How exactly does a self-respecting conservative watch Fox News and not be disgusted by the way the network functions?

  1. Don says:

    I can’t see how this was a “lost argument”. He gave her some challenges and he gave her adequate time to respond. Then, like they say at Fox, “you decide”.

    I don’t get most of my news from the networks, but you kneejerk Fox-haters need to get a life.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, john,

    A buddy of mine, who’s a mechanic, described his own heartbreak at the permanent seizure of an ‘03 Explorer’s engine — one with only 56,000 miles.

    I call bullshit. In fair condition a ’03 Explorer is worth $4550 as a trade in. Any extras, such as 4×4, trim level, etc. were not included and would only add to the value. Good and excellent conditions are worth considerably more. Oh, and these are the trade-in values.

    Kelly Blue Book

    If the vehicle is worth more than $4500, the dealer is going to pay the customer what the book value is. Only a fool would sell a $6000 vehicle for $4500. If the vehicle is worth less than $4500, then the customer will benefit, but only by as much as the $4500 minus the actual book value of the car.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, Lyin’ Mike,

    CNN has 20% more viewers, so if you multiply their numbers by 1.2, and then calculate for each group

    Why would you produce a factor into this? Then you blew it when you wrote that 51% is really 44% Democrats for CNN and 45% is really 32% for MSNBC.

    Your math skills are up there with the rest of your posts. You probably got your numbers from some FOX math wiz.

  4. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #29 Fusion,

    You are the master of claiming data, videos, or news from certain sites do not count because they are known to have a certain bias. Now you disagree when it supports your view? Maybe I finally get through to you.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #66, cranky,

    Are you also shooting the messenger because you don’t like the message?

    The video speaks for itself. I asked UnAmerican (#23 & #29) to show what in the video had been tampered with. It also appears you can’t show what has been tampered with. Instead, you want to suggest I’m inconsistent.

    If this had of been all editorial opinion or even reporting, your comments would be valid about a questionable source. This originally came from FOX and is merely hosted on The Daily Kos’s servers as the EXACT message suits their political purpose. That doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen exactly as the video demonstrates.

    I refuse to view scripted videos as they are always slanted to the director’s point of view. This is not scripted and is an actual, real time interview. There has been no apparent editing put on this AND we get to see the nuances from the two players that a transcript couldn’t give us.

    When Doucy, O’Reilly, or any other FOX talking head starts telling me that blah blah blah, then I want to see the original data. The same may be said about several polar opposite players that only spew hatred against conservatives.

    If you can show us how many falsehoods and lies the Daily Kos has then I will humbly accept your point. FOX is repeatedly called on their errors and bullshit. It isn’t necessarily the bent of the site as much as the fabrication of the stories.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, john,

    No need to follow up. You explained yourself very well and I reacted stronger to your post than I should have. My apologies sir.

    The point is that there are two aspects of the Cash for Clunkers. The first is to stimulate people buying fuel efficient vehicles. The second is to remove from circulation older, inefficient, polluting vehicles.

    If that Explorer was worth more as a trade-in then I’m sure the customer would have been given the higher price as the dealer can turn around and resell it at a profit. A dealer makes no profit off of a scrapped car.

  7. MikeN says:

    >Your math skills are up there with the rest of your posts. You probably got your numbers from some FOX math wiz.

    The numbers may be a bit off as I just eyeballed them. However, based on your reading comprehension skills, I don’t expect you to be able to come up with correct numbers.

    See if this helps you. Imagine there are 1000 viewers for Fox, 1000 for MSNBC, and 1200 for CNN. Now calculate how many viewers for each network are Democrat, Republican, and Indep.
    Then break down each party by network.

  8. gooddebate says:

    I know, doesn’t every respectable republican know they should be coming over to chat on Dvorak Uncensored?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Lyin Mike,

    See if this helps you. Imagine there are . . .

    See if this helps you. Just use the numbers the surveys came up with. Don’t pretend or make up your own numbers. The survey numbers have a basis in reality. Your numbers are invented, much the same as most of your posts.

  10. MikeN says:

    Reading comprehension still avoids you.

  11. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #74, Lyin Mike,

    Reality still avoids you.

    There is nothing missing in my comprehension. You invented the numbers. We call that “pulling them out your ass”. Just like most of your posts, you make up the shit.

    Sure, you might have heard Limbaugh or Hannity screeching about it on the radio. That doesn’t make it true and the probability is that if you heard it there, it is false.


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