LONDON, Aug. 4 (UPI) — A British survey suggests women prefer “real men” with beer bellies and hairy chests to “metrosexuals” with tight shorts and manicures.

The survey of 5,192 women, conducted by Lion Bar Ice Cream, found 80 percent of respondents now consider metrosexual traits including hair straightening and frequent sunbathing to be turn-offs, The Sun reported Tuesday.

Dream or Dud?

The poll also found one in 10 women questioned in the survey like the smell of beer on a man while a fifth of those polled said they are attracted to men with “a bit of body odor.” “This is great news for real men this summer,” a Lion Bar spokesman said. “They can get their roar back and ditch the moisturizer, manicures and tight shorts this summer — leave that for the footballers. “British blokes can also wear their Speedos with pride, even if they have a bit of belly and welcome the wolf whistles as they walk down the beach,” he said.

Ha! I always new my beer belly would come back in style one day.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    In my experience, most women prefer “real men” over their less confident and less “real” counterparts.

    I don’t know about the out of shape part, but women like the same kind of men that men like to hang out with — an inappropriate but great sense of humor, a little arrogant, prone to exaggeration and someone you’d want around in a bad situation.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    Read post #1 as women like borderline jerks.

  3. Ian says:

    Someone should start a podcast with a real American man and a Euro femme boy who talk about current events, politics, food, wine, etc.

    It would be a pretty funny contrast.

    In the morning.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    This survey doesn’t surprise me that much, although it _is_ encouraging! 😉

    I’m feeling too lazy to actually study the survey but my guess is that there is contradiction in sexual attitudes of women. (and men, too)

    I have been attracted to women of all kinds of “races” and body types.

    I’ll guess that lots of people are just like me, making a poll like this dubious.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Also, keep in mind that women can have very contradictory “attractions” depending on their menses.

    I thought this section was worth quoting:

    – – – – –
    Ian Penton-Voak and his associates (1999), found that women who were at the midpoint of their menstrual cycle, and experiencing higher levels of hormones, rated ruggedly masculine men as more attractive than women who were at other points in their menstrual cycle, who preferred a less masculine male appearance.
    – – – –

  6. LDA says:

    The type of women that “metrosexual” men are trying to attract do not eat Lion Bar Ice-cream.

  7. Ryan says:

    The question we should be asking, what do those 80% of women look like? Are they hairy, smelly and beer bellied?

  8. green says:

    Crackpots hairstyle hasn’t changed much over the years.

    80’s 4life

  9. Somebody_Else says:

    I was under the impression that British women will take whatever they can get.

  10. Uncle Don says:

    Now I feel old: I remember that ad when it was new.

    That being said, I knew of no girl who played it — or wanted to.

  11. billabong says:

    Ian you are funny….I guess I have a mancrush on Adam and now I know why.

  12. bobbo, able to do simple math says:

    “The poll also found one in 10 women questioned in the survey like the smell of beer on a man while a fifth of those polled said they are attracted to men with “a bit of body odor.” /// Meaning the GREAT MAJORITY of women like clean healthy men. Just like men do with women. Those “liking” the skank just recognize what they can get and have turned their own deficiencies into preferences. Kinda like republicans preferring morons, liars, and LIEBERTARIANS.

  13. McCullough says:

    Hey bobbo, we get the LIEBERTARIANS reference. Now will you PLEASE put that one to bed….??

  14. alex says:

    > I have been attracted to women of all kinds of “races” and body types.
    Yeh, that’s what all americans are saying. But when my skinny wife walks on a street alone, traffic stops, horny “attracted to women of any race and size” are abandoning cars right in the middle of street and chase her. America is fat, untidy, smelly and not really good looking especially here in Silicon Valley. We have to take that as the fact.

  15. McCullough says:

    #15. a bit too much huh?

    Just a touch…but don’t worry, we still love ya. By we I mean all of us LIEBERTARIANS!!!

  16. Benjamin says:

    This is a BS story. Actually women like men that ignore them. Really. Just it around waiting for a topic you are interested in to come up; engage in conversation, but ignore her; at some point turn back and say she is pretty; then go back to conversation and ignore her. She will come to you no matter how hard you try to get rid of her.

  17. terestenyi says:

    I believe that is a pic of the young Adam Curry. Anyone confirm?

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I think Adam may have been a woman and had the Addadictomy.

  19. amodedoma says:

    Ha! Sister Mary strikes again, I almost pissed myself.

  20. charliehorse43 says:

    I guess this means I need to move to the UK and start drinking beer.

  21. soundwash says:

    ..and why do we need to know this?


  22. deej says:

    #3 Ian FTW.

    …and yes, I believe this is why NoAgenda works so well precisely for the contrast in certain areas, as well as what they agree on.

    My favorite podcast by far..

    …in the morning.

  23. noname says:

    Ok British Women, I am your man. I am Hairy, Smelly (fart allot), Beer Bellied Man.

    Just give send a 2-way 1st class plane ticket, with a time and place to meet. I will show you what a real man (American) has to offer.

    Oh, and also send a photograph. I don’t do Anne of Cleves sight unseen stuff.

  24. chris says:

    Guys are generally more crass, smelly, and stomached. Women who aren’t a bit attracted to that are…lesbians.

    Here’s the formula: Be decent and somewhat attentive, but every now and then say some wildly inappropriate stuff. Women who laugh at that stuff, because they know deep down you’re a big softy, will tend to sleep with you.

    The best dysfunctional style of game I’ve seen was even simpler: One veiled insult followed by a grudging compliment. Repeat.

    That one really works with the right type of girl.

    Being a jerk, while showing amazing immediate results, tends to create miserable long term relationships. If you want to play the jerk do so ONLY as a tactical move and never with a girl you’d think of as a “keeper.”

    A shave and scrub never hurts, either.

  25. WmWallace says:

    Since the majority of British women are fat, hairy, stink of booze and smoke, have the dentition of a camel and the intelligence of a cow, it’s mostly amazing more Brit men are not metroAsexuals.

  26. Rich says:

    I just LOVE the hair, the glittery vest, but he could use just a tad more rouge.

  27. qb says:

    Personally I just belch if I want to attract women’s attention

  28. Dallas says:

    OK by me !

    The women can have all the belching, hairy, fat, sweaty, Rush Limbaugh types. It works out great!

  29. Animby says:

    #30 – Don’t believe I’ve ever heard Rush belch but her does have one attribute I suspect many women would find endearing: I’ve heard it said he has an immense …

    bank account.


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