1. KMFIX says:

    Looks justified to me. Never be a threat to an officer. They will protect themselves.

  2. Inbread Georgian says:

    She looks like a cranky bitch, I would have tased her too. Speeding, talking on the cell phone with kids in the car? He should have kicked her in the crotch as well. If she had been in Georgia she would have been thrown on the hood of the police car and it would have looked like a scene from Deliverance.

  3. Poppa Boner says:

    #32 – Alf, you are always wrong.

  4. Bad Ass Texan says:

    #38 Inbread Georgian,

    “I would have tased her too.

    If you tased any member of my family, it would be the last act as any kind of pubic service you ever perform.

    I promise you, you’d never work again and we would own you for three generations.

    To protect and to serve: MY ASS.

  5. ridin the short bus says:

    Some of you obviously did not watch the video or LISTEN to the story.. She did not heve a cell phone in the Car. The major Difference in a traffic stop of today and when the time this lady learned to drive is that we still were naive enough to trust the police, we were taught to trust a police officer in our youth, so it would appear natural to get out a vehice to speak to a COP. I have many times in the 1980’s…but I would not today!!! However in the past 8 or 10 years, experience as taught us to not get out of the car, dont speak unless spoken to and never volunter any information or ask any questions… Hmmm sounds like a police state to me… (thanks George) “Criminals with a badge” most of ’em… Most cops will entagonize you until they have raised the level to get the opportunity to TAZE you… once again another Shame on America… Our entire society and country is going down the tubes… if your under 45… immigrate to OZ or Canada.. its your last hope…

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, Jag,

    Your voice of reason got lost. I don’t know how, but the why is pretty easy. Herd mentality. Tell someone this is good / bad and the majority soak it up and spew out the same song.

    Every day billions of transactions happen. Only a minute number of them ever have any difficulty and end up in court. Yet, to hear the herd, all lawyers do is get people to sue big companies.

    Every day police pull over cars for many reasons. If, as this woman did, the driver asks to see the tape of radar gun data, the cop should show it. That he didn’t escalated the problem. He caused the rare incident to happen.

    In order to be qualified to sit on the jury, I think every member should be tasered. That way they would know what it feels like. They would also return a verdict in the billions.

  7. TonyB says:

    Pigs. Nothing else needs to be said.

  8. Freyar says:

    -Not to mention the fact that if we got rid of the prostitution, gambling, & drug laws we wouldn’t have any crime to speak of.-

    You’re kidding me right? Are you that.. idiotic? Legalizing everything doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t exist still, I had hoped to read something more sane than this.

    Frankly, the officer should have been more clear. (At least based on what we hear in this one-sided story.. we don’t hear the officer’s orders on the tape.) If the orders were clear, and coherent, than the mother should have followed them to the letter.

    My Driver’s Education course was actually pretty good in that we had a very long lesson regarding tickets. Signing and taking a ticket is not an admission of guilt, just something to tell the courthouse that you had received it.

    With one side of the story, I can’t take either side and for the bastards here that say stupid things like “We should get rid of cops”, “All cops are evil”, or “They only are there to generate revenue” are just that; stupid.

  9. deowll says:

    Interesting chatter. I agree she was making bad choices. She could have easily killed a few people.

    I don’t know what was said so I don’t know the grade of his choices either.

  10. Jim says:

    well, from what i heard from this interview, if i heard right, she was pulled over for using a cell phone and no cell phone was seen. then the officer said speeding but no proof was given that she was speeding. then what type of arrest was she resisting? yes she should have stayed in the car, but the officer had no legitimate reason to pull her over in the first place.

    if this is proven in the trial, then to be honest, i hope she cleans his clock financially.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    It’s not just tasering that’s out of control. It seems we’re hearing about cops shooting people dead, for every little excuse. “They were holding a knife!” Bang! They’re dead. Ah, excuse me. What the hell was all that expensive Police Academy training for, concerning unarmed combat. The cops are suppose to know how to take a knife away from an old woman, who’s gone a bit crazy. They don’t have to burn her down with a hail of bullets! Those nightsticks they usually carry can be quite effective against a knife wielder’s hand. Does all that training go out the window, as soon as they’re issued a gun? Or is its some kind of recruitment sceme to attract more cadets, by covering their gun use, in cases when something less lethal would have been better?

    The overuse of both guns and tasers, is lazy police work. They should have to deal with daily crime, the way the British police do. Besides, the police have all the advantages over the average civilian. Patrol cars, radios, helicopters, SWAT teams, etc. Why do they really need to be armed to the teeth, too? There’s already enough bullets flying around, without the cops adding to their numbers. And it’s far easier to train just a small number of SWAT team members, how and when to use their weapons. Than to train every beat cop when it’s the right time to kill people (or taser them). Which apparently isn’t working so well.

  12. Freyar says:

    -the cops are suppose to know how to take a knife away from an old woman, who’s gone a bit crazy. They don’t have to burn her down with a hail of bullets! Those nightsticks they usually carry can be quite effective against a knife wielder’s hand.-

    Yeah, but this is in America where firearms are owned (but not necessarily registered) by many, many people. Where in the UK there’s (supposedly) a lot less available.

    A majority of police officers do use decent judgment, we just hear about more of the ones that don’t because it is becoming a hot-button topic. The officers that do go beyond their scope of authority deserve the ire they get, but the entire police force doesn’t.

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #40 – Shouldn’t your name be badass or bad-ass Texan? Bad ass implies there is something wrong with your ass. Do you wipe properly? Do Texans bathe on occasion? It has been said that the only thing in Texas is steers and queers and I’ll bet you don’t have horns.

  14. atmusky says:

    #44 – Let me help you out. Making something illegal that their is a significant demand for assures you that the black market will supply it (and generally increase the demand). If there is enough profit then organized crime or gangs will supply it – which will result in more violent crime.

    If you actually care about helping people you legalize it and regulate it. That doesn’t mean people who participate in prostitution, gambling, and/or drugs wont be hurt it just means the over all negative effects to sociality will be less and it will be easier to provide help to those who need it.

  15. BertDawg says:

    To all the the mental midgets who have replied to this post in favor of the cop (even if you are deliberately flame-baiting), nothing would make me happier than to have what happened to this woman happen to you – the sooner the better.

  16. Rider says:

    Everyone of these involve idiots arguing with cops. Sorry but I’m getting tired of the “I was totally innocent and just got tasered for no reason.” meme.

    When some has a video of someone following a cops instructions and getting tasered that’s news worthy.

  17. marty0577 says:

    I don’t feel bad for her at all. When the cop tells you to remain in the vehicle, you do so, or get tazed.


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