police force! Oh No!
    Does CNN know about this?! I’m sure FOX is behind this story.

    But, at least he won’t be able to use the NATIONAL GUARD for patrolling the streets of a middle-eastern town.

    i suppose if you know there won’t be any hurricanes etc…. this way you keep the guard busy and bloodied just in case you need those skills back home.

  17. clio says:

    We have two problems here.

    1. Never ever get out of the car without the officers permission. Knowledge of this should be required to be licenced.

    2. Cops very seldom are paired. Anyone leaving a car is a direct threat to an officers life until proven otherwise.

    “Dont do this in front of my son”, but hey its ok to be insubordinate to the cop in front of your son. Some example that sets.

    There is no such thing as a routine traffic stop until its over.

    Both parties are guilty of this mess and perhaps the police department too. For all we know the officer was following his protocol for being approached by non compliant motorist

  18. Dale says:

    Interesting piece, considering the source, till the lawyer spoke up.

  19. Mr Anderson says:

    It’s easy to tell the good cops from the bad ones, the good ones have a nice white cross stuck in the ground, six or more feet above them.

  20. Improbus says:


    Spoken like a true Christian.

  21. SparkyOne says:

    #16 clio,
    The stop was lost when the “officer” allowed the driver to exit the auto.

    This is a training issue and if the “officer” had ever had control of the situation none of this would have happened.

  22. Gern Blanston says:

    Talking on a Cell phone while driving / speeding with kids in the car should be a $10,000 fine AND the cop should be required to Taser the driver… three times.

  23. Delta Dan says:

    Why one side of the story Dave? how many years did you work for the national enquirer? You are the problem and not the solution, like a politician.

  24. R.O.P. says:

    Nothing like showing your kids you love them by putting their lives at risk. Still, if the penalty for stupidity is getting tasered, the cops are going to need more batteries. I really wonder what the civil rights movement would have looked liked if tasers were in use in the 60’s.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #26….if you also have to taser the kids then they’ll make sure mom isn’t on the phone or speeding.

  26. ArianeB says:

    Using Tasers should be considered LETHAL FORCE and should NEVER be used unless someone’s life in danger.

  27. chuck says:

    I don’t think using a taser is an appropriate method for attempting to arrest someone.

    Is shooting someone appropriate? If a police officer shoots someone in self-defense, it’s allowed. But if the officer said, “well I wanted to arrest the person, so I shot them” – then the officer would probably be fired and should also be charged.

    Is hitting someone with a club appropriate? Again, if the officer uses their night-stick (club) in self-defense, then it’s allowed. But beating someone over the head in order to arrest them is usually not allowed.

    The police are trained in various methods to physically restrain people who are resisting arrest. I didn’t see any resistance in this video. I think police just like to use tasers because it gives them an easy method to apply violent force against a person, without any messy contact.

  28. atmusky says:

    Cops primary function is to generate revenue and to protect the established power structure.

    This tasering is bullshit and for all you nitwits that think cops are here to protect you or prevent crime I hope you are the cops next victim.

    If you want to protection buy a shot gun. If you want less crime stop politicians from passing bullshit laws that do nothing but impose someones views on others.

  29. Chriswsm says:

    Using a mobile phone when driving is banned in the UK as is it proven to be more dangerous than drunk driving. £60 fine (roughly $100) and 3 points on licence (12 points = ban) if you are caught being that stupid. Sadly thicko drivers still do it all the time and a little girl was badly hurt near where I live a few months back, the bloke that ran her over was using a phone and didn’t see that she was on the pedestrian crossing. I hope they throw the book at him.

    The officer should have got her on tape stating that she was not using her phone. Then inspected her phone and if she was not being truthful she loses her driving licence for life.

    Perhaps tasering is getting out of hand but what are the alternatives? Shoot them? UK officers have tasers but rarely use them unless they are up against an armed foe.

  30. atmusky says:

    #34Naive? Perhaps you should look in the mirror. This cop wasn’t protecting anyone – he was attempting to generate revenue and was pissed when he wasn’t going to be able to so.

    I live in upstate/western NY and for all practicable purposes it is a police state. I have had family members pulled over for this same issue they also were not using a cell phone and didn’t even have one in the car. They were detained for over an hour while their car was ripped apart looking for the cell phone. Bad cops are everywhere, every week another town has some cop in hot water heck the last 3 police chiefs in the next town over all were arrested while in office.

    Most cops are tasked with collecting money for the state the majority of the time. Not to mention the fact that if we got rid of the prostitution, gambling, & drug laws we wouldn’t have any crime to speak of.

    So do I support having police to actually protect people or their property – sure do. But that is not what our current police state is about.


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