New Wine Ministry — This guy, who apparently only shows up on two stations, is spewing this pitch 24/7 on the net. If he knows all this then he should be arrested immediately and grilled. This should bring everyone’s attention to the growing “New Wine Ministries,” a Pentecostal spin-off.

Americans will be roaming through the streets. The Lord has shown this writer that America will be known as a NATION OF REFUGEES. People will be roaming to and fro from one city to another seeking shelter and rest. The Lord said what we saw in New Orleans after the hurricane called Katrina hit, will become a national reality. Just as those people fled from their destroyed city to other cities, so shall it be in the days ahead. Because of the several nuclear detonations, natural disasters and other terrorist related incidents in major cities across America on the same day, millions will be wandering from sea to shinning sea looking for a place of safety and rest.

Found by Bruce Lee.

  1. Buzz says:

    Send this guy to Gitmo and do NOT spare the water board.

  2. Toxic Asshead says:

    If they want to prove it to me they’ll have to set it off. (Which I’d like to see anyway, so I hope it’s real.)

  3. be thinkin says:

    Jesus H crackers, this guy needs to take a bath with a plugged-in toaster.

    Did you feel the power?

  4. xbase says:

    He was saying an attack on Washington DC was imminent in May 2007.

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #26 said, “ALFIE LIVES!”


  6. deowll says:

    The good book says beware of false prophets.

    For some reason a lot of people aren’t.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, doill,

    The good book says beware of false prophets.

    I don’t recall reading that line in Lord Of The Rings. Or did you mean the Harry Potter series?

  8. Mother Superior (Dropping a Bomb) says:

    # 35 Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection said, ” ‘ALFIE LIVES!’ Shit!”

    Please, Sister. Watch your language. The correct response to “Alfie Lives” is: HOLY SHIT!

  9. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #38, Mother Superior,

    Just asking, but wouldn’t the proper exclamation be:


    with the requisite saliva spray. I think the radical gesticulations are optional.

  10. nunyac says:

    Maybe the guy is not really a preacher at all. Maybe he is a prophetic economist and forsees a Biblical like salvation of the US economy.


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