
Click image to go to No Agenda.

John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda Archive

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. SB says:

    Evil Doctor John C! That picture is too funny!

  2. SB says:

    You guys wanna get up to 3 shows a week or even more, maybe some of the “producers” out there may have a billboard laying around vacant or the side of a wall facing a road.

    Slap that picture up or other funny artwork in support of the show, people won’t be able to resist checking into what it is about.

  3. steppinasideandwatchinthetrainwreck says:

    John, use Foxit (free version, reader only) to open PDFs.

    It’s WAY faster if you’re just reading. Not a lot of features, but it doesn’t crash your browser.


  4. deowll says:

    I just hope that Congress is in session and the President, etc. are in Washington at the time.

    We need a smaller government that spends less money.

    No such luck.

  5. Randomized says:

    $161.80…move the decimal two spaces to the left = the golden ratio….1.61803399

  6. Randomized says:

    I guess I should have finished the show before posting the golden ratio… >_>

  7. Bob Dole says:

    Bob Dole thinks Adam looks like the Fonz. Aaaay!

  8. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Man, what are they getting ready to do to that pig?

  9. Nom de Guerre says:

    No Agenda podcast hysterical discussion on vaccines put to shame by people who actually know what they are talking about (virologists). No Hysteria indeed.


  10. BigBoyBC says:

    Looks like ol’ Doc “D” got himself a pig-sticker… Squeal little piggy, Squeal!

    I don’t know who does this cover art, but JCD always looks like he’s up-to-no-good. (and usually is, I’ll bet)

    Keep up the godd work!

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    Just thought of something, it should read:

    The Buzzkill – John C. Dvorak MD. (Mad Doctor)


    Crackpot – Adam Curry RN. (Registered Nutball)

  12. Dale says:

    Does Canada’s Health Care System Need Fixing?
    Lots of miss-information in the corporate media.

  13. Alex says:

    Man, John’s hound dog sure has a pitiful wail. Aroooooo!

  14. Tex says:

    Adam Curry, now there’s a fellow thinking with SAND! http://bit.ly/2fchP


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