Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents — This is a joke, right? And while this patent in available for examination I find no evidence that it is actually being used. Is it?

As this patent readily explains, ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used make vaccine ingredients. This is done in a cruel, inhumane “flesh factory” environment where the monkeys are subjected to a process that includes “incubating said inoculated cell line to permit proliferation of said virus.” Then: “harvesting the virus resulting from step (c); and… (ii) preparing a vaccine from the harvested virus.”

Aside from the outrageous cruelty taking place with all this (“incubating” the virus in the kidneys of living monkeys, for example), there’s another disturbing fact that has surfaced in all this: The patent for this process is held not just by the National Institutes of Health, but by another private corporation known as DynCorp…one of the top private military contractors working for the U.S. government.

According to all the usual suspects, Dyncorp is involved (with Halliburton perhaps) in the sex-slave business too. Eeew.

Found by Jim Boreth.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    Oh, those poor little monkeys.

    We should just let those mean nasty humans die. They deserve it.

  2. Jopie says:

    Looking at that Dyncorp history i’m really wondering if its only monkey’s they used.

    That is one hell of a scary company!

  3. LDA says:

    There is a lot of interesting information coming from “naturalnews.com”, are they a credible source?

  4. Li says:

    I hope this isn’t true; the last major mass vaccination made with green monkey tissue introduced the deadly SV40 virus into the human population. A lot of cancer in people who took the polio vaccine can be traced to that line of vaccines, and that’s been well established. What is less certain is whether HIV came from similar monkey derived vaccines which were given to gay men in New York and SF in 79, and to Africans in 80-81, but the Royal Society of London was unable to rule out that theory when they tried to figure out the mysterious source of that plague.

    I hope this isn’t true, because it would mean that they either have learned nothing, or conversely that these new plagues they are creating with this method are some sort of desired effect.

  5. Li says:

    BTW, that green monkey has been photoshopped.

    This is what a http://tinyurl.com/ox5m4m" rel="nofollow">real green monkey looks like.

  6. bobbo, doesn't have the links says:

    I read several well sourced articles on this several years ago. Typical government program: they knew they had a problem but continued to use the infected anti-viral for a variety of reasons. Used mostly in central Africa giving rise to the USA trying to kill off black people. Not entirely baseless.

    Then records were lost and facilities were abandoned. Yes, money corrupts and the Repuglicans are all about the money.

  7. freddybobs68k says:

    Sounds like a very similar process to how the chat vaccine was produced to vaccinate against polio. They had to farm the cells from live animals – grim to say the least.

    This has been linked to being the source for aids

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Where is the evidence? How did they get this information? Is the source reliable? How about a diseased tissue sample for proof?

    For an example of hysteria becoming fact, see #7 and #6.

    And here is the answer, straight from #7’s link!
    “The oral polio vaccine (OPV) AIDS hypothesis argues that the AIDS pandemic originated from live polio vaccines prepared in chimpanzee tissue cultures and then administered to up to one million Africans between 1957 and 1960 in experimental mass vaccination campaigns.[1][2]

    Data from molecular biology and phylogenetic studies contradict the OPV AIDS hypothesis; consequently, scientific consensus regards the hypothesis as disproven”

    So can I also make a website, fill it with unsubstantiated BS, and then have blogs publish it as truth??

  9. Me says:

    Seriously, You dont have to worry about any of this, as long as you refuse the vaccination.

    The profit motive, the weird PR and hype about the up coming epidemic, as if they have a crystal ball fortelling it, The no fault legislation for vaccine makers, the bizzare conglomeration of corporate and government agency players in this whole soap opera. It all just doesnt pass the smell test to me. Something is so weird and suspicous about the whole scenario.

  10. freddybobs68k says:

    #8 Ah_Yea

    I never claimed that it was fact that it caused aids. Not at all – I said it was linked, and with good reason.

    I’m only highlighting how horrific the process is, and how dangerous it is. I’ve seen interviews with people who were at the facility that directly contradicts some of the statements on the wikipedia page. For example they did use monkeys of the wrong variety for some production of chat.

    Whether it was a source of aids – is hard to say. Maybe we’ll never know.

    What can be said is that such a technique to produce vaccine is highly problematic. Both in being cruel, as well as providing an excellent vector to transfer disease across species.

    Unless you think that is ‘hysteria’.

  11. bobbo, able to change his mind with new info says:

    If some advanced molecular analysis can “prove” that the OPV was not related to the aids endemic at all, then isn’t it confirmed that NO LINK exists at all?

    So, the hypothesis at first is reasonable but it has to be recognized as wrong when later facts come in?

    The articles I read sound similar except the monkeys were infected purely for creating an aids anti-viral. So–similar process. Gruesome? Irrelevant if the only other alternative is using humans to incubate the cure. What IS gruesome is continuing a failed/infected anti-viral program because it is being used on ignorant poor people who can’t object and have no alternatives in order to keep the funding coming.

    Gruesome really isn’t the right word.

  12. Lao says:

    Jesus Christ Dvorak, you need to have your head examined.

  13. Terry says:

    Total bullshit. All influenza vaccines are produced from chicken eggs (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza_vaccine). There is no other way to do it. Monkeys have nothing to do with it.

    Please check Snopes.com before posting hysterical hoax reports or unsubstantiated rumors.

  14. deowll says:

    I go with # 5. I found this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Monkey

    I don’t trust this post not that I trust the company either.

    Humans are way to likely to get a disease from monkeys. This would be a bad idea.

  15. noname says:

    Ok, “its not easy being green”.

  16. noname says:

    Knock on wood. I am one of those people who haven’t had the flue shot for ages.

    I typically never miss a day of work, what ever season.

    Last time I did get sick was a couple years back when I was at work in my cube, with every cube around me, had sick and hacking people. At the time I didn’t worry, and; commented I don’t get sick, was I wrong.

  17. JimD says:

    We fought “Godless Communism”, but we find ourselves under the thumb of GODLESS CAPITALISM/FASCISM !!!

  18. Jon says:

    The invention refers to using a stem cell line. Not the injection of virus into monkeys ans then the later slaughter. all you have to do is read the patent.
    “The present invention provides a cell line derived from a pair of African green monkey kidneys”

    The title of the patent is “Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line”

    Natural News is not a credible source for health information. Mike Adams is using anything to push his anti-vax agenda.

  19. brendal says:

    I’d rather get sick…

  20. Kel says:

    This is a prank right? People don’t actually think this is real do they? There are a bunch of things wrong with this “article” but the main one I’m going address is the use of monkeys to make the virus.

    At no stage are actual monkeys used!!! Cells originating from monkeys are used and grown akin to how you would grow a batch of yeast or any other eukaryote cell. And at no stage is any of that material going to end up in any commericially available vaccine.

    Really? Live monkeys being ground up? That’s how you think vaccines are made?

    Hey #8 can I get into that BS website venture with you? It looks like the market for that is bigger than I thought it was.

  21. niv says:

    There is a BIG mistake in the article.
    Mike adams is someone which I admire and respect but he censored my comment about the mistake and didn’t bother to respond to my question,

    He says that live monkyes are used in the process of making the vaccines, but the patent papers clearly states that a cell line is used,

    cell line is incubated cells and not cells from live monkys.

    I will be glad If someone will correct me on this issue, couse I published this story in my own blog, and I wish to have my facts right.

  22. wethepeoplearecomingforyou says:

    Medical reference on vaccine production method involving monkeys:



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