New Wine Ministry — This guy, who apparently only shows up on two stations, is spewing this pitch 24/7 on the net. If he knows all this then he should be arrested immediately and grilled. This should bring everyone’s attention to the growing “New Wine Ministries,” a Pentecostal spin-off.

Americans will be roaming through the streets. The Lord has shown this writer that America will be known as a NATION OF REFUGEES. People will be roaming to and fro from one city to another seeking shelter and rest. The Lord said what we saw in New Orleans after the hurricane called Katrina hit, will become a national reality. Just as those people fled from their destroyed city to other cities, so shall it be in the days ahead. Because of the several nuclear detonations, natural disasters and other terrorist related incidents in major cities across America on the same day, millions will be wandering from sea to shinning sea looking for a place of safety and rest.

Found by Bruce Lee.

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    So does the guy eventually ask for money or is he actually crazy?

  2. Jägermeister says:

    I’m sure FBI has booked a meeting with this nutter.

    Religion – Makes people say and do crazy things.

  3. SB says:

    What is with the video put to this, crazy.

    Don’t be afraid my christian brothers and sisters, just send $25 dollars and a self addressed stamped envelope to…..

    And God has allowed me to send you this special offer, the dates, times and locations of the strikes.

    But wait, theres more!!! The first 100 people to hear the call and send in your money will get “Salvation!, ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

    Some restrictions apply, see your local “New Wine Office, uh I mean Ministry” for details.

  4. toldyou says:

    I’m sure Adam will go for it! Think about it. Have officials PROVEN that the bomb exists? No, they have said NOTHING! If they could prove it wasn’t there, why would they not?

    Their total silence just feels wrong…too much like a coverup.

    I’ll expect to hear him tying this to Denver…

  5. toldyou says:

    Should be “Have officials PROVEN than no bomb exists?”

  6. SB says:

    Ah a New Zealand hip-hop group “Attention Management” is responsible for the video, The plot Thickens.

    New Zealand New Age Pentecostal Terrorists?

    I never saw it coming!

  7. Dans says:

    Right, so theres a bomb. Whats with the religious bits at the end.

  8. Dallas says:

    He needs to be tortured until he produces a bomb

  9. RRD says:

    Dallas #7

    No need for torture, just water board him. After all that’s not torture right? 😉

  10. Ron Larson says:

    From the film “Young Frankenstein”…

    “These are the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind”.

  11. LDA says:

    Maybe he has played Fallout 3 too much. Why would the illuminati deaths-head cult uberlords destroy their Masonic temple?

  12. Improbus says:

    Ah, a nice refreshing cup of crazy … dark roast. Jeesh.

  13. Awake says:

    Specific threats, giving a date and place, have been made against the USA.
    This guy should be detained and “enhanced interrogation” techniques should be applied in order to stop the plot that he is claiming to have knowledge of.
    If it turns out to be false, he should then be tried for the equivalent of shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, whatever that is.
    People should not be allowed to make proclamations like the ones that he is making without consequences if they are false.
    Do you think that a non-christian would be allowed for even one day to go around making declarations like this guy is making without suffering severe consequences?

  14. pcsmith says:

    I guess he believes God is not a fan of big government. BTW, if God went old testament on DC, he has bigger tools then a nuke.

    And I guess the CIA is moving out of Langley (90 miles south) because this is a domestic threat so it is out of their jurisdiction.

    And where is his ground zero; Capital Hill, the Pentagon, or Anacostia?

    It is all ludicrous.

  15. JimR says:

    God? …………. God?……………..
    Pleas don’t blow up Washington DC.

    There, that should take care of that.

  16. JimR says:

    Oh shit, did you see that? God made the e disappear in please.

    We’re fucked!

  17. Special Ed says:

    New Whine Ministries.

  18. jpfitz says:

    Kids and paranoid white males should not be watching that video. The web and the msm today is filled with all sorts of fearful and scary boogey men.

  19. Huh says:

    So, on November 1, 2009, when no bomb has gone off in October, I would hope that anybody who listened to this guy will disregard everything he said. According to the Bible, if anything a prophet says does not come to pass, he is a false prophet.

    I think this guy actually believes what he is saying. If you want to lie to people and make them think you might be a prophet, never prophesy anything too specific or anything that will happen too soon. Or make it a conditional thing like, “If we don’t get enough people together and have a huge donation to our ‘Save America’ fund, then bad things will happen!”

  20. looney says:

    Rorschach cards please. He can certainly contribute to the database of strange responses.
    I have a feeling he didn’t read the Wiki baseline responses.

  21. SB says:

    It’s OK # 15, god will restore your “e” in heaven. 🙂

    Thanks for the prayer, whew… you saved us.

  22. Hugh Ripper says:

    Anyone who says ‘God said’ or ‘God told me’ is dangerous because clearly no earthly authority can supersede, in their warped minds. My biggest fear is that one of these lunatics will get hold of the bomb. They are as dangerous as any Islamic terrorist.

  23. Animby says:

    He may have consumed a little too much old communion wine.

    By the way, the FBI doesn’t need to talk to him, they need to talk to the idiots who listen to him.

    Can you imagine how great our world would be if religion didn’t exist.

    Imagine no Alfred1…

  24. Mr Diesel says:

    I wouldn’t trust this guy in a shit house with a muzzle on.

    I know there is. I know there is.

    If you knew that on a certain day a bomb was going off…….blah blah blah.

    I could only watch to 50 seconds of the video. Did everything come out all right?

  25. Jason says:


    #19, you are correct but the most fun would be to just see if ANYTHING that this tool has already “predicted” has NOT come to pass.

    #23. You seek a literal and philosophical impossibility (Unless you endorse Orwellian society?). Better to stop wishing and just find a way to deal with it.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:


  27. BigBoyBC says:

    General: “Mr. President, you can’t blow-up Washington DC!”

    President: “Why? Would you miss it?”

  28. Somebody says:

    mmmmmm… Wine!

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, Somebody,

    They call it wine but they pronounce it “whine”.


  30. Thinker says:

    #27 ! ! ! ! 🙂 DING!


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