Obama “Joker” Poster Causing a Stir in L.A. – KTLA — This will be turned into domestic terrorism charges, that’s why the artist is mum on this.

A poster showing President Barack Obama as Heath Ledger’s “Joker” character from “The Dark Knight” is creating a stir on the streets of Los Angeles where the image began appearing over the weekend.The Obama-Joker poster shows President Obama with white face paint, dark eye shadow and smudged red lipstick and also has the word “socialism” printed in bold, dark letters under the image of his face.It’s unclear who created the image and who is posting it across the city. Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson is calling the depiction, politically mean spirited and dangerous. Hutchinson is challenging the group or individual that put up the poster to have the courage and decency to publicly identify themselves…””We have issued a public challenge to the person or group that put up the poster to come forth and publicly tell why they have used this offensive depiction to ridicule President Obama.”

Golly, the head of the “roundtable” is upset. Hey. It’s a comic book character for chrissakes. Watch how this mimics the outrage over the Mohammad cartoons from Denmark. I wonder why nobody stood up over the Bush posters depicting him as the anti-Christ. After all, the four horsemen never showed up.

Found by Keith Ray.

  1. Aaron says:

    Everyone needs to quit making everything racism.

  2. Aaron says:

    Campaign for Liberty’s response…. Ron Paul is Batman!

  3. Aaron says:

    Everyone needs to quit making everything racism.
    Calling A black man the STUPIDEST MOTHERFUCKER does NOT make one a racist.
    Calling ALL black men STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS would be.
    So far this poster is only insulting ONE MAN! Hardly a racist that makes!!

  4. GigG says:

    Greg I’d be willing to bet you have never actually lived or worked around actual everyday black people.

    The only people that think this is in anyway racist are those that think EVERYTHING is racist.

  5. Aaron says:

    Good one John. So That Wayans brother is a racist too!
    Since he did dress a black man in white face!

  6. Floyd says:

    I’ll guess that Obama has heard of the Joker Poster by now, but has enough of a real sense of humor that he’s amused.

  7. Greg Allen says:


    Your logic is fine, as far as it goes, but you ignore the baggage of racism.

    A lot of black people are going to personally identify with the first black president.

    And I expect that many are going to perceive this poster as vaguely racist. (Not all, of course.)

    Isn’t this the same debate we had when Obama was portrayed as a chimp or gorilla? It’s like white people have their fingers in their ears.

    It would be smarter if you said “I don’t give a damn if blacks see this as racist” but you honestly seem to be clueless. That’s almost worse.

  8. Greg Allen says:


    I am well-aware that black men have voluntarily used whiteface. There was a famous Vanity Fair cover of it. Chris Rock, maybe.

    But, insults are not the same when done _to_ you.

    For example, if my wife calls _herself_ a bitch, it’s not the same as if _I_ call her a bitch.

    Test this out on your wife, if you don’t believe me.

    Not everything is the same bi-directionally — especially with racism.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    what is weird is how much he looks like micheal jackson… scary even

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Well, guys, I gotta get some real work done.

    I know some of you white crackers 😉 are pissed-off at me. Sorry.

    Seriously, listen with an open heart and mind to black people about their experiences of racism. Listen to their stories.

    So many white people, even liberals, don’t get how it is different for them. It’s not all the same for whites and blacks. Not even for all black people.

  11. Aaron says:

    I understand the Baggage. Until all the “Racist” criers drop that baggage we will never have what King Jr wanted. It’s just amazing to me that people can celebrate his life and then cry racism at every little offense. It really has to stop. The ARTIST that made the poster probably never thought RACE when he made the poster, I didn’t think race when I saw it. I only thought RACE when there were comments calling it RACISM! To me THAT is the problem, most people don’t think race but when RACISM gets thrown in your face you get pulled into it. I think if most PEOPLE, black and white, would drop the race card a little less it would help a lot.

  12. Screening through the BS says:

    #55, “A lot of black people are going to personally identify with the first black president.”

    You mean the mulatto president who was raised by his white family because his African father skipped town? I think I would look for something else to identify with.

    “Isn’t this the same debate we had when Obama was portrayed as a chimp or gorilla?”

    Um, when was Obama portrayed as a chimp? Oh you mean the cartoon of the chimp, representing the congressional authors of the economic stimulus bill (not Obama), being shot by police?

  13. Greg Allen says:

    >> drunner2 said, on August 4th, 2009 at 8:30 am
    >> It’s intimidation by political opponents. To suggest this guy (or gal) wouldn’t get harassed or worse by sensationalists would be foolish.

    I accept your point.

    But it not anti free speech to issue a challenge for someone to own-up to their rhetoric. It makes a difference in the debate if this was done by the GOP, the KKK or just a goofy street artist.

    It _would_ be anti-free speech to have the government rip down (legally posted) posters or to try to have the person(s) arrested or fined.

    It amazing me how many conservatives think that RESPONDING to them violates their free-speech rights.

    I blame conservative talk radio. The host is shocked and disoriented when a differing opinion is accidentally let through. (Think Glenn Beck)

    Well, bye for real now.

  14. sayzwhat says:

    It’s propaganda, not art. I love that everyone is up in arms. I guess it worked. It diverts from the real discussion. But all the current tactics that this site has “reported” on have been distractions, like people yelling down a congressman and everyone assuming they are from his district. But the republican’s don’t want a discussion, they want yelling and screaming.

    Now we know why they said “what’s the rush.” They needed time to mobilize their corporate-back, lobbyist-funded army of intolerance and stupidity. I’m not for the admin’s health care plan, but I don’t enjoy the tactics adopted by the right. It’s sickening.

  15. Dr. Xb0x says:


    I just want to say, First Art is not a crime. Second the poster became public property when it was abandonded on public property. The public has the right to tear it down if they dont like it.

    Raceism and death threats for this piece of art is ludicrous. Perhaps hollywood would like to sue the artist for copying the likeness of their of IP. If Hollywood wants to sue the artist they better higher a PI. The police are involved in public matters not private.

    I love this poster, and I might purchase one if I saw it at a shop.

    61 posts, no way to vote up or down. John aren’t you on good terms with Kevin Smith? cant you get a comment voting system?

    Like you are going to read comment 62 anyway.

  16. Dr. Xb0x says:

    oops I meant Kevin Rose.

  17. ToRaceOrNotToRace says:

    How do we know the person that made this poster is not black? Isn’t it racist to assume a white person did this? Are you saying that black people do not have the intellect to create a poster or to question the actions of their government?

  18. jbenson2 says:

    I think Greg Allen has lost it (16 responses so far on this one subject). He is bordering on the same sort of reaction to the Danish cartoons.

    Hey, Greg. You’ve made your point.
    Enough already!

  19. Timuchin says:

    As a Christian Independent I find this fight between the liberal Democrats and the leftist Democrats amusing.

  20. fulanoche says:

    Well done.

  21. abc,123.doe,ray,me says:

    What was the greatest number of responses to any Blog?…seems this one is heating up very fast…

  22. cirdan says:

    Racism needs to die. It’s been HOW MANY YEARS SINCE SLAVERY? Are there even people still alive from that time? Grow a pair and stop being sissy victims

  23. Phydeau says:

    #78 MoreGruelPlease: So, only people with jobs should have health insurance? The rest should just f*ck off and die if they get sick?

    Sigh… another libertarian moron. Lots of them coming out from under the rocks lately.

  24. ridin the short bus says:

    #77 Unfortunately i believe it (new Medical) will be so conveluted and screwed by the “R” special interest in the end we will all suffer again. This is One time I wish Government could really do its Job!!! Why did we not have town meetings and such an outcry when Bush wanted to go to war? (for no real reason in Iraq) Because the “R”‘s did not care… their Kids are all in University and the Poor folks are in the Military, Their Companies will make larger and more profits so who will care..

    Suff All of that, I was once a believer of the republican party. but Never again… Greed and War Mongering…with the face of Christianity to hide behind… That is the Real Motto

    The liberal Dems want to have a healthier and more prosperous America, but not be trampled upon by the Big R machine.. and Filibuster and Break up town meetings with your Money…maybe you’ll win, because Big Money always wins, but in the End ALL of America will loose… The Chinese and the Russians love to watch us waste our time squandering what little respect we have left… The Highest standard of Living in the world is NOT in America and has not been for many decades… Wake UP Sheeple… Who cares about the Poster…we have Real issues to resolve

  25. John C Dvorak says:

    #57 First of all, the discussion is about racism seems to me, not insults. And what’s the possibility that this poster was planted by Axelrod operatives? He is from the dirty tricks school of politics after all.

  26. bobbo, getting used to the idea says:

    #78–gruel==another LIEBERTARIAN huh? If you resent living in a society, why don’t you leave? Because you are just THAT self centered is why.

    I see nothing racist at all in the poster. “The Joker” is an iconic image having to do with a person being twisted/anti-social/LIEBERTARIAN if you will. Nothing to do with race.

  27. qb says:

    Satirical democracy in action. Gulliver’s Travels was viewed as tasteless and subversive in it’s day – in fact, it was printed in secret to avoid prosecution.

    I think it looks kind of tasteless, but that could just be my personal sensibilities.

  28. Jim says:

    Ah, everyone’s colors are soon revealed! 🙂

  29. Joe says:

    its funny how each side, hates to be criticized, and calls those who criticize “un american” or “terrorist”

    Grow Up!!!

  30. Joe says:

    oh yea, they should change it to:



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