Business owners and environmentalists in Australia are promoting camels as a source of meat to battle an explosion of the country’s camel population.

The Daily Telegraph (Britain) said Tuesday that environmentalists support the stance of business owners like Garry Dann, whose slaughterhouse in Australia’s Northern Territory has added camel meat to its production line.

“I know blokes who all their lives have meat for breakfast, lunch and tea, and they wouldn’t know the difference between camel meat and beef,” Dann said.

“Camels can handle Australia’s dry conditions and they are a good source of low cholesterol protein,” he added.

The camel population in Australia has already exceeded more than a million and is expected to double in size every eight to 10 years.

OTOH, there’s at least one American Talking Head who has her shorts all in a bunch over camelcide.

  1. amodedoma says:

    The implantation of foreign species in Australia has long been a problem there. I got an idea, why not organize alternative energy farms where camels power turbines.

  2. bobbo, people starving says:

    but camels will get culled. High quality protein to rot in the desert.

    Another example of more food on earth than people to eat it, but incomplete distribution system.

    Not that one negates the other. What is the feral camel population in Africa?

  3. wbskeet37 says:

    The best part is how Erin Burnett is referred to as a “newsreader”. Ouch!

  4. Weary Reaper says:

    Just imagine the uproar if camels looked like baby seals! The Aussies would never hear the end of it.

    Fortunately for Australians, the camels are kind of ugly with a nasty spitting habit, so I don’t suppose PETA will be raising any money off ‘protecting’ them.

  5. GigG says:

    #4 WRONG…. They kill bunnies too.

  6. Travis says:

    The poor desert kittens :'(

  7. bobbo, what is it with the Aussies says:

    Ok, we got your camels. Then easter bunnies. boring to mention Kangeroo’s. Then there’s theres those mouse and rat video’s with them running all over the place that sends shivers up my back. Locusts too.

    Seems the only thing the Aussies don’t want to kill are Koala Bears because they are warm and fuzzy. Aren’t they dying from aids or something? Just too much love I guess.

    What exactly is bad about the empty desert being filled with camels? I guess some flower gets walked on, but its not clear.

  8. Usagi says:

    The other white meat…

  9. qb says:

    Please, no camel toe jokes

  10. bobbo, the gourmand says:

    Camels are mammals. All red meat.

    The white meat I find quite delicious is alligator. Given Alligators are raised for their skins, you’d think the meat would be cheap, but it is hardly available. Have to mail order it. Don’t like doing that and don’t travel to the bayou enough to get a regular diet of the stuff.

    Like most bush meat–very healthy stuff too.

    Camel Toes. Funny. Every camel has four of them. Good thing they don’t wear bikinis.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Send them to Africa as humanitarian aid.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    Camels as a source of meat, Hhmm…

    Brings a whole new meaning to “smoking a camel”…

  13. The0ne says:

    I had Camel meat recently. Rather it was the hump of the camel. I have to say it was delicious! but that was before knowing it was camel hump meat. It doesn’t taste any different than pork, the way the dish was cooked. If you didn’t realize you probably wouldn’t care like me 🙂

    This was in China by the way. The co-workers took me to the restaurant because it’s one of their special dishes. Indeed it is.

    So here’s a solution, send them to China? 🙂 Their other “normal” dish was fantastic though. It’s a simply boiled, then slowly baked beef bones. I’m not sure which part of the cow it’s from but the meat was tender and delicious. I make the same thing with neck bones but they don’t taste as good as this. Definitely going back for the beef dishes…will skip the camel special *^_-*

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – BigBoyBC – Brings a whole new meaning to “smoking a camel”…

    Alfredone has yet another meaning of smoking a camel… 😛

  15. mikefarter says:

    I like a dry hump.

  16. Jason says:

    There needs to be some culling at NBC and its subsidiaries…

  17. R.O.P. says:

    Camel meat does not taste like chicken, but it is pretty damn good!

  18. clancys_daddy says:

    If everything tastes like chicken, then what does chicken taste like? Sorry but it was a long day.

  19. deowll says:

    Why not eat camel and kangaroo?

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #19 – deowll

    Hell yeah.

  21. Animby says:

    I, too, have eaten camel hump and did not find the experience cozy and warm. It was in southern Afghanistan. Maybe our camel was old or too hard-ridden or maybe traditional Afghan cooks don’t have the culinary prowess of the Chinese. For whatever reason, I found it too full of gristle and sinew. It was gamey and chewy. The next day, remnants were served as kebabs and the meat was still gristly but the taste was somewhat improved by the open fire grilling.

    Alligator and crocodile tail? Yes, please.

  22. sargasso says:

    #21. That was probably a mature camel. Best when just wiened, in a casserole or barbecued with a red wine and garlic marinade. Kikoman would work. Like free range mutton and feral goat, old camel isn’t something a civilized person would want to eat. Unless your chef is French.

  23. Animby says:

    #22 – That’s what I said: cook ’em like children!

    Yes, I didn’t see the butchered creature but I suspect they weren’t sacrificing their best meat on the occasion of MY visit.


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