Warning: Language may be NSFW, depending on where you work.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    As one who has destroyed electronics from Curtis Mathes cabinet TVs to mp3 players and everything in between; I can attest to how wonderful you feel.


  2. Miguel says:

    Know what would be real cool? Apple, after seeing this viral, would take his Mac, and actually repair it! A couple of weeks later Apple would call IceT and give him back the Mac. Same serial, everything, working nice and tidy. That would be a publicity stunt if filmed.

    Probably IceT would just drop the Mac to the floor and kick it with a fuckyall, though…

  3. George says:

    He should have shot it with his AK.

  4. MPL says:

    Looks like intellectual from this video destroyed everything except the harddrive ! O joy there is still a chance we will gain access to fruits of his brilliance.

  5. pokey says:

    lols! Ice-T knows not how to hold a hammer. -10 masculinity points. I expected more from a pimp.

    I was slightly impressed that he knew which piece was the hard drive though. There’s not a single genius who could tell you that much.

    If he had in fact drilled through the hard drive… I wounder what that shit would SOUND LIKE!


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