It’s looking more and more like the forged “Kenyan birth certificate” released by Orly Taitz on Sunday was a prank by a supporter of President Obama. Politijab points to an anonymous blogger at FearlessBlogging, who has uploaded four photos of the original forgery and a mocking declaration:

Fine cotton business paper: $11

Inkjet printer: $35

1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter: $10

2 Shilling coin: $1

Pilot Varsity fountain pen: $3

Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless

What more is there to say?

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. wirelessg says:

    Can you just be someone who just wants to see the real historical documents for transparency and archival interests and not be a ‘birther’ pursuing a Constitutional argument.

    These paragraphs from kind of sum up my interest level.

    “Why the ongoing interest in the long-form, original birth certificate, even among conservatives who don’t dispute that Obama was born in the state of Hawaii?

    Obama’s critics complain the birth certificate echoes a pattern of promising transparency on the one hand while refusing to release key documents on the other, including detailed personal health records, Obama’s correspondence while an Illinois senator, his attorney client list or billing records, or his college transcripts.

    They also point out that Obama is the only modern president whose precise place of birth remains undetermined. Honolulu’s Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital has been widely cited as his birthplace, but another Honolulu location has been mentioned as well.

    The hospital has declined to address whether Obama was born there. Presidential birthplaces typically receive recognition and commemoration.”

  2. Awake says:

    It’s very simple.

    Specific people can request proof of birth directly from the Hawaiian government. In response, the Hawaiian government issues the officially recognized ‘short’ form to be used for official purposes.

    The Secretary of State of Hawaii declared that the certificate is valid and that it is all they are required to issue.

    The governor of Hawaii (a Republican) has declared the certificate valid.

    For Obama to release the ‘long’ form would mean undermining the validity of the documentation issued by the state of Hawaii. There has been an official request to Hawaii for the copy of the certificate of live birth, and the state has issued the version that they issue.

    Since the existing public document came through official channels, and has been certified to be true by Hawaii state officials, it is much more valid than some photocopy of some document that an individual can present, as shown in post #1.

  3. MikeN says:

    Except WorldNetDaily debunked this forgery, and they have been at the forefront of the birther movement, talking about how his mom took classes in Seattle two weeks after his birthday.

  4. DownAndOut says:

    Wow, I can hardly stop laughing. Obama promised transparency in government, but instead it’s like looking through a frosted lens.

    The only people that were punked are those of us who voted for this pretender. Punked? Yeah, I feel punked all the way to the unemployment line.

    Where is that lying bastard’s real birth certificate anyway?

  5. Andy says:


    I think the more important question is why do we even need to see this “long-form” birth certificate? Why are all of the documents that have been released and validated, along with all the other overwhelming proof, not enough to satisfy?

    I think we all know the real answer to that question. Orly has already been ON RECORD to say that even if he was truly born in Hawaii, he would still not be eligible for the Presidency as his father was not a citizen, and his dual-citizenship at birth would exempt him from the office. The birth certificate really doesn’t matter in her eyes…

  6. spanky says:

    Birthers gesh the right leaning Supreme Court(you know the guys that put Bush in office) says there is nothing to see here.

    Get a life, and get use to disappointment, grab your GOP talking points and go heckle your Representatives with your Astroturf roots movement on protecting the health insurance Companies.

    Give up the birth thing you only look silly. Just when the rest of the world stopped laughing at us you guys go on with this idiocy.

    “Just show us the document”

    you’ve already seen it sorry its not like you expected but it is proof none the less or the Supreme Court would have taken the case.

  7. Andy says:


    Can you show me your “real” copy of your birth certificate? I don’t think you can, that’s not something that people can generally put their hands on even if they wanted to.

    I swear, you guys are giving the rest of us conservatives a bad name with this craziness. Transparency in government has NOTHING to do with his personal medical records or information. It has to do with the policies and procedures on Capitol Hill . . . which, true, he has not been transparent on at all. So, while I agree to your comment on lack of transparency (which continues from the Bush presidency, btw), you kill any chance of anyone taking you seriously when you use the birth certificate as an example of how he’s not being transparent.

    Jesus, people, give us our party back! I might not agree with Obama on some fronts, but he’s our President. Live with it, and make sure there’s someone else in there next go around if the world is a worse place. Unless you’re talking about a revolution now, in which case, I’ll see you in Guantanamo…

  8. bobbo, the most reasonable of the dingbat crazy group says:

    I am a reasonable person. I even voted for Obama. I pass black people in the street and don’t even spit at them.

    So, how come XYZ? ((Fill in XYZ with your most heartfelt and honest concern.))

    Because concern about XYZ is nutbaggery! NOBODY BUT YOUR TYPE CARES!!!! Your self referential image of being reasonable not withstanding: YOU AREN’T BEING REASONABLE—YOU ARE A NUTBAG.

    Get over yourself.

  9. bobbo, just too excited says:

    I meant to post when the certificate first arose, didn’t it have the stink of punk all over it?

    So, on these XYZ issues, grab hold of some sanity and recognize when you find some report, some piece of evidence, that you really like, maybe you are just being punked?

    Suckers get played like this all the time.

  10. Awake says:

    #6 Andy –

    So according to you Obama has nothing to prove. His birth certificate is acceptable, since it has been officially issued by the state of Hawaii, and verified as true by both their Secretary of State and Governor.

    “Orly” the lawyer/real estate agent has decided that not only the person, but his parents must be born in the USA. IMHO there is no constitutional basis for that. But if she want’s to challenge Obama’s presidency based on a constitutional challenge, then fine, she can ask for the interpretation. Although be forewarned that there have been three previous presidents with parents that were not both born in the USA. So precedent is certainly not with her.

    Give it up guys… Hawaii has repeatedly certified the birthplace of Obama. Enough already.

  11. DownAndOut says:

    # 8-Can you show me your “real” copy of your birth certificate?

    Yes I can – it even has the little footprints, so it is possible.

    I am more concerned about Obama’s other lies than this but it’s a good starting point to vent my frustration at being deceived.

  12. bobbo, passing gas in your general direction says:

    Alfie!!!!! Back from retreat?

    Where there is smoke, usually there is nothing left to burn.

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    Where there’s Alfred1, there’s a brainsink.

  14. hhopper says:

    Alfred1… you are a complete idiot.

  15. MikeN says:

    >his dual-citizenship at birth would exempt him from the office.

    No it doesn’t. Andy McCarthy summed it up. Say Yemen says they recognize all US residents as Yemeni citizens, except the Jews. Then does this mean that only Jews are eligible to run for President?

  16. tedknaz says:

    God the internet is full of idiots.

  17. jccalhoun says:

    we all know the minutes Obama showed a “long form” birth certificate all the birthers would shut up and accept him as legitimate leader, right? They wouldn’t just claim it was yet another forgery or anything…

  18. Andy says:


    I have an original birth certificate from the hospital that I was born in, complete with footprints as well. But, guess what? When I tried to use that to get a passport they claimed that it was one that was given out by the hospital for show for the parents and was not “official”. For that, I had to go back to the Department of Health for the state and get the copy. Generally, official birth certificates do NOT have your footprints on them.

    And the one that I got from the Department of Health? Printed on recent grade paper with much of the same kind of information that Obama’s certificate came with. I have no doubt whatsoever that what he has provided is official, non-tampered with, and the most that we plebeians are going to be able to see by law. The Governor of Hawaii (Republican) says it’s official. The Department of Health says it’s official. The damn newspaper clipping from 1961 say it’s official. To say at this point that there’s still a conspiracy around this because he’s an “Arab-African” is ludicrous.

    He’s a citizen. Orly’s arguments are insane, as are the sheeple who are blindly following her.

    Like I said earlier, I might not have voted for him, and I might not agree with his policies to date, but damn it he’s the President and all this crap is making our party look like blithering idiots who can’t accept reality. Get over it people, make the best you can of the next 3 years, and try to make something better of the next election.

  19. DownAndOut says:

    The hiding of records lends itself to the pattern of deception committed by Obama and his administration. Please learn from my mistake of foolishly believing a politician and start asking questions of ALL politicians.

    Obama is what you get when you think with your emotions and wishful thinking and not with your brain.

    Forgive me America – I was wrong.

    No More – No More!

  20. smartalix says:

    This is a racist issue, plain and simple. Asshat whiners who get their ass beaten fair and square in the election want to use the vestiges of racial tension to disrupt the presidency of a good man. Birthers disgust me.

  21. Awake says:

    #13 – Alfred1

    >> With all this smoke…there is fire.

    If there is smoke coming from anywhere, it is only from your ears.

    But really, this is a case of “put up or shut up”.

    So far none of the theories that you and your Klan have come up with have been shown to have any evidence, much less proof, behind them. None. No evidence or proof whatsoever, just a bunch of theories and claims that all turn out to be laughably dumb, easy to debunk and baseless.

    As for Orly Taitz… can’t the right wing at least choose someone that has less of a specific radical agenda, not even born in the USA herself, born in Moldova. She is a radical Jew, virulently opposed to Obama because of his Israeli policies. Her growth and education took place in Jerusalem, and married a radical Jew named Yosef. She spends most of her time in Jerusalem. I only mention this not out of anti-semitism, but just to observe that this “Birther” leader has a deep deep agenda, way beyond the constitutionality of Obama’s presidency.

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    The man wasn’t qualified to be President (nor was Palin to be V.P.), yet it didn’t stop him from running.

    He won the election, like it or not. The Democrats in Congress are going to do what ever he wants. Soon ACORN and the other Obama-bots will put on their uniforms with their Obama insignia.

    At this point, who care if he’s a natural born citizen, we’re screwed already…

  23. Dallas says:

    Punking serves a useful purpose for the GOP sheeple. It teaches them that certain things they see and hear should be verified and with context applied.

    I would support a 6 month training program for the GOP sheeple using punking as therapy.

  24. Timuchin says:

    Calling someone a “birther” is an attempt to stigmatize people the leftists don’t want you to listen to.

    The same cheap trick can be pulled in the other direction by calling these deniers “Ratherites.” Dan Rather was a news anchor who tried to use a bogus document to attack a president. When he was caught he pulled in a bunch of other liberal news anchors to back him up. They repeated the same lie until they all went down in flames.

  25. bac says:

    This is a no win situation. No matter what documents is shown, someone will declare it a forgery. No matter who certifies that Obama is a citizen, someone will declare that the person certifying is in on the conspiracy.

    It is like explaining and showing a religious nut the evidence for evolution. No matter how hard you try, the religious nut will not believe you.

    The uneducated will keep this story alive.

  26. qb says:

    #13 That’s funny, he can’t even keep his conspiracy theory facts straight.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #27 Amen, if you don’t mind the reference. Fifty responsible, respectable people can say they examined the documents. Believe them, trust them. Swear that Obama was born in the hospital in Hawaii. But someone nobody has ever heard of from Timbuktu makes a claim with little or no proof to back the claim up, this person is speaking Gospel to those who wish Obama wasn’t President.

    I say this as someone who voted for McCain (in spite of Palin) and would do so again.

  28. LDA says:

    The birther Obama deniers (what stoopid nazi labels) clocked this fraud instantly.

  29. Number6 says:

    #1 said: “Can you just be someone who just wants to see the real historical documents for transparency and archival interests and not be a ‘birther’ pursuing a Constitutional argument.”

    No, you can’t. Good try though.


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