This is actually a couple of years old but still good to watch if you have not seen it. It’s 40 minutes long. It’s probably subject to a take down.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a bunch of sheep. You all think Stossel (well, a few did pick up on this) didn’t manipulate the video to sit his purposes.

    What we saw is several hours of video trimmed down to just a few minutes. Charter Schools actually have lower test scores than public schools. Not everyone is in favor of Charter Schools that know something about education.

    Yes a few people don’t know the answers. Especially when the teacher is not allowed to answer why Monopoly might teach a lesson. And yes, students acting for the camera is NOT the normal behavior.


    The problem with schools is not the students, parents, teachers, curriculum, buildings, texts, etc. It is that our education system is following the same example it did 150 years ago.

    About 1/3 of students excel in the current setup. Another third pass. The final third can’t handle the 19th century setup. Even 75 years ago these people would have dropped out after gr. 8. Today we force them to remain in school and put them in front of cameras to answer stupid questions they have no interest in.

    One of the smartest men I ever met was illiterate. Nope, couldn’t read a word. His wife even signed his paycheck. Yet that man could repair an engine better and in less time time than any other mechanic I know of. He was Catholic but had no idea, nor care, who the Pope was. And I’ll bet all you people (with exceptions) would consider him stupid.

    Face it. There will always be people that can’t do well in school. Somehow, they will always make it on TV when asked a silly question.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    I really like the “the money follows the kid” idea.

    Sigh, unfortunately, it makes too much sense.

  3. faustus says:

    i love the union head: “we are stepping up to the plate and policing ourselves.” sounds like the teamsters are running that union… but seriously folks america’s strength has always been it’s inventiveness not its bookworminess. we develop the electronics that go in computers that are made in china, flat screen tv’s made in korea, ccd’s in cameras made in japan. the pasadena school of design that use to design lunar modules now designs japanese cars… it goes on and on… the schematic gap in this country between ppl and education is jobs. how do we really capitalize on technology developed here usually with tax payer money so everyone benefits.

  4. George says:

    Who says the schools aren’t working?

    They’re working perfectly. They produce voters that will buy any sort of bullshit as long as its labeled “Change we can believe in.”

    Thinkers are not led so easily as morons.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    “The world needs ditch diggers too!”

    – Judge Smails, “Caddyshack”

  6. ECA says:

    Hmm, its the parents fault??

    Good quote.
    What about an economy that REQUIRES both parents to WORK?? just to make the bills.
    Family of 4, will need..
    40 hour week
    $25 per hour in wages.(1 person $25, 2 persons $12 and $13 per hour).
    REALLy think about what you said.

    AND what has happened in the last 20-30 years, as PRICES go up, and wages STOPPED.
    20 years ago the beginning wage was $2.65..wages have JUST” gotten to 3 times that(almost). WHO remembers tomato SOUP at $0.10 per can?? and NOW??
    Cost of LIVING went thru the roof..and those BASIC wages didnt. so WHO gets to stay home and the other Finds a job at $25+ per hour??

    WHERE did the money go?
    Wouldnt it be NICE if the school systems had there OWN publishing location?? insted of BUYING books, MAKE THEM. Have you ever priced them??
    Administration?? SUCK..Admins make 2-3 times as much as MOST teachers.

    lovE THE COMPLAINT..Can I trade you?
    Fight Life long pain, hospitals, and then 2 types of epilepsy WITH heavy drugs.
    I was a C+/B student the the drugs knocked me 2 points down..

    vERY TRUE.
    But the parents are working..
    NO body is at home to Show them STUFF or to play with them, OR to take them camping.

    good points..#5 is almost correct.
    WHO remembers kids being able to WORK?? at age 12? Who remembers Neighborhoods?? and KNOWING who was next door? Who remembers getting the kids out to MOW the yard?? keeping up the house?? Who remembers that SOMEONE WAS HOME to do these things??

    Who remembers when Schools, churches, the YMCA had after school activities?? FREEEEE!!!
    When the hood, meant your kids had someplace to PLAY..


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