Har! I guess we all have a bad day, but that is just a little bit scary. Glad I’m not in Slick Willie’s shoes.

  1. Faxon says:

    I don’t like Hillary, but there was really NOTHING to see here.

  2. Her ego is incredible. I hate to say it, but..”poor Bill.”

  3. Skippy says:

    Faxon, I’m with you. When I read the headline, I thought maybe she’d really lost it, but that was pretty mild. Some short fuse.

  4. roastedpeanuts says:

    We’re missing the real story: Is HIlary Clinton getting a little tubby?

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I understand that the translator got it wrong, and said Prez Clinton, instead of Prez Obama. Or at least, that’s what they came up with to “defuse” the controversy, later. Or maybe the reporters in this lame ass foreign country just don’t respect a “woman’s opinion”, even when she’s an administrative official. And so asked what her husband thought about the subject, rather than her? I’d be a little miffed too, if somebody treated me as if I didn’t matter. But naturally the Fox News task force had to spin it against Hilary. Are they desperate for muddy slinging stories or what?

  6. Faxon says:

    #5 Uh. Wasn’t that the NBC newsreader???

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I bet Hillary is loving it. Get out there, make her presence known. Give everyone notice she’s her own person, not a Bill Lite. Real Presidential material.

    Now that Obama is tanking, she’s counting the days till she can try again for the White House!!

  8. Steve says:

    It’s probably a touchy subject with her but I’d bet it comes up often. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking the wife of a former president to “channel” her husband’s opinion about matters of importance. As recent events have proven, he’s highly regarded around the world and the current administration could certainly benefit from his opinions. She doesn’t have to be insulted by such a question but it seems her ego might be the only frail aspect of her personality. I still wish she was the president.(the devil you know)

  9. Guess its all that good eating on the State Departments private jets and all of those functions
    Might be a good idea for Hilliary / Billiary to get a strenuous exercise trainer

  10. chuck says:

    I wonder where Bill puts his cigars now.

  11. Syrinx says:

    #4 roastedpeanuts,

    Exactly. That’s the first thing that came to my mind. I mean, not that Hillary Clinton has ever been Mrs. Hot Body or anything, but gaining weight doesn’t help.

  12. madtruckman says:

    Surprise!! Hillary Clinton is a bitch…..

  13. The Gimp says:

    #5 that was NBC not FAUX News!

    #4 Yeah what’s up with that medic pouch she’s sporting? Is she going into battle?? Looking like my grandma after her hysterectomy…

    She needs to get a clue from Madeleine Albright or Margaret Thatcher, them broads were tanks but had a better crew dressing them.

  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’d be pissed too if I was asked what my cheatin’ lyin’ husband’s opinion of something was.

    #4 Bill likes em a bit chubby, doncha’ know.

  15. John C. Qwerty says:

    At least she didn’t throw a lamp at the guy like she supposedly did at BC.

    All of this begs the question of why she wasn’t involved in the release of the two Current tv reporters who “guests” of North Korea?

    Was it Bill’s connections to the Chinese the reason for the release?

  16. LDA says:

    I can not stand her. She is a nutty liar (e.g. Bosnia / Chelsea on 9/11), however this response seems completely reasonable to me.

    P.S. But Bush… Obama is… couldn’t be bothered.

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    # 8 Steve said, in part:

    “It’s probably a touchy subject with her but I’d bet it comes up often.”

    Ohhh yeah. It’s got to be frustrating for her, a high government official in her own right and at the peak (so far) of her power, to get asked about her husband, the Former President.

  18. ridin the short bus says:

    She could have handled it much Better…and the people out side of the US will have respected her more, than a quick retort that blasts the questioner. After all she is the Secretary of State and she is the Spokes person the US not for her own opinions…

    I am a dem, but I have never really warnmed up to Hillary… who can?..

    This is the face of the US Gov post she holds and she should learn to be more “diplomatic”

    But trapsing thru 7 countries in 11 days would take the toll on anyone…

  19. chris says:

    Admitted, my response was pedantic. There are just so many mistakes of SUBSTANCE in politics.

    Free advice for political types: Obama is the good time guy. He’s about smiles, aspirations, and and togetherness. No problem facing the U.S., save deflation, requires any of these talents though.

    The biggest challenges we face involve telling specific populations that they are about to experience a lighter wallet. The essential qualities in this sort of enterprise is not brain or tongue, but rather spine.

  20. The Pirate says:

    Non-event all around. I would expect nothing less from Hilla-panties in a bunch-ry, her ego is as big as her husbands penis in someone elses mouth, while the mainstream press just can’t resist a shot at the fallen one having sided with the Uncle Tom messiah.

  21. verycheeky says:

    Notice how he says “she THOUGHT someone asked her for her husbands opinion”

    Someone DID…

  22. What-If says:

    A perfect opportunity missed – should have asked her what Monica thinks.

  23. Morons says:

    Idiot fucktard Hillary. We’re royally screwed in the ass.

  24. Todd Peterson says:

    I’m glad she doesn’t have to answer the phone in the middle of the night …

  25. SB says:

    She’s scary, Bill should get a divorce before it’s too late and she has him taken out! You can totally see the hatred going on there.

    And #4 you’re right, in a way. I don’t think Hillary is totally tubby and ugly, mostly the hair, costume, and attitude…. well I guess that does equate to ugly. lol

  26. tcc3 says:

    Yes, one would expect a more measured response from the nations top *diplomat*.

  27. That B says:

    Even if the translator and “got it wrong” and mistranslated it as “Hillary, you are a bitch more than any bitch there has ever been bitchy bitch bitch bitch” ANY and EVERY Secretary of State HIRED BY 275 MILLION PEOPLE should be calm, courteous, and reserved in any and every reesponse.

    THANK GOD SHE DIDN’T BECOME PRESIDENT, we would have been fighting WW3, WW4, AND WW5 ALL AT THE SAME TIME not to mention she would have dropped the bomb on Korea, Russia, Israel, and Roseanne Barr.

  28. MikeN says:

    Bill is probably working behind the scenes to undermine everything Obama wants to do.

    He’s the only Democrat president many people remember, and for most, the only one other than Carter. Throw in that LBJ is denied praise because of Vietnam, and by 2016 or 2020, there are only two possible narratives. Bill Clinton is the last successful Democratic president, or Barack Obama did what Bill Clinton couldn’t.

    It’s not a coincidence that one of the four Democrats that struck a deal on health care was Mike Ross from Arkansas.

  29. B.Dog says:

    How does she know about channeling anyway? Does she watch too much TV or is she in one of those wacko Waco cults?

  30. Greg Allen says:

    You call that a “short fuse”? Angry? An ego?

    That would be _nothing_ for a male politician.


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