A jury this morning found John William Moyer guilty of groping of a woman playing Minnie Mouse at Walt Disney World…

According to the sentence, Moyer has to write a letter of apology to the victim, Brittney Duncan McGoldrick. He also is under supervised probation for 180 days, must complete 50 hours of community service within four months, pay $1,000 in court costs and submit to a mental evaluation with treatment, if necessary.

Before sentencing, Moyer’s adult son spoke on his behalf. “He’s a good man,” Emory Moyer said. “He’s a nice guy.”

Emory Moyer also described his father as a man who would never touch a woman inappropriately…

McGoldrick told prosecutors at the Orange County Courthouse on Monday she had pushed Moyer away from her after the incident.

“My first reaction I just pushed him down. I was doing everything I could to get his hands off my breasts,” Duncan McGoldrick said.

I’m still waiting for the next-door neighbors of an axe-murderer to say something like – “We knew he was an axe-murderer all along.”

  1. pecker says:

    Eh.. sounds like a rather disproportionate punishment to me. Is America turning into penal colony or are you just trying to make prisons the main part of your economy?

  2. bernado says:

    Prisons? Where does the article mention prisons?

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    #1 pecker

    Yes, we are. It will make it easier for Obomba to control anyone who disagrees with him at town hall meetings. You know, like the fake staged meeting today in New Hampshire.

  4. Faxon says:

    Ummm. Mouse tits..

  5. Chad says:

    In Orlando, you don’t mess with the mouse, period. Orange county goes after all trangressions in America’s happiest place with gusto

  6. BubbaRay says:

    Too bad it wasn’t Jennifer Rabbit. That might have been worthwhile.

    Toons — they’re nuts.

  7. The Pirate says:

    Yet Disney’s Miley Cyrus can dance around a stripper pole on national television during prime time. What a wonderful world.

  8. pecker says:

    # 2 Oh sorry – it’s 180 days supervised by the prison authorities and 50 days of state-run community service, lawyers, judges, court-room costs, police-officers and a whole jury to pay for.
    If this is the response to what the old fool did there must be serious money in this law enforcement business.
    What on earth would you have done to him if he’d committed a real misdemeanor?

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    #6 Bubba,

    Nah, they’re furries.

    Maybe he should look at this instead


  10. Eideard's Next Door Neighbor says:

    We knew he was an axe-murderer all along.

  11. Animby says:

    Minnie has TITS ?!?!?!
    That may be information I didn’t need.
    Oh, sweet death of sleep, what dreams will you bring me tonight?

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #9, Angel, didn’t you see Roger Rabbit? Now THAT was wholesome. Har!

    And of course, the ubiquitous “You horny bastard.”

    Good picture, though, thanks!

  13. ilya says:

    Executive Board of “Tacky Tourist Photos” officially condemns the Minnie Mouse groping incident:

  14. sargasso says:

    Minnie Mouse Molester Moyer.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    When I was young I took a gig dressed as a costumed character. I figured it was easy money and it might be fun being silly with the kids.

    You would not believe how many parents allow their children to do a full-on punch! They just stand by, or even laugh, as their kid takes a full swing at you!

  16. sargasso says:

    #15. Yes, I’ve done that. Once put a lit a firecracker in a parade teddy, his costume needed a heavy duty wash and sanitation.

  17. Hmeyers says:

    Good job, dude. Welcome to the sex offenders list!

    Those Disney employees are probably Mexicans making minimum wage and you had to be a dickwad at Disneyworld acting like a dipshit.

    Congrats on your reward!

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    #6 BubbaRay

    It was Jessica Rabbit not Jennifer…

  19. BubbaRay says:

    #18,Thanks. I stand corrected.

  20. stopher2475 says:

    I have to say you neocons are persistant. Who’d have thought you could turn a story about a guy molesting Minnie Mouse into an Obama rant?

  21. Timothy Keeling says:

    Just when did it it become a political point of argument if a woman gets assaulted? When did we decide that it was acceptable to grope?
    Are we following the Hindu “honor killing” examples of punishing the victim?
    Would any of us want our children to have to see a man grope anybody in that or any situation? What should have been the outcome if you disagree with this? 🙂

  22. Alex says:

    “Those Disney employees are probably Mexicans making minimum wage and you had to be a dickwad at Disneyworld acting like a dipshit.”

    Actually the Disney characters are all college kids, either on break or who study in nearby campuses.

    They keep the illegals down in the pits, out of sight, making sure the wheels are greased and everything runs on time. And they’re likely all Cuban, not Mexican. Sheesh, get with your geography here.

  23. bobbo, keeping his priorities straight says:

    I’d have gone for her cheese.

  24. meetsy says:

    …I’m 100% certain, this Minnie groping guy was f*cking goofy!

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> sargasso said, on August 11th, 2009 at 8:05 pm
    >> #15. Yes, I’ve done that. Once put a lit a firecracker in a parade teddy, his costume needed a heavy duty wash and sanitation.

    Dude. You need therapy.

    Seriously. You do.


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