St. Clair County man accused of drunken lawnmower driving – Belleville News-Democrat — A felony yet.

Although his drivers license had already been revoked due to a driving under the influence conviction, a St. Clair County man drove up to the local gas station to buy more beer any way, police said.On his yellow 2007 Cub Cadet lawnmower.Dennis D. Cretton, 49, of 29 Dianne Drive near Belleville, was arrested and charged with felony aggravated driving under the influence after neighbors reported he was driving the lawnmower down Dianne Drive about 9 p.m. Friday. St. Clair County Sheriffs deputies had received several complaints in the past about Cretton driving his mower while drunk but were never able to catch him driving it.

  1. bobbo, curios says:

    If the man were firing a pistol in the air while riding the lawnmower, would you fail to see the issue?

    Or do your critical faculties just turn off at the relationship between driving and a lawnmower?


  2. brendal says:

    That would explain crop circles…

  3. Benjamin says:

    I thought DUI was a misdemeanor. I don’t drive until the next day if I’ve had any amount of alcohol, but still, if no one was hurt and there was no property damage, then it should be a normal misdemeanor.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Here’s Steve on his machine

  5. Improbus says:

    Next time the cracker will probably be driving a horse. Can you get a DUI for riding a horse?

    Is it to much to ask that the moran think ahead so he can have enough booze on hand at home so as not to endanger the motoring public? I guess so.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #4, Jägermeister, that was pretty darned funny! Steve has a thing or two to learn about peeing in public.

  7. cakes says:

    #6, watch the vid of Steve getting tased.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – BubbaRay

    Yeah, Steve’s funny. I’m not sure if it’s for real or not.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – I’m not sure if it’s for real or not.

    Probably not.

  10. SB says:

    Well, to skew the topic a little, there’s always the argument in California here, if we tighten up immigration and keep the illegal immigrants out who will pick our crops and mow our lawns.

    Answer: Drunken Rednecks!

  11. Whaap says:

    Motor driven vehicle on public road with no license and previous conviction for DUI.

    Felony sounds right to me.

  12. amodedoma says:

    Wow what a dangerous guy! Just my opinion, but this guys neighbors really suck!

  13. dr. haha says:

    #11 your a boot licker.

    The right to travel is a right not a privilege.

    What does boot polish taste like?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    George Jones, the Country Singer also was busted for drunk mowing on a public highway.

    Some jurisdictions insist that boating while drunk shows up on your drivers license.


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