Marathon Man

Massachusetts health authorities took the unprecedented step yesterday of deputizing dentists, paramedics, and pharmacists to help administer vaccines against both the seasonal flu and the novel swine strain expected to make a return visit in the fall.

In another emergency measure, regulators directed hospitals and clinics to provide vaccine to all their workers and some volunteers, a move designed to keep the medical workforce robust and prevent doctors and nurses from making their patients sick.

The actions illustrated the intensifying sense of urgency as health authorities, hospital administrators, and clinic executives across the nation confront the prospect of providing hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine against not one but two deadly types of flu in the same season.

“It’s a huge burden of work; there’s no doubt about that,’’ said Dr. Jay Butler, director of the swine flu vaccine task force at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In Massachusetts, disease specialists are expecting to provide up to 9 million flu inoculations within the next few months, three times as many as last flu season, because of the need to give two doses of swine flu vaccine.

In Boston, the city health agency plans to offer shots during the day, night, and weekend. There is a chance that retired health workers will be pressed into service to provide vaccinations to adults and children, with many patients needing three visits for all their inoculations.

  1. Jetfire says:

    We’re all gone to die head for the hills.

  2. Phydeau says:

    Google “swine flu adjuvant squalene” for some disturbing information. I haven’t seen it debunked yet. Apparently some vaccines containing squalene given to soldiers in the first Gulf War are provoking autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I have a friend whose brother was in the first Gulf War who now has MS. Apparently this squalene is used by the body naturally, but when it’s injected as part of this vaccine, the body starts treating it as a foreign substance when it shouldn’t.

    Here’s an article.

    It’s disturbing… they’re making lots of vaccine but they’re adding these adjuvants that boost the effect so they can use less of the actual vaccine.

    I’m worried that we’re being stampeded into taking this hastily concocted vaccine, for what? Is the H1N1 virus really so much more deadly than other strains?

    I’m not going to take the vaccine, nor give it to my daughter.

  3. Phydeau says:

    Quote from the above article:

    Less than 100 children in the U.S. die each year from seasonal flu viruses.[iv] If we use Australia’s math, a very rough estimate would be another 100 children could potentially die of swine flu in the United States in the coming year.

    If children are the first target group in the U.S. per Sebelius, that means we’re about to inject around 75 million children with a fast tracked vaccine containing novel adjuvants, including dangerous squalene, to prevent perhaps 100 deaths.

    I’m not overlooking the tragedy of the loss of even one child to an illness like the H1N1 flu virus. But there can be no argument that unnecessary mass injection of millions of children with a vaccine containing an adjuvant known to cause a host of debilitating autoimmune diseases is a reckless, dangerous plan.

  4. Weary Reaper says:

    I just love medical experts who aren’t. They’re so good for my business…

  5. Greg Allen says:

    >> Weary Reaper said,
    >> I just love medical experts who aren’t. They’re so good for my business…

    I can get a flu shot at my local grocery store. I’d certainly trust my dentist to do it right.

  6. Amsterdamned says:

    If that vaccine is from Baxter, those Mass. citizens are probably going to die. That company already tried to murder millions of people in Germany & Slovakia by putting live avian flu virus in a flu vaccine. The fact that they’re still in business tells you they are probably linked to the CIA and Israel.

  7. Faxon says:

    Being alive in 1957, and never getting the yearly flu, I am not worried about the flu. However, I aspire to become a carrier of, spreading it all over San Francisco.

  8. Weary Reaper says:

    #5 Greg Allen

    I was referring to the morons who are afraid of just about everything these days, not dentists giving shots.

    The more stupid people who think pandemics are political plots, the better my business.

  9. RTaylor says:

    It’s an IM injection. You swab, penetrate and aspirate. If you aspirate blood, slightly change the depth of the needle. The procedure can be taught in a hour. The deltoid is the muscle of choice. I can teach threading peripheral IV’s in a few hours. My point is the technique is easy to learn.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2 & 3 Phydeau,

    Your link comes from an anti immunization idiot.

    Immunizations have saved countless children and adults from the ravages of measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, tetanus, and small pox.

    That immunizations routinely cause other problems such as autism have been debunked.

    If you don’t want to be immunized then fine, but don’t harm your child by denying her the opportunity.

  11. moss says:

    Har! Marathon Man.

  12. dusanmal says:

    “Immunizations have saved countless children and adults from the ravages of measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, tetanus, and small pox.” Yes. But that does not allow Govt. to rush it without proper scientific examination of the vaccine before it is dumped on the general population. Nor does that allow Govt. to take personal freedoms of people and parents away when the decision about vaccination is concerned.

    “If you don’t want to be immunized then fine, but don’t harm your child by denying her the opportunity” It is and always should be parents choice and risk management to decide whether vaccination or lack of it is the greater risk for his/her child. Govt. should provide vaccinations and education about it. Not make decisions for the children instead of their own parents. If not, we are sliding into Orwellian society.

    “That immunizations routinely cause other problems such as autism have been debunked.” Question I posed to autism link “debunkers” at the proper scientific conference: check autism frequencies in countries widely covered and widely not covered by standard Western vaccination practices. Explain factor of 10000 higher risk in vaccinated areas. I am open minded, but the simplest answer is obvious.

  13. Phydeau says:

    Mr. Fusion, I know a Gulf War veteran who has MS. Gulf War Syndrome exists. I am not speaking of vaccines in general. I am speaking of one component, squalene, that has been associated with Gulf War Syndrome and with autoimmune diseases in lab animals. And now it’s apparently in tens of millions of H1N1 vaccines that have been hastily manufactured, added to boost the effectiveness so they don’t have to put as much of the vaccine into each dose.

    The guy may be an anti-immunization idiot, but in this case he might be onto something. Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while (old TX saying).

    And one thing I don’t understand… how much more dangerous is swine flu than other strains? Has anyone come out with a cost-benefit analysis? How many more people are expected to die from swine flu? Is it worth the risk to give 75 million children a vaccine that may cause autoimmune disease down the road?

    If anyone has any links to anyone who has addressed this issue, I’d love to see them.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, dusan,

    check autism frequencies in countries widely covered and widely not covered by standard Western vaccination practices. Explain factor of 10000 higher risk in vaccinated areas. I am open minded, but the simplest answer is obvious.

    What factor of 10000? This is just more of the FUD the right wing comes out with. Make the shit up and then demand the opponents refute it.

    The science is clear, immunizations do not cause autism. Now you refute that. With science.

  15. deowll says:

    They suggest seniors give this thing a pass. I don’t trust that statement but I don’t feel like being a lab rat either. The risks from the disease may be lower.

    I wouldn’t dream of telling a parent to have a child take on or not take this thing. Government health care workers and big business have weird ideas about what is is my best interest and that of the public.

  16. Timuchin says:

    The leftist’s health control bill brings veterinarians under the same control as MD’s. I guess they will be used as MD’s for the disposable elderly.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Phydeau,

    I also know a couple of people with MS. One prays to god to thank him for making through that day and the other is one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the privilege of practicing procreation with.

    Disease onset usually occurs in young adults, and it is more common in females.[2] It has a prevalence that ranges between 2 and 150 per 100,000.[3]

    ] Vaccinations were also considered as causal factors for the disease; however, most studies show no association between MS and vaccines.[64]

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    This new strain of H1N1 swine influenza appears to cause mild disease in most who get it, but those who are experienced in epidemiology and public health are scared shitless by it. When they think about it, they tend to turn pale and have to sit down for a couple of minutes.

    The H1N1 “Spanish” influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 is estimated to have killed twenty-five to fifty million people over those eighteen months, more than had died in all of WWI, and nearly as many as died in all of WWII. It tended to kill the young, vigorous and healthy disproportionately, after just a very few days of agony. There were stories of soldiers, strapping strong-as-an-ox farm boys who were fine at muster one morning and dead by the next.

    Once an influenza virus particle enters a cell, its protein coat dissolves, releasing its RNA or DNA strands, which hijack the cell’s machinery to make more copies of its pieces of RNA or DNA and the associated proteins. If a cell is infected by more than one strain, those parts can mingle and mix and you can get a novel strain, a hybrid. This process is unpredictable as are the properties of any such hybrid produced. It is entirely possible that a superbug could arise that would cause devastation like that seen in Stephen King’s “The Stand.”

    The more people who become infected, the greater the odds something like that will happen.

    This is why public health professionals push vaccines so hard.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Anthony,

    I stumbled across a doctors conference, its notes, its doctors arguments about our water system, our shots for children especially under the age of 3 and without any doubt, this individuals for obvious reasons I can’t give his name states without a doubt, they have the data, the science and reports that have gone to the Gov., etc.. about children and autism.

    People who post accusations without foundations are more likely to be effen stupider than the average moran. There is not only more anecdotal evidence of that, there are studies bearing it out.

    Desperate people have an excuse for doing desperate things. Gullible people just don’t know better.

  20. Phydeau says:


    I’m not saying it’s iron-clad evidence, but if we’re thinking of injecting tens of millions of people with a vaccine containing this substance, we should be absolutely certain the cure isn’t worse than the disease.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Phydeau,

    Since the end of the 1991 Gulf War, there have been reports of unexplained, multisymptom illnesses afflicting veterans who consistently report more symptoms than do nondeployed veterans. One of the many possible exposures suspected of causing chronic multisymptom illnesses Gulf War veterans is squalene, thought to be present in anthrax vaccine. We examined the relationship between squalene antibodies and chronic symptoms reported by Navy construction workers (Seabees), n = 579. 30.2% were deployers, 7.4% were defined as ill, and 43.5% were positive for squalene antibodies. We found no association between squalene antibody status and chronic multisymptom illness (p = 0.465). The etiology of Gulf War syndrome remains unknown, but should not include squalene anti

    I understand your concern. Fortunately though, squalene has been thoroughly reviewed and continues to be reviewed. The FDA just doesn’t succumb to pressure and knowingly allow dangerous drugs on the market.

    As with anything we put in our bodies, there are often some who react differently to it than do the majority. Even if 1 person in 1,000,000 has serious complications from squalene, that is far less than the 1,000 in 1,000,000 that will have serious complications from the influenza. People who react that they are that 1 in a million are the same who blow their entire pay on lottery tickets.

  22. Improbus says:

    @Mr. Fusion

    The FDA just doesn’t succumb to pressure and knowingly allow dangerous drugs on the market.

    Really? How about Viox.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Improbus,

    What about Vioxx? Obviously you didn’t read the article you posted or my comment.

    My comment, “knowingly allow

    the article,

    On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug (along with others such as celecoxib) had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of the drugs. Dr. Reuben was also a former paid spokesperson for the drug company Pfizer (who owns the intellectual property rights for marketing celecoxib in the United States). The retracted studies were not submitted to either the FDA or the European Union’s regulatory agencies prior to the drugs approval. Drug manufacturer Merck had no comment on the disclosure. [4]

  24. Improbus says:

    So they aren’t evil just incompetent?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:


    I would have said “Lied to”.

    The FDA doesn’t have the resources to independently investigate every new drug, cosmetic, pesticide, etc. They rely almost entirely on industry’s studies to allow new products in the market.

    Not a perfect solution but better than nothing OR expensively repeating all already conducted studies.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:


    Uuhh, good point. My only (quick) response is you can’t stop a tank with aspirin or shoot down a bomber with room freshener.

    But I get your point.


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