You can read some of Sodini’s diary entries. You have to wonder, given our culture, how many more like him are out there, future killers or not.

The sexually frustrated killer who gunned down three women in a Pennsylvania health club, then committed suicide, blogged his preparations, with the final chilling entry announcing the “big day.”

George Sodini burst into the LA Fitness Gym in Bridgeville, near Pittsburgh, late on Tuesday and sprayed 36 bullets into a Latin dance class, hitting 12 people. On the eve of the killings, he wrote: “Took off today, Monday, and tomorrow to practice my routine and make sure it is well polished…. Tomorrow is the big day.”
The blog, which Supt. Moffatt said was being treated as genuine and was quickly pulled off the Internet, reveals the sinister, often banal mind of a man crippled by sexual frustration, anger at women, and depression.

It listed his date of death, Aug. 4, 2009, and his status of “never married” and ended with the words “Death Lives.”

A picture of Mr. Sodini, 48, attached to the blog shows a lean, white male with slightly greying hair and wearing a smart blue shirt.

The police chief said the blog clearly showed “the hatred in him” and computer sleuths were looking into whether anyone saw the blog and if so, why they failed to report it.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    >> Toxic Asshead said, on August 6th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
    >> I bet this guy votes Democrat.

    Considering the recent spate of crazed right wing shooters, you’ll likely lose that bet

    But, judging just from the video, I don’t see any connection to conservatism.

    What possible connection do you see to the Democratic party?

  2. bobbo, high fructose corn syrup is not food says:

    #63–cranky=would your posts be different if different people were reading them?

    Mine would be.

    Not much, but a little. Not in what I “do” say–I just would say less.

    Whether “predator” is up and running, or being updated, no sane person posts as if they were anonymous. That would be silly.

    Society In General, the gods, your employer, your mother, your wife. All get a different version of the truth.

  3. Named says:

    46, LibertyLover,

    So, YOUR vision of America does include strip searches by armed guards where ever you cannot practically arm everyone. Nice.

    Like I said… YOUR vision of America sucks. Good thing there are citizens out there actually TRYING to make a difference, instead of pretended to be a “libertarian”.

  4. ridin the short bus says:

    Strip searches and check points… very nice..
    sounds like US-SR… the folks of the former soviet union have more freedoms than the US folks now… what is the world coming to?…
    Not much Liberty left to Love…?..

    But I stil believe we should ban Guns in America… or we will continue to see this type of unnecessary killing every week…

    Thanks for keeping the Flame Boboo…

  5. BK1 says:

    This guy was having such a hard time with women, or the lack of them, but I have the solution for him in one word: Hookers. Sure in most places they are illegal, but it’s less extreme that what he did.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    Yes Bobbo, we are all under the same boot. To think otherwise would be to disregard the last and current administrations. We had one from the far right doing their dirty in the name of protecting us and now one from the far left doing theirs in the name of the environment and redistribution of wealth.

    Two sides, same coin, screwing everyone.

    Remember what started all this was some whackjob killing unarmed women. That’s never ever a good thing I don’t give a shit who or where you are. I happen to carry spiders outside instead of stomping them in the house so I’m sure that shooting unarmed people is off my list.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    #61, Do you think this guy would have attacked this place if he knew everybody in there was packing? If you think so, you are deluding yourself.

    #66, As I said, feel free to move to a country where your paradise already exists. Don’t try to force your touchy-feely emotions on the rest of us.

    #67, But I stil believe we should ban Guns in America… or we will continue to see this type of unnecessary killing every week…

    Banning guns is not a society protection mechanism. It is designed to keep the current people in power. Stop believing the propaganda.

  8. named says:

    70 libertlover

    Wow. You claim that everyone would be forever safe if we all had gun in hand, since, I don’t know, everyone walks around with guns draw back to back with their shooting partner. I guess in your liberty land everyone has the same shooting skill and everyone will protect everyone else. You sure you’re not actually CommieLover?

    As I said before, if you can’t carry your gun you want armed guards everywhere strip searching everyone.

  9. Mr Diesel says:

    If you’re not getting laid what’s wrong with a good strip search now and then?

    Good news. Some ammo is becoming more available again and some gun prices are dropping.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #71, An armed society is a polite and free society.

  11. Toxic Asshead says:

    #64 – Just making a general connection. After watching the Democratic gov’t in action for 6 months now, anyone who still supports them would have to be mentally ill.

    However, you are correct – there are many kinds of mental illnesses, not necessarily connected or similar.

  12. Mr Diesel says:


    It sure feels that way when I carry mine under my jacket. I’m much more polite and more tolerant of people making stupid decisions around me. I just hope if they are carrying they feel the same way about me. 🙂

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Liberty Loser,

    If your freedom depends upon walking around armed, then you aren’t free.

    Maybe most of us would like to walk around free.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #74, Toxic Asshole

    After watching the Democratic gov’t in action for 6 months now, anyone who still supports them would have to be mentally ill.

    And you have been singing the same tune for 8 months now. Aren’t you tired it hasn’t worked yet?

  15. Named says:

    73, LibertyLover

    You are truly delusional if you believe that. A CIVIL society is polite and free. Your vision is the jungle. Pathetic.

    Oh well… hopefully when you’re in trouble, your vision of America will come true and some stranger will rescue you with his gun. more likely, he’ll protect himself and take your belongings when done… it the jungle afterall… and you’re not shooting back when your dead, so you’re fair game in such a polite society…

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    #78 Named

    “Oh well… hopefully when you’re in trouble, your vision of America will come true and some stranger will rescue you with his gun. more likely, he’ll protect himself and take your belongings when done… it the jungle afterall… and you’re not shooting back when your dead, so you’re fair game in such a polite society…”

    You make his point for him. That’s what would happen. Unarmed people will have no chance at all to protect themselves.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #76, If your freedom depends upon walking around armed, then you aren’t free.

    Maybe most of us would like to walk around free.

    Where do you get your freedom from? You get it from the muzzle of a weapon. You damn sure don’t get it from politicians who promise and then don’t deliver.

    #79, You beat me to it 🙂

  18. Named says:

    79, Mr Diesel
    80, LibertyLover

    “You make his point for him. That’s what would happen. Unarmed people will have no chance at all to protect themselves.”

    Well, you missed my lead up a few comments back. CommieLover believes that everyone armed is equally good with the gun. Since it’s entirely possible that you might suck and I would be awesome, you would be dead I would enjoy the spoils of my victory. You’re only hope would be someone else intervening on your behalf. Which they won’t, since jungle society means self-preservation society. In fact, I would wager your “saviour” would deal with the victor and split the spoils to ensure a nice and tidy package.

    “Where do you get your freedom from? You get it from the muzzle of a weapon. You damn sure don’t get it from politicians who promise and then don’t deliver.”

    Really? So why have a government? Tear up the constitution, or give it to someone who would uphold it.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #81,“You make his point for him. That’s what would happen. Unarmed people will have no chance at all to protect themselves.”

    Well, you missed my lead up a few comments back. CommieLover believes that everyone armed is equally good with the gun. Since it’s entirely possible that you might suck and I would be awesome, you would be dead I would enjoy the spoils of my victory. You’re only hope would be someone else intervening on your behalf. Which they won’t, since jungle society means self-preservation society. In fact, I would wager your “saviour” would deal with the victor and split the spoils to ensure a nice and tidy package.

    This is your fear talking. You will never understand true freedom and self-reliance because you are ruled by fear.

    “Where do you get your freedom from? You get it from the muzzle of a weapon. You damn sure don’t get it from politicians who promise and then don’t deliver.”

    Really? So why have a government? Tear up the constitution, or give it to someone who would uphold it.

    You obviously don’t know what the Constitution is for.

  20. Named says:

    82. LibertyLover
    “You will never understand true freedom and self-reliance because you are ruled by fear.”

    Right. Because you paved your own roads, have your own power generation, grow your own food, rolled your own ISP, milled your own guns, made your own powder etc…

    No. FEAR makes you pack a gun. FEAR makes you think that everyone wants to kill you. FEAR makes you a coward. Your only self-reliance is YOUR fear. It feeds your beliefs.

    “You obviously don’t know what the Constitution is for.”

    It’s obvious you don’t even know WHAT the Constitution IS.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #83, “You will never understand true freedom and self-reliance because you are ruled by fear.”

    Right. Because you paved your own roads, have your own power generation, grow your own food, rolled your own ISP, milled your own guns, made your own powder etc…

    No. FEAR makes you pack a gun. FEAR makes you think that everyone wants to kill you. FEAR makes you a coward. Your only self-reliance is YOUR fear. It feeds your beliefs.

    I don’t fear guns on the streets.

    You do. That is why you want them outlawed. That is why you are afraid someone is better than you.

    What I DO fear is a government run amok without the citizens being able to defend themselves from it. The same reason the founders had.

    “You obviously don’t know what the Constitution is for.”

    It’s obvious you don’t even know WHAT the Constitution IS.

    And, I suppose, the founders would have been able to write it without the force of arms they so elegantly displayed.

    No, the Constitution is a statement that the people have the power, not the government, and if it gets out of hand, it is up to the people to correct it, through force of arms if necessary.

    That is what gun control is really about it. Read up on the Firearms Act of 1920.

  22. Named says:

    84, LibertyLover

    Did I say I want guns outlawed? No. I never did. What I DID say is that society is not polite and good when everyone needs to carry a gun. A civil society would do that. Respect, and politeness is not offered when a gun is stuck in your face. You extract it. And then you get a visit from your friend revenge.

    “What I DO fear is a government run amok without the citizens being able to defend themselves from it. The same reason the founders had.”

    So, you believe that citizens should be able to aquire F-16’s as well? You know, to even the playing field a bit? If your army were educated in the constitution, there is no way the politicians COULD turn their guns against the populace. You’re .38 special would be useless anyway. Same with your M-16. Theory and practice are very different.

    As for the Firearms Act of 1920, I do not doubt that governments fear an armed populace. But you know what they fear more? And intelligent and active populace. The US government has enough power to run various wars in the world simultaneously and STILL kick their own citizens ass. But, if Americans were intelligent and active, the government could never turn against the people.

    Anyhoo, you don’t know what a government is obviously, since all you do is complain about it. You don’t try to change it. You just sit in your camper couched over your flint-locks keeping your powder dry.

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #85, You can always tell when someone has lost an argument. The F-16s come out.

    Thanks for playing.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #80, Loser,

    Then you will forever be chained to fear and never know true freedom.

  25. Named says:

    86, LibertyLover

    And you can always tell a fool by the lack of comprehension. Glad you played your part perfectly.

  26. Stars & Bars says:

    #87 Mr. Fusion

    Re: Then you will forever be chained to fear and never know true freedom.

    No amount of reasoning can/will change human nature. As individuals we must accept/respect human nature in it’s various forms, only then are we free.

    The presences of armed individuals in society reduce crime. Restriction of 2nd Amendment rights gives criminals an advantage over citizens whom comply with gun control laws.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #87, I am sure the founding fathers would not agree with you since so many of them gave their lives so you have the right to gripe about their decisions here on this blog.

  28. Named says:

    89 Stars & Bars
    “The presences of armed individuals in society reduce crime. Restriction of 2nd Amendment rights gives criminals an advantage over citizens whom comply with gun control laws.”

    That’s not the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. Even LibertyLover would agree with me on that.

    As for your armed individuals = safe society… are you talking about police forces? And, perhaps a citation would be useful…

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #86, Loser,

    Judging from your posts, you must have had a very difficult childhood.

    When the other kids didn’t play by your rules, did you take your ball and go home?

    That is the same attitude you display now. The government has to be run YOUR way and to hell with anyone else and their idea of what a democracy may be. You don’t want to be a part of society, you want to dominate society.

    You don’t care about those less fortunate than yourself. Eff them. Let them eat cake and that other crap. So what if their dead bodies litter the streets. It is their own fault they are poor, just make sure there is someone to clean the pool and cut the grass.

    Yes, these are some of the symptoms shown by sociopaths. Maybe you have enough compassion left to not go off shooting people. But maybe we will read all about you next week because you became upset over something like a cop arresting you in your own home for disturbing the peace.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #89, Confederate Traitor,

    The presences of armed individuals in society reduce crime.

    Then please explain why most European countries as well as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand ALL have lower crime rates AND guns are restricted?

    This study compared crime rates of the United States with those of other countries for whom statistics were available: European countries, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Statistics were provided by the United Nations for homicide, rape, robbery, burglary, and theft; the International Police Organization (Interpol) for homicide, rape, robbery, burglary, and auto theft, and the World Health Organization (WHO) for homicide. Based on these statistics, the rate of violent crime in the United States was found to be several times higher than the rates in other countries for which information was available. The rate of property crime in the United Staes was also higher than in the majority of these countries. Crimes of violence (homicide, rape, and robbery) were 4-9 times more frequent in the United States than they were in Europe; crimes of theft (burglary, theft, auto theft) were also more frequent, but not to the same degree.

    Bureau of Justice Special Report

    “Less civilized” nations, where guns are more freely available, all have higher violent crime rates.


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