Har! I guess we all have a bad day, but that is just a little bit scary. Glad I’m not in Slick Willie’s shoes.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    It might have been pertinent to see the previous few minutes and question leading up to this exchange. It is possible that she was becoming impatient with seemingly silly or redundant questions.

    But I don’t think she was particularly rude here. She is the Secretary of State for the USA. She speaks for America, including the President, not just herself OR the President. Asking about divisions within a political party to a leader by a foreign correspondent is usually considered rude.

  2. eaglescout1998 says:

    I really hated the Clinton when he was in office, but I am beginning to miss him now that Chairman Maobama and the brownshirts have taken over the place.

    If John McCain had to lose, I would have rather he lost to Hillary Clinton; she has more balls than our fearless leader when it comes to foreign policy.

    By the way, the address is flag@whitehouse.gov should anyone feel the need to report me.

  3. Brian says:

    Women have it rough. No matter what she says all we can say is “she sure looks fat” or “she is a bitch”. How many times have you been talking to a women in business and all you can think of is how hot she is?

  4. What-If says:

    #33-She is the Secretary of State for the USA.

    Ouch! No need to rub it in.

    The jury is still out on if she is speaking for the people, but you are are right that she does speak for the president.

    Rude is the mood for the new dude. Yep, she does a good job in expressing the new attitude.

    Ever notice how Obama overuses the phase, “Let me be clear”? Makes you wonder why everything that follows is so murky.

    Any complaints can be made by email to flag@whitehouse.gov or imarat@whitehouse.gov.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Asshole,

    Ever notice how Obama overuses the phase, “Let me be clear”?

    Hhmmm, maybe that is because of all the FUD being tossed around by your fellow nazi sympathizers. Somehow a lot of people have the idea that Boss Limpdick is the only true American.

    Remember him? The guy that, along with so many other right wing nuts, want America to fail. The one that wishes even more unemployed walking the streets after losing their homes. Dieing from a lack of health care and food. Ya, the very same people that would deny a woman an abortion just so they can grow up suffering through a Republican world.

    Why do you hate America?

  6. Cephus says:

    I can understand why she’s frustrated, even though I don’t agree that she ought to be expressing it like she is. She’s trapped between two men who have both humiliated her; her husband who diddled interns because he didn’t want to do her and Obama, who wiped the walls with her politically. Now she’s got a political appointment and, let’s be honest, she’s not getting to go anywhere that really makes a difference, she’s being shuttled around to nations of secondary importance while Obama and Bill are still upstaging her.
    She’s pissed and probably rightfully so, but she’s a political joke anyhow and everyone but her knows it.

  7. User7 says:

    If SHE is Secretary of State why did Bill go to North Korea? Also people seemed to like Bill as President, why wouldn’t we want to hear what he thinks?

  8. pecker says:

    She’s not just putting on weight, it looks like she is morphing into Madeleine Albright.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    I feel sorry for her, She’s been rellegated to the position of lapdog to a President, that she, has far more expierence to be President, than he does.

    Her husband is being called a hero, because of his so-called “rescue” and being given credit that it was as a private citizen.

    Which is total BS, Former President and spouce to the SofS, pulling crap like that on his own, he had at least Obama’s blessings.

    Although, if he did it without her knowledge, that could explain her getting pissed…

  10. bobbo, we're just in a period of transition says:

    Boo Hoo. The wife of the ex- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES wants to be recognized for her own merits. Hah, hah. Thats right. Being the wife of the ex- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is irrelevant to her accomplishments.

    The truth is often an irritation to our individual druthers.

  11. chuck says:

    She looks like she’s thinking “I’m on TV in Africa – no one will ever watch this…”. It’s still incredible that many politicians still don’t “get” youtube and the interwebs.

    And why did Bill go to North Korea, if she’s Secretary of State? Because Kim Jong-Il is insane and he simply doesn’t understand how democracy works – where a President only has the job for 4 or 8 years (not for life).

  12. Special Ed says:

    It looks like she ATE Bill.

  13. MikeN says:

    Not only is Hillary relegated to Secretary of State, all the important areas have been taken away from her, and given to people like Dennis Ross, George Mitchell, and others.

  14. bill says:

    i have to ask but,” Why is she the Secretary of State?”

    I’m starting to miss the bad old Bush dayz…

  15. TheCommodore says:

    Hilary simply cannot afford to allow even a little distemper to slip through the cracks. Clearly a large portion of the media, and the public at large, miss Bill being in charge, and I’m sure she’s picked up on that. Which is why she simply cannot allow this kind of thing to show through. All I can see now is a whiny bitch complaining ‘it’s MY party now!!”.

    It will take a long time for this to wash outta the hive mind. She’ll never be able to take office now.

  16. echeola says:

    Let me start off, I’m not a fan of the clintons.

    This reaction is an appropriate one under the context in which she thought it was asked. Can you imagine someone supplanting your opinion over that of your spouse. Especially under the circumstances, it is important for Hillary to make it absolutely clear, that hers is the opinion that matters. She carries the foreign policy of the United States of America, not her husband.

    Other than that, she should really look into the translators that work for the State Department. Remember the Reset button and the Russians?

  17. waltersobchack says:

    For secretary of state I’ll take Hillary over Condi Rice any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

    You guys all just feel inadequate that a woman like her is smarter, richer, and more powerful than you will ever be. Post away on your obscure blogs on the internet, at least she is doing something useful with her time.

    Personal attacks are the most basic of the low hanging fruit. I would bet a hundred bucks anyone calling her fat can barely see their own limp dick in the shower. See how easy that is?

    Now lets all start throwing poo at each other like those fucktard nutbars at the town hall meetings. Mmmmm pooooo. Yummers.

  18. waltersobchack says:

    Uhhh no pedero, the name is waltersobchack.

  19. eaglescout1998 says:

    #54 I never said I was a fan of Bush. Bush was, by far, the worst conservative in the history of conservatism. Bush expanded the size of government after 9/11 and he spent tax dollars as though it were going out of style (although Bush has already been outspent by Obama). The bank bailouts started on Bush’s watch; many of which were forced by Comrade — I mean Treasury Secretary — Paulson to take bailout money and were penalized when trying to give it back.

    Obama is simply continuing the Bush trend. Obama is not the anti-Bush; he is Bush on steroids.

    Further, if you are going to make an example of a president arresting citizens and foreigners without letting them see a lawyer, you must also add F.D.R. to that list as well. Or have you forgotten the Japanese internment camps?

  20. Scott (Proud Dvorak Minion) Maxwell says:

    It was actually rather refreshing to see a human reaction out of a politician.

  21. John C. Qwerty says:


    I’m Secretary of State and an angry cuckquean. I have no qualifications other than my husband was President. I know no foreign languages and I like to dress in brightly colored potato sack suits from Chico’s.

    Hear me roar!

  22. Toxic Asshead says:

    If Obama succeeds, America fails. If Obama fails, America has a chance to succeed.

    As for Hillary, all of the left runs on emotion instead of reason, so what so you expect?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #57, ‘dro,

    #49 People like you is what is wrong with America today. Seeing ghosts from the past and trying to push America towards the left cliff becuase “they’re coming after me”.

    I’ll actually give you credit for string three sentences together. Not that they made any sense, but you’re learning.

    Every November 11 is Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth. At 11:00 AM a wreath is laid at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The theme is Lest We Forget, a promise to never forget those who died.

    The assholes that equate “Nazis” with Democrats, that bring Nazi symbols to rallies, paint Nazi symbols as graffiti on Jewish institutions and a Congressman’s offices, are no better than the Nazis themselves. The slime responsible for murdering tens of millions is associated with these people that fail to remember.

    Ad hominem attacks like this are because the right wing nuts have no other argument. You should know that; that is the way you generally post.

    Equating the murder of tens of millions to the providing of health care. Yes indeed. Please ask your shrink to up your dose, the anti-psychotic meds aren’t working.

  24. pecker says:

    # 58 waltersobchack
    Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn’t thought of it that way, I should really be showing her more respect.
    All I can say now is thank goodness for the rest of the electorate’s ability to see through baseless accusations of nepotism.
    It brings a tear to my eye to think that Bush Jr, despite the handicap of his father also being president, could achieve his full potential aswell. The Emmanuel brothers and other current political figures must be similarly selected on merit.
    So, you are right, any desire to ridicule her must be based on feelings of sexual inedequacy and there can’t possibly be any other reason to feel contempt or ridicule towards these people. Likewise, if I have said anything bad about Obama in the past, it must because I was being racist and I appologize for that too.

    One thing I don’t agree with you on is the fact that I CAN see my own limp dick in the shower – without even bending over! Can I have my $100 now?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, ‘dro,

    Another post where you had nothing to add.

  26. What-If says:

    #65-The assholes that equate “Nazis” with Democrats, that bring Nazi symbols to rallies…

    Now you have me laughing at you. The only person running around with Nazi symbols at rallies is the a paid staffer of Democrat John Dingle. Yep, he got caught.

    Again, I am embarrassed for you.

  27. kinetic says:

    To think, she could have been our president???

  28. bobbo, bumping her head on the glass cieling says:

    All Billiary had to say was “Bill hopes you dumb asses will pay attention to what I have to say.” But, she didn’t.

    So insecure. Failing to deliver what women promise to deliver “as women” when they come to office.

    Here’s the question she should be given next: “Mrs Clinton–do you think political spouses should swallow every aspect of personal integrity in order to hold onto the hope for attaining future political office for themselves?”

    The ONLY respect I had for Hilliary was that she is a total political whore. When she goes all feminine and human, she loses any reason to support her.

  29. RSweeney says:

    yes… when the “smartest woman in the world” speaks, you better listen.

    Come on libs, how many of you wanted her to be president? Come on, admit it.

  30. deowll says:

    #5 Glenn if you think that guy works for Fox you need help.

    I would say that she’s just the tiniest bit touchy on the subject.


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