The Mommy Files : Dead baby comes to life before funeral

The hospital provided the parents Liliana and Jose Alvarenga with a death certificate and a “coffin,” a cardboard box with the baby’s name scribbled on the side. They placed their deceased child in the box, went home, and then the unbelievable happened.”I opened the box and took the baby out and he cried. I got scared and I said ‘the baby’s crying’ … and then he started moving his arms, his legs and I got scared, we got very scared,” Liliana told Reuters Television

Cripes. She got scared? Of what? The baby? You’d think she’d be happy.

  1. eaze says:

    id b pretty scared

  2. Named says:

    I’m still waiting for the “Image of Jesus appear on the babies _______” part…

  3. noname says:

    John is this your baby pictures?

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Dude, I’d totally SHIT myself if that happened to me!

    Que tengan mucha suerte la familia con su nene…

  5. bobbo, Its a freaking miracle says:

    Paraguayan Hospital = Boxes are Us.

  6. Sigma says:

    I wonder, since this was a state-run hospital, if this will happen under Obamacare.

    Other than that, I must echo the mother’s sentiment (as well as 1 & 4’s) to the effect that I’d be ready to shit myself.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #6…no it wouldn’t happen. Rather, the kid would end up as sausage. Check it out on page 452 of the bill, it’s right there.

  8. roastedpeanuts says:

    Stigma: We (Canadians) have provincial (read: goverment) run healthcare system that works just fine.

    That said, the American system is screwed and going to hell in a handbasket. I wouldn’t trust the Obamamaniacs either.

  9. sargasso says:

    I hate zombies, man. Waste entire magazines into them, and they don’t die – just stand there, waving their arms around, saying “arrgghhh”.

  10. chuck says:

    Under Obamacare this would be called a partial-birth abortion, so the baby would taken away until it was really dead, then returned to the grieving parents.

  11. Tomas says:

    #9. No…they say BRAINS, but yeah, whatever. I get your point.

  12. John E. Quantum says:

    Does this remind anyone else of the joke-
    Two Appalachian residents go out hunting. They split up for a while, one of them trips and hits his head on a stump and is knocked unconscious. When the other one finds the inconscious guy he calls 911.
    “I think my buddy is dead” he tells the operator.
    “Are you sure he’s dead?” asks the 911 operator.
    The 911 operator hears a load bang over the phone.
    “Yep, he’s dead” the caller responds.

  13. Ad Block says:

    Thank God for Ad Block Plus aka. censorship. The picture is disgusting and is now blocked.

  14. bobbo, funny can be just one word away says:

    “Are you sure he’s dead? /// “Make sure he is dead.”

    One of my favorites: Whats the difference between a truck full of dead babies, and one full of bowling balls?

    You can’t off load the bowling balls with a pitch fork.

  15. Stars & Bars says:

    Re: “Cripes. She got scared? Of what?

    She got scared because the information told to her by an “authority figure” conflicted with common sense.

    Ever seen 2001: A Space Odyssey?

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    Jesus and Lazarus both rose from the dead. You’d think the parents would be running around with their arms in the air shouting ‘A miracle! A miracle!’

  17. CB says:

    Nice Photoshop work on that picture…lol.

    It sounds like a ploy to have the baby classified as a “miracle” to profit off of the religious who will undoubtedly want to visit a baby who had “risen from the dead”. Otherwise, you simply have a completely incompetent hospital which should be avoided at all costs.

    #10: Under RepublicanCare, there would be no way to prevent having a baby so when you did, you would be bankrupted if/when that baby got really ill forcing you into substandard cheap clinics for healthcare. (The don’t abort babies, let them die of sickness program.)

  18. Rick Cain says:

    If it was an American hospital, that baby would be guaranteed to be dead.

  19. JimR says:

    … and so, another practical joker is born.

  20. deowll says:

    First I’d hug my kid, cry, and think God. Then I hope my friends would set on me because my next thought would be to get a stick and go looking for some medical malpracticers.

  21. Glenn E. says:

    The baby was delivered 16 weeks premature! At a state run hospital. Meaning, the state of Paraguay paid the bills? I find both facts pretty damn remarkable. And wonder if either would even happen in the US, with its slipshod healthcare system?

  22. mr. show says:

    #20 I couldn’t have said it better myself. What an amazing story.

    And, I don’t blame you, my first impulse would be the same for those so-called doctors!

    Btw, that picture creeps the hell out of me…

  23. ah says:

    Fuck, that’s a creepy picture……..

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    In an American privately run hospital the baby would have been taken down to the morgue and put into cold storage. Then the coroner would have either conducted an autopsy or released the baby to a funeral home. There would not have been any grieving parents to hold and warm the baby.

  25. The0ne says:

    That is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

  26. Voluntaryist says:

    Forget Obamacare & republican fascism. Who needs government rationing healthcare or forcing their will on “the public”? And why does it seem as if those are the only 2 options? Do away with government altogether, we’d be a lot better off with a market run health care system without the suffocating influence of inept politicians and their aggression on peaceful people…

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Voluntary

    Who needs government rationing healthcare

    About 300,000,000 Americans. All those the Health Insurance companies have failed.

  28. Thaigen Gustove says:

    I have a child of my own and i dont think i could ever post such a gruesome picture of my child. you are sick and this is only amusing to people like you. God have Mercy on your souls.

  29. joe says:

    photoshopped. look at those crappy ps veins and the eye socket.


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