(CNN) — North Korean President Kim Jong Il has pardoned and ordered the release of two U.S. journalists, state-run news agency KCNA said Wednesday. The announcement came after former U.S. President Bill Clinton met with top North Korean officials in Pyongyang to appeal for the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who had been arrested while reporting from the border between North Korea and China.

“Clinton expressed words of sincere apology to Kim Jong Il for the hostile acts committed by the two American journalists against the DPRK after illegally intruding into it,” the news agency reported. “Clinton courteously conveyed to Kim Jong Il an earnest request of the U.S. government to leniently pardon them and send them back home from a humanitarian point of view. “The meetings had candid and in-depth discussions on the pending issues between the DPRK and the U.S. in a sincere atmosphere and reached a consensus of views on seeking a negotiated settlement of them.”

The report said Clinton then conveyed a message from President Obama “expressing profound thanks for this and reflecting views on ways of improving the relations between the two countries.” But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters in Washington before the announced agreement that Clinton was not carrying any message — written or oral — from Obama. Gibbs added that the former president last spoke with Obama during a White House visit in March. He described Clinton’s trip as a “solely private mission to secure the release of two Americans.”

The report from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the nation’s official name, described the agreement to release the journalists as “a manifestation of the DPRK’s humanitarian and peace-loving policy”.

You gotta love the comedian who wrote that. But seriously, if Bush was president, they would have been left to rot.

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    Let’s see, send the President over there who allowed them to gain nuclear weapons through his inept foreign policies to free two journalists who were most likely antagonizing the DPRK along the border by sneaking in to get a better story.

    If Bush would have let them stay in prison maybe it’s because that’s where they should have been for breaking the law.

  2. LDA says:

    Alt. headline – Mafia King Pins meet.

  3. Alex says:

    “If Bush would have let them stay in prison maybe it’s because that’s where they should have been for breaking the law.”

    …the unjust laws of an isolated fortress-like nation-state? Sure, I suppose.

  4. Steve S says:

    “Slick Willie Scores in North Korea (It’s not what you’re thinking)”

    Lets see. Bill Clinton travels over to North Korea to “rescue” two 30 something women?

    Yes as a matter of fact, it is exactly what I think 🙂

  5. Improbus says:

    Can we bomb them now? We have to have their command and control systems pin pointed by now. Put some of those B2s and surplus munitions to work.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    As much as I sometimes dislike Bill, he did a good thing.

    It wasn’t his doing that they were captured by North Korea (BTW many sources cite that the North Korean’s actually entered China to nab them).

    Now that they are back, we can go on with our foreign policy objectives over there.

    I just hope there is no secret deal which entirely compromises our foreign policy objectives.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Good job.

  8. Biodiesel says:

    “Let’s see, send the President over there who allowed them to gain nuclear weapons through his inept foreign policies”

    No Bush did not go did you read the article?

    Kim Jong wanted some attention from Obama Kim Jong got some attention from big Bill we reckoned that was all he was best he could do and the kids went free Every body wins

    Robert Gibbs told reporters in Washington…former president last spoke with Obama during a White House visit in March

    and pigs fly you can bet that Obama’s thoughts went through the Secretary of State to Bill to Kim

  9. HEY! Those are two cardboard cut-outs side by side!!

  10. deowll says:

    Um, if this little trip by Clinton was not done at the request of Obama then it appears Obama left them to rot.

    Sometimes some of you guys give me a chuckle when you bad mouth Bush for something and never even note that Obama is doing the same thing or in this case you merely assume Bush would have done what Obama did in fact do.

    Even if true, and we have no way of knowing that, it still makes you look ludicrous for saying it.

  11. bobbo, glad there are a few professionals around says:

    “But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters in Washington before the announced agreement that Clinton was not carrying any message — written or oral — from Obama.” /// Next Up: Gibbs supports the troothers, because he can’t tell sh*t from shinola.

  12. EvilPoliticians says:

    “But seriously, if Bush was president, they would have been left to rot.”

    “I just hope there is no secret deal which entirely compromises our foreign policy objectives.”

    Bush would not have been blackmailed. The NPK does nothing for free or out of kindness. There is a behind-the-scenes story I hope comes out sooner rather than later.

  13. Ranger007 says:

    Let’s see – how many other American citizens are political prisoners around the world?

    And these two are so important because?

    Don’t want to take anything away (personally) from these two, but I can hear (rightfully so) other people saying what about my daughter, son, brother, husband etc and etc?

  14. chris says:

    Go Bill!

    The way the media, and specifically Al Gore, ignored this is huge flaming demerit. I voted for Gore and I have no political ax to grind so this doesn’t come from that direction. But what are you, really, if you don’t stand up for your people? A big wimp, that’s what.

    The U.S. is full of ignorant dolts who couldn’t identify a world map… as a world map. If Gore wants to start a media organization to change that he ought to stand up when something happens to his people.

    Grow a pair!

  15. sargasso says:

    Clinton, also brokered the peace deal in Northern Ireland and intervened in the Bosnian War to curtail wholesale genocide.

  16. Mark T. says:

    Here is a little secret that is not talked about with these types of diplomatic missions. The decisions have always been worked out in advance by underlings and the outcome is already guaranteed. These types of high profile meetings are ALWAYS political photo ops where no real decisions are made.

    Unlike that event, this new diplomatic trip was not a triumph of Bill Clinton’s power of diplomacy. This was preordained. I mean, HELL, his wife is the U.S. Secretary of State! She would not send Bill over there to be embarrassed by this little tin pot dictator.

    The single example of a surprise outcome at one of these events that I can EVER recall happening was when Gorbachev met Reagan at the 1986 Reykjavik summit. At this event, Reagan shocked his own staff by agreeing to deep cuts in nuclear weapons. It was not planned that way. Everyone was stunned.

  17. Calm and Sensible says:

    First, IIRC, Bill is just over 6 feet tall. Kim is just under 3 feet short. I claim the picture has been photoshopped.

    Secondly, it sounds like Bill went on this trip on his own without sanction from US State Dept. That’s how you get ridiculous claims like those in the article about how subservient the US was.

    Thirdly: Billy may have gotten a lot of head while in office but Barry seems intent on sucking off every rogue nation leader even while he denigrates the US.

    Oooops. Excuse me. I used the word denigrate. Can I go to the White House for a beer?

  18. Animby says:

    Yet, with all this high falutin rhetoric, I understand from Assoc Press that the women are still in prison and no date has been set for their release. I’m betting Kim is waiting for the best photo op possible to let them go.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – Dumb and Retarded

    Bill Clinton is 185 cm. Kim Jong Il is according various sources 155-160 cm. Then keep in mind that Kim Jong Il usually wears high-heel shoes. So, no… the photo has probably not been doctored.

    And I’m sure that Republican diplomacy – which would have involve bombing Pyongyang – would have brought home the journalists much earlier.

  20. Awake says:

    Geee… what a concept… diplomacy.

    I is a process so unknown to the right wing that they absolutely can’t think it out when it works. It must be magic…. evil magic… black magic… nothing good can come of this! We must burn the evil magician on the stake in order to save ourselves from his darkness!

    Under Bush’s right-wing direction, we stopped talking to North Korea and they not only tested nuclear weapons for the first time, they started exporting the technology to other enemies of ours. That worked out well… not!

    It’s amazing how few people see this event for what it really is… an opening move by both sides so we can start talking again, maybe reducing tensions, maybe stepping away from war.

    We are not going to change North Korea by force… that will not happen.

    The defeat (and internal change) of the Soviet union was done by both power and diplomacy. Maybe we should try the same with North Korea?

  21. Bastian says:

    Wow… regardless of views, its still quite a story.

  22. MikeN says:

    >it sounds like Bill went on this trip on his own without sanction from US State Dept.

    Yea, I’m sure the Secretary of State had no idea this was happening.

  23. ridin the short bus says:

    Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, because the world respects them…
    George dubbaya wont get invited to a BBQ…let alone represent America ever again…

    And Lastly, its a long ride in a small plane back to America, with 2 Ladies and Bill?…
    “Hey Girls…Show me some appreciation..”

  24. ridin the short bus says:

    The deal was done thru Sweden and the UN…
    If you look at the Plane (B737) it is a US Military VIP Aircraft.

    I am Sure that KIm just wnted to Meet Bill..

    All the Presidents around the world like to have Pics thay have collected of Presidents.. Now he has His..

    Make Deal:
    Lets see… Food for Oil program?…No…Food for Girls?….

  25. Steve S says:

    Animby said,
    “Yet, with all this high falutin rhetoric, I understand from Assoc Press that the women are still in prison and no date has been set for their release. I’m betting Kim is waiting for the best photo op possible to let them go.”

    The news announced that Bill Clinton and the two women are on a plane that is due to land in Burbank, CA around 4:00am.

    When Bill goes out to pick up girls, he gets the job done. He has a lot of experience at that.

  26. fulanoche says:

    Mr. Clinton, please stop off in Honduras on your way home.

  27. riker17 says:

    This may be harsh and maybe even cruel, but I firmly believe that Lee and Ling should have been killed by the DPRK so that we could see if Obama has the guts to act swiftly against a terrorist nation. Also, I wonder why Clinton’s plane wasn’t shot down as soon as it entered the Korean airspace? Or, was he driven in from South Korea?

  28. Steve S says:

    riker17 said,
    “This may be harsh and maybe even cruel, but …..”

    You are one sick little puppy. What’s the matter, didn’t Mommy and Daddy love you enough when you were little? Please, seek profesional help and stay on your meds this time.

  29. ridin the short bus says:

    #28, you need to get out more… did you not read all the posts before posting yourself?…
    Reference post #25..

    It was negotiated thru the Swedes and any flight needed clearance long before take off…get a grip and live in reality mate…

    And they are i the Air now..

    Do we need an IQ test for Blog Posters Now?…


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