
Urban Dictionary: interwebitubes

Congratulations to Dave Drews (the famous Uncle Dave) for coining a new word!!

  1. bobbo, a cunning linguist says:

    Congrats!!!==well deserved.

    Just checked: “embiggum” hasn’t made it yet.

    Are you aiming to out do Colbert?

  2. Galphanore says:

    You can add any word you want into that website, it’s not really that big a deal. In fact, go ahead and click here and add embiggum if it matters.

  3. bobbo, a cunning linguist said says:

    Oh REALLY? No editorial board huh?

    Can you search the site to find who submitted it?

    (hah, hah)

    Still a worthwhile entry.

  4. Galphanore says:

    hhopper did who also submitted moran, speech virus and douchtard.

  5. chuck says:

    #1, it’s spelled “embiggen”, moran!

  6. Thomas says:

    Ted Stevens would be proud.

  7. Sam says:

    Arg, still not on Wikipedia yet, so I can’t use it in a college paper … yet

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Thank you, Hop! I feel all cromulent inside! Oh, wait. I think that’s my lunch…

  9. skunkman62 says:

    how is this a story. i have a word on the urban dictionary.

  10. bobbo, a cunning linguist said says:

    I’ve seen moran on many blogs. I don’t think words used on any single blog are Urban Dictionary worthy.

    Douchtard. Mark Twain would be proud.

  11. Animby says:

    Nice try but I’ll reserve my congrats until Webster’s quotes you. Actually, thinking back on some of the words Merriam-Web have admitted, I might wait until you get into the Oxford dictionary which is more highbrow having recently admitted the word ‘bahookey.’

  12. 888 says:

    “Recognizing” words like this, and “congratulations” that followed, is just yet another proof that idiocy has no boundaries.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    YAY! We made a word!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, the definition has 23 positives and 6 negatives. Who are the effen 6?


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