Copyright by John C. Dvorak
Is US Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra a Phony?
This is the sort of question you might ask after trying to actually verify his supposed MS in Information Technology from the University of Maryland, College Park campus. The registrar has no record of it. After initially posting this article the degree has cropped up apparently at the nearby University Campus in 2001. This was found by Nextgov.Com. But his degree in biology has yet to appear as his record shows a degree from College Park Campus for Psychology and nothing more.
I have queried the White House for clarification and still have received no response. The internet has answered the MS question. But other issues remain. Regarding a number of interesting and questionable facts, most in regard to Kundra’s bio. The most ridiculous is his assertion that he was formerly a CEO of Creostar. While records for this company are hard to come by a small Dun & Bradstreet service did turn up the following information: there was indeed a Creostar in Arlington, VA. It was founded in 2004 with the contact being Vivek Kundra. The last record for the company (online) showed sales of $67,000 with one employee – apparently Kundra, the CEO.
In fact the only job that I could find within the various Kundra bios was that of a Sales Manager and/or a VP of Marketing at a software firm called Envincible. It was sold in 2004, the same time Kundra set up Creostar. Envincible was a small security software company that sold to Exostar. Note how Kundra used a similar name with Creostar.
Most revealing is a bio of Kundra that was redacted from the Washington, DC municipal site. Luckily it was archived by the web sweeper In that bio Kundra added even more icing to his University of Maryland career saying he “served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland, teaching classes on emerging and disruptive technologies.”
In a conversation he had with Om Malik he confirms having a teaching job at the University College. I have not verified it, but it’s probably true.
On that old bio he also said he “was with SAIC, providing consulting services at the Health and Human Services (HHS). His work focused on growing SAIC’s $1billion business at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Kundra has worked on the World Cities Alliance initiative to advance business and economic development in Arlington, Zurich, Paris, Berlin, and Wales. Within the private sector, he worked with multiple clients to build operations in the United States, Canada, and India.”
He finishes with “He received his master’s in information technology and his bachelor’s in psychology and biology from the University of Maryland.” The biology bachelor’s comes and goes from his bio, but the University has no record of his biology degree either.
I first suspected something was fishy about this fellow by listening to him on CSPAN where he simply did not sound like someone who studied computers or technology. His common referrals to Twitter and Google Docs as some sort of high-tech breakthroughs and a way to save money and empower the public stemmed from pure cornball pop culture and the blogosphere, not from computer science or Information technology.
During one of his testimonies before a Congressional committee he even talked about the future being something like the Star Trek holodeck. His clichés and commentary was that of a 18 year-old blogger who just got their first Macintosh.
And his sketchy background was disconcerting. It included a 1997 bust for stealing shirts from JC Penny’s and the later bust of his former staff by the FBI at the DC office during a bribery investigation.
But, to be honest about it, and despite the possible fraudulent bios and non-existent degrees, the kicker for me was that even if he was squeaky clean he has no business being the USA CIO controlling billions and billions of dollars in government contracts.
He hasn’t done anything to warrant this appointment. There are no great policy papers. There are no books. There is no invention. There is nothing but vague tech positions in city and state governments. How does this make him a “techno-whiz” as he was portrayed by the New York Times? It took him six years to get a simple undergrad degree in psychology! Was it just because he uses Facebook and likes Twitter?
So what have we got so far from this person? Well, for starters we are looking at the website that will cost the taxpayers around $18 million. This news was released recently. What websites costs $18 million? And that’s with no warrantee.
The incredibly popular, one of the most advanced news gathering sites in the world was initially coded from scratch for between $1200-2500 according to one of its founders. Tools to develop fancy websites have improved drastically over the years and now it costs less for fancy sites, not more. So where is the $18 million going? I can assure you that people who pay attention bugged out their eyeballs at a website expense of $18 million.
Picture actually taken Nov. 2008 after the election. [photo removed by request of JD Kathuria. Can be viewed here.] |
The emergence of Kundra is something that needs more research. There is some indication that Kundra got his jobs in Virginia after being recommended by Aneesh Chopra another professional bureaucrat in Virginia who was apparently his friend from campaign work. On one blog there is a pic of Chopra and Kundra at a boxing match with Indian bigwig Shudkaer Shenoy. The photo was taken in 2008 before either of the two men began with the Obama administration. Since then Chopra was given the job as USA Chief Technology Office (CTO).
It would be logical to assume that Kundra managed to get his buddy Chopra the CTO job despite the fact that Chopra’s technology background is essentially nil.
According to the Chopra bio he’s really never done much outside of government committee work. His academic background shows a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1997. He graduated with a B.A. from The Johns Hopkins University in 1994. There is virtually nothing about him anywhere on the net. He has zero technology background except for perhaps using an iPOD, and he is now the country’s Chief Technology Officer.
This seems to be a team of self promoters working together. But exactly how they can be given these jobs along with responsibility for actual technology decisions that involve billions of US taxpayer dollars is incredible. And if Kundra has indeed pumped up his bio with BS, then what does that say about the Obama administration in general. After all, this guy was highly promoted by Obama himself.
But who is noticing? While the country is focused on health care protests and other distractions, this sort of betrayal of the public trust must be going on at many levels. I just happened to spot this and with the help of some researchers, namely John Stec, we quickly dug up these anomalies while they were still on the Web. Where was the mainstream media? Where was the right wing media? Is anyone doing due diligence on these important appointees holding the purse-strings to billions? Apparently not.
This lack of oversight in the public interest doesn’t get any better when you look to the technology community itself. You’d think they would be able to spot a phony a mile away. Nobody seemed to notice. In fact the opposite was true as many tech mavens gushed over both men. But why? They each have little to show except odd bragging about supposed improvements to this and that. It’s all vague. Where are the documents? The papers? The reports? They both apparently show up at a lot of meetings and conferences. I have to assume they are quite the charmers.
Look at this excerpt from the USA Today announcement for Aneesh Chopra:
“The response to Chopra is resoundingly positive. Craig Newmark (of Craig’s List) says Chopra is ‘really good for the country.’ Eric Schmidt said in a statement (via WSJ ), ‘Aneesh built one of the best technology platforms in government in the state of Virginia.’ John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins said (also via WSJ ), ‘Aneesh is an inspired appointment. His smarts and experience in technology, health care and investing will serve us well.’ Tim O’Reilly is ga-ga over the choice calling Chopra ‘a rock star’ and says, ‘We couldn’t do better.’”
Really? We couldn’t do any better?
Or do all these guys just think that Obama can do no wrong? O’Reilly, a publisher of books about computer programming, in particular, went into a euphoric fugue with a laundry list of rationales, all clichéd and dubious including classic fuzzy-headed groupthink nonsense such as: “Chopra grasps the power of open source software, Web 2.0, user-participation, and why it’s better to harness the ingenuity of a developer community than to specify complete top-down solutions.”
OK. Am I supposed to down a whiskey now? On his website O’Reilly admits that Chopra is very charismatic.
I hope there is some real explanation for what is going on here. I hope the University of Maryland can find Kundra’s records and show he taught there. I hope he has a biology degree from Maryland. And I hope Kundra can produce some records for his CEO tenure at Creostar indicating that it became a multimillion dollar company that was somehow ignored by Hoovers and D&B once it became successful. I hope the both of these men are not just drinking buddies taking advantage of dummies. I hope.
We did uncover the MS from a related campus with a different record keeping system. That’s a start.
Further details of this investigation will be found there and will be discussed in great detail on the No Agenda Podcast with co-host Adam Curry. No Agenda can be found at and as well as
Speaking requests regarding this story will be accepted by email to
Kundra has a 2001 master’s of science from the University of Maryland University College in information systems management, according to people there.
Been getting to the end of things just to comment, but you’ve said it too well. 🙂
forget ‘W’, cause he’s history, its Obama time now! 🙂
Don’t forget about this nastiness either. Shortly after Kundra got picked up by the Feds, all this sneakiness going on in the VA IT dept started coming to light. Coincidence?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (who will guard the guards)
Again, this post was pure silliness, scorn, and un-verified smear. Horrible reporting. Can’t believe how willing you are to smear someone’s rep, and why, cause they like Twitter? You screwed up your facts about which campus he went to (they provided evidence that he went to U Maryland, just a different campus), and like an idiot you think someone who runs a 1-person business can’t call him/herself CEO. Shame on you and all of the other people who jump on the bandwagon of smearing someone just due to 1 blog post. Everyone should apologize.
Please continue to submit Dvorak’s posts to Drudge. Maybe Drudge will finally expose Dvorak for the hack he is.
Well, UMD is certainly proud of him:
From a UMD “we are so great” page.
“Vivek Kundra moved from chief technology officer of D.C. to being the first federal chief information officer, working in the White House. Kundra holds an undergraduate degree from UM in psychology and a master’s of science in information technology.”
If the same institution awarded two degrees, the service you used will only report one.
See part 2 of their FAQ: “2. The Student Claims Another Degree From The Same School, Can You Verify That?” – the short answer is yes, but to verify the second degree you have to submit a special request that is forwarded to the school for research.
#67, #49 Yes, please submit to Drudge! He’s no journalist, but he’s probably bright enough to call the right school.
Something smells fishy, but your evidence is inconclusive. This is certainly not a claim that a professional journalist or reporter would make without providing definitive evidence? Have you checked for his degree at UMUC? And why do you have so many smarmy advertisements on your blog?
You mean there is more than ONE University of Maryland campus? Oops.
Pretty interesting shit.
I hope no one gets 2 to the head around here.
On a side note, I wonder if Curry can keep his fingers off the “Now Back to Real News” and “In The Morning” jingles long enough to let Dvorak talk about this on No Agenda. Man those fucking jingles sure do ruin the show.
It would be nice to listen to John go on about this for a few minutes without interruption on tomorrows show. He’s probably not gonna bring it up on Cranky Geeks.
Are you kidding with this? Are you going to go in search of Obama’s birth certificate next?
John, I think you might have overlooked something here: The Facts On Kundra’s College Records – Tech Insider
Can you say Apps for Democracy!
“Apps for Democracy produced more savings for the D.C. government than any other initiative.” -Vivek Kundra, Fmr CTO of DC. <– Bullshit!
Amazing original reporting from an old school guy turned Blogger.
The best part is that you totally scooped arrington.
I think most techies were so starved to see CIO office taken seriously, they would have happen in love with a monkey. Apparently they may have. I honestly thinly that Ashton Butcher would have been a better choice. Maybe that is why Gupta from CNN turned down the job. Is he a real doctor? Kidding of copies.
Great job John and hail NO AGENDA.
I figured the master’s degree would be confirmed–there’s just no way that would slip by in the most basic of background checks.
That said, Kundra is obviously an opportunist who’s invented a career on mostly hot air alone. All of his previous positions involved him not actually having to physically create, understand, or better technology in any way. He just talks a good game and has the general good looks of a politician.
So the Obama White House isn’t perfect. They hire cronies just like every other administration.
Those who live by the die by the Here’s the UMCM page that shows Kundra was indeed an adjunct.
Super irresponsible to simply rely on a web search before accusing someone of padding their resume. picked up the phone and verified that Kundra “did receive a Master’s degree in Information Systems Management from the University of Maryland University College in 2001.” Story here.
Kundra also spoke to GigaOm (today, evidently) and “welcomed anyone to check with University of Maryland’s University College and said they will find that not only did he graduate from the University College, but also that he was adjunct faculty member.”
Can I ask, have you bothered to pick up the phone in any of your reporting efforts on this? Or are you simply relying on the reporting skills of others while you conduct only cursory Internet searches?
Everyone would welcome comments on qualifications or other opinions, but to lead with “is he a phony” accusation when you didn’t even take time for basic journalistic due diligence makes *you* look like an 18 year old blogger who just got his first Macintosh.
Wait a second. The article gets totally debunked, and the writer’s still getting kudos for “amazing original reporting?”
How’s that work?
Let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?
I have no idea about the validity of his credentials but I do know that not finding a record of him being an adjunct instructor isn’t surprising. Despite having “professor” after it, being an adjunct is a step up from being a temp at an office. You get hired by the year and by the course and there aren’t any benefits and no guarantee that you’ll have a job next semester or next year.
I’ve been an adjunct instructor at 4 different colleges and I wouldn’t be surprised if you called up those schools and the person who answers the phone couldn’t find me. If you call a college you are basically going to get an operator or if you call a department a secretary. They aren’t going to have a record of everyone who taught there in the past decade or more (unless the secretary happens to remember that person).
The $18 million covers the site for 5 years.
This isn’t some plug-and-play template site that they threw on a spare box plugged into an unsecured port in the basement of the White House.
You’re talking about a significant amount of development, a constant process of data entry and new-resource implementation. And likely a substantial hosting situation with 5-9’s of up time.
$18mil, while a lot of money, is not out of line for such a project.
I’m not saying there isn’t a contractor somewhere making a fat paycheck off of this, but it isn’t nearly as large as Dvorak makes it sound like.
Given Dvorak’s track record on tech related forecasting, I would take anything you read on this blog with a grain of sand (the size of Texas).
Before Dvorak’s crappy reporting gets anyone started on the Sorensen certificate
“All of his previous positions involved him not actually having to physically create, understand, or better technology in any way.”
Physically create me some web software. Please.
Anyway. DC has a top notich municipal website compared to… 99% of the other cities in the country. Check it out. He built it.
He got his degree from U of Maryland University College
Do your homework
The White House has reacted, calling Dvorak’s report “highly inaccurate.”
Bill O’Reilly here… do you mind appearing on my show to talk about this?
It doesn’t bother me that this is completely off base and that you didn’t do the proper research.
Please DO NOT update this post with the correct facts that he did indeed get a masters degree from U of Maryland University College.
Good job John. At this rate, Godbama will start wearing out his welcome with the undecided and moderate republicans and democrats soon enough to get a real president in office next term. Godbama is a great politician and salesman, but at some point he won’t be able to cover up his mistakes with commercials, tv interviews and town halls anymore. People will want answers about why all this money is being spent. Personally I wonder why the rich and the poor haven’t revolted already. The rich are paying for his plans and the poor aren’t getting any help. This is a guy who didn’t extend unemployment during this downturn to help the poor, but he just changed the deadline on Bush’s extension. So now Congress has to work on the extension itself. Seems to me that would be a no brainer for the president to have done when he took office.
@ #5 Greg Allen :
Did the report say that he got his degree in India?
Last I checked, anything near “the University of Maryland” would still be in the USA.
If he got his bachelors from India, I’m quite sure the university and US immigration would check the validity of the same before he would be allowed to do his Masters in the USA.
Don’t generalize. I got my bachelors in CS from a 4 year degree college in India. I have an IQ of 123 (tested in college, in India) and 129 (tested in the US). The courseware was legit.
India churns out more professional degree holders than the US, because of the obvious population difference and also because of cultural norms/pressure to compete and step up in life.
Education is also highly subsidized in India, with women getting free education upto college and all children upto grade 8 getting free school lunches. If you convert to USD, the cost of my bachelors degree (the administrative/college costs that is,) it would come up to $100 a year. Amazing how costs bloat in the USA, just like healthcare.
Having said that, go visit India and you’ll truly be enlightened.
“Anyway. DC has a top notich municipal website compared to… 99% of the other cities in the country. Check it out. He built it.”
Well, let me give a round of applause to the nation’s CIO for creating a good-looking website. That’s something any smart 12-year-old can do these days, but nevertheless, indeed an accomplishment and qualifies him as a visionary.
Ok, this will sound wierd…
could you contact HuffingtonPost and get this (or a link to it) posted there?
Even though they are a Democratic/Liberal news site they have done a pretty good job at posting these kinds of stories!
Really, this information really need to get out to the no-techie world…
Great bit of research there by the way!