It’s looking more and more like the forged “Kenyan birth certificate” released by Orly Taitz on Sunday was a prank by a supporter of President Obama. Politijab points to an anonymous blogger at FearlessBlogging, who has uploaded four photos of the original forgery and a mocking declaration:

Fine cotton business paper: $11

Inkjet printer: $35

1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter: $10

2 Shilling coin: $1

Pilot Varsity fountain pen: $3

Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless

What more is there to say?

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. noname says:

    For all you BIRTHERS, I admire your faith despite the facts.

    Please see John’s previous post “Stupid in America”.

    Stossal needs to update the reporting to include the BIRTHER movement and re-air it.

  2. LDA says:

    The Diana “bombshell” (to prove that Diana was murdered) letter’s letter-head said “Kennington Palace” which is the old (no longer existent) residence of he Archbishop of Canterbury.

    The fact that it is a poisoned well (fake) is somehow supposed to add to the discussion in some way. It does, but it is difficult to clarify how. Yes, some people are easily fooled, but what is the motive for proving the obvious, it may be more valuable in offering proof to others not to listen to the victims of the fraud because they are actually on to something (which in this case is dubious but I mean generally).

    If the allegation is true (proof lacking I agree), offering fraudulent information to discredit it in the minds of other people (even though in reality it does not actually do this) may be funny (you should get out more) and effective for most people it does not actually disprove the allegation at all if you are wanting real evidence (however the real birth certificate does to some extent).

    You can fool some of the… don’t get fooled again. Brilliant insight.

  3. LDA says:

    # 2

    Let me be clear, yes you can.

  4. deowll says:

    I have nothing against hoaxers having fun with gullible types.

    I don’t need Obama’s birth certificate to know he was born in Hawaii because it was announced in the local newspapers at the time.

    I don’t need to see his college record to know he graduated.

    I do know that his verbiage about being transparent doesn’t change the fact that for some reason he doesn’t want other people to see those documents.

    I respect his right to retain that information but know humans well enough to understand that there is something in those documents he isn’t proud off.

  5. Ron Larson says:

    I saw a car with the bumper sticker “Show us the birth certificate” today. It made me very sad that there are people out there that are so ignorant and in denial that they lost the election. It is like running into someone you once knew and respected eating out of a trash bin. You have to wonder how they managed to sink so low.

    I just watched the MSNBC video of their interview of Israeli lawyer Orly Taitz, the attorney for and leader of the “birthers”. What a batshit crazy lady. You have to watch this interview to see how unplugged from reality she is.

    I love how she spews out that BOTH parents must be US citizens for their child to be eligible to be POTUS. Huh? I don’t recall ever seeing that in the US constitution. Also, a few of our previous presidents where born of foreign parents, and the early presidents, such as Washington, where not even born US citizens! Shock!!!!

    So how does some ranting Israeli nut case become an expert on US constitutional law?

  6. Thanks for article. Everytime like to read you.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Hmmm, nice Taitz!

    (Sorry, couldn’t stop myself. Frankly, I couldn’t believe no one beat me to it…)

    Forged draft registration, 1? That’s one I hadn’t heard of. But then, I have better things to do (much better) than listen to the lies and distortions of Rush and his ilk for hours every day. What’s next? Forged hall passes from second grade?

    It doesn’t matter what anybody says or presents or provides; President Obama could release his “Long Form” Birth Certificate (LFBC), or a six-foot long version or a six thousand foot long version, everything he ever wrote since the age of six, transcripts of every word he ever spoke including all the ga-gas and other baby talk from the age of one day old, a video of every second of his life; God himself could come down from Heaven and say “This is a cool dude, in whom I am well pleased” and it would not make the slightest bit of difference, because President Obama would still be BLACK, and that just eats at these people; it gets under their skin; it eats at their gut; it offends their sense of superiority over all others, so no matter what the proof was, it would be insufficient.

  8. skunkman62 says:

    fake birth certificate, O’Rly

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    As several other comments have pointed out, and quite well too, there will always be those who will deny the truth and continue to pull conspiracies from their ass.

    One of the longest posts at DU was over the WTC attack. Yes, there are still people making up non-existent examples of why this is a government conspiracy. Still telling us it was Bush and Cheney behind it all.

    Many people still believe Vince Foster’s suicide was a murder as a cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s “White Water” illegal doings.

    There are those that believe JFK wasn’t killed by Oswald. Regardless of the information, they won’t believe facts.

    And lets not forget those that still think Roosevelt knew in advance about the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Then there is that massive group of people claiming the US Air Force is hiding an alien body and space craft. Not to mention the number who have been abducted by aliens.

    That should be enough examples of wing nut (actually both left and right) conspiracy theories to prove my point. There are a lot of screwed up, stupid people out there. While this is just one, it is the one getting all the current attention.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #40 And that there were originally 15 commandments, written in stone.


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