1. Uncle Don says:

    “Sorry, but the car doesn’t work. The transmission is shot.”

  2. right says:

    Uncle, that was perfect.

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    #1 Uncle Don

    No need for any more, we have a winner.

  4. madtruckman says:

    (used car salesman)-“Sure it has a gun in the gear shifter, but check out the snazzy pleather interior! And it comes with a 90-day warranty!”

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    A strange place to put the cigarette lighter.

  6. oil of dog says:

    Death wish????????

  7. quist says:

    Officer, shoot me!, please.

  8. cornholer says:

    Officer: “Put the car in park”
    Officer: “He reached for a gun”

  9. soar says:

    “That’s not a real gun, officer”
    *officer shoots car driver*

    It fits with today’s cops. Abusing their power and all.

  10. wirelessg says:


  11. Chriswsm says:

    If you think that is cool check out the grenade launcher exhaust Mr Bond

  12. The original pistol grip.

  13. elIngenero says:

    The new 2009 Ford models for the Tijuana, Mexico market are slightly different from their domestic counterparts to reflect the cultural and ethnic differences that exist in that market.

  14. In case of danger – Pull the trigger.

  15. SparkyOne says:

    Warning: Objects traveling in excess of 450 fps may exit the round open end of this hand-held attitude modifier.

  16. RowBear says:

    Charlton Heston’s used caddy found on Ebay!

  17. JFStan says:

    I’d call it a “.44 on the Floor”

    (Alright you gun experts, I realize that may not be a .44, but that’s the only way the joke works)

  18. Buzz says:

    “They shoot horsepower, don’t they.”

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Very entertaining site, thereifixedit.com

    I particularly liked the tricycle kludged for two.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    OOooooo, #1, Uncle Don and #19 Buzz, Kudos guys.

    I was thinking that if that upholstery came with pink on cream, it would match Alphie’s undies.

  21. Gasbag says:

    I don’t understand why the car keeps backfiring evertime I change gear?

  22. Nugget Coombs says:

    Like a lot of cars, a LETHAL WEAPON!

  23. Rick Cain says:

    “Carwash, are you sure you aren’t a pimp?”

    “Bitch, I told you for the last time, I ain’t no pimp!”

  24. Hawkeye says:

    The most popular shifter in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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