• Nikon adds mini-projector to small camera.
  • Marines ban Twitter and Facebook.
  • Apple tablet may kill the Kindle.
  • MSFT may gouge the EU.
  • Are the Palm ads creepy?
  • Sony may cut price on PS3.
  • I go over the 10 Ways that Android can beat the Blackberry.
  • Shows sponsored by squarespace.com code word: TECH.

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  1. SB says:

    How about Android is an operating system and Blackberry is a device?

  2. Improbus says:

    How is the Apple tablet going to kill the Kindle? It is even more expensive (it is rumored to be ~$800) than the Kindle. At that price it will be a niche device only. I was thinking of getting a CrunchPad (web tablet … Google it) but I am been reading rumors that it is going to be more expensive than I was originally lead to believe ($400 vs $300).

    P.S. Good luck with that Marine Corps.

  3. Unimatrix0 says:

    I don’t see the Apple tablet killing the Kindle. Even with the Kindle being a “one trick pony” Not if the price is going to be in the rumored $600-$800 dollar range.

    I see the Apple tablet having the same fate as the Newton.

    It will probably be an fantastic device, designed with all the style that Apple puts in a product. But I see it as a VERY niche market that only the most uber fanboy will buy into.

  4. SparkyOne says:

    updated 2:59 p.m., August 4, 2009
    SAN DIEGO — The Twitter war has begun.

    Chargers cornerback Antonio Cromartie was fined $2,500 by the team for tweeting a complaint about the team’s food at Chargers Park.
    Chargers cornerback Antonio Cromartie was fined $2,500 by the team for tweeting a complaint about the team’s food at Chargers Park.

    In a tweet Friday, Cromartie wrote: “Man we have 2 have the most nasty food of any team. Damn can we upgrade 4 str8 years the same ish maybe that’s y we can’t we [sic] the SB we need.”

    In the first team meeting of training camp on Friday, coach Norv Turner banned tweeting from the building at Chargers Park and also, according to players, any tweets that were “detrimental” to the team.

  5. deowll says:

    The Apple tablet may sell well. Some people are just happier if they pay more.

    The bad guys most likely are reading the social networking sites. On the other hand trying to keep people from talking is a never ending job.

  6. Carcarius says:

    The Palm Pre ad chick is creepy. I thought so the moment I saw the first commercial. I don’t see how that ad will influence increased sales.

  7. Pete says:

    The Palm ad lady is a redhead? She looks blond to me. The music makes it more creepy.

  8. Carcarius says:

    #4 – that’s pretty funny. I’m so sick of twitter anyway.

  9. qb says:

    Those Palm Pre ads all have a Samy Charnine surrealism thing happening, which is a little unnverving to people. Maybe with a touch of Sandro Botticelli thrown in…

  10. mc hammer says:

    I feel bad for the Marines…

  11. Glenn E. says:

    Palm’s “creepy spokeswoman” ad sounds like a female Maxheadroom. They just left out the animated 3D background. No, I haven’t seen these ads yet. So I guessing. But are they any more creepy than the Burger King ads? Or stupider than Geigo’s “wad of cash with eyes” ads?

    The US military likes to ban things it can’t control. The Marines are just the only ones at the forefront of this. I’m sure the others will follow soon. It’s all about controlling the news of what they’re up to. Especially about keeping the soldiers in the dark, so they won’t question orders. Or keep them from learning anything, that might keep them from reenlisting. Being in military service is a lot like being in a cult. So naturally, they wouldn’t want their members getting any “wrong” ideas from the outside world.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    A device that doesn’t exsits is killing a device that does?

    MSFT to gouge the EU, paybacks a bitch…

  13. t0llyb0ng says:

    The android phone will rule eventually because its open-source nature means that

    a) it won’t need to be jailbroke

    b) you can fiddle with the op sys

    b) its apps will be infinitely clever

    c) its apps will not have a committee censoring them.

  14. brendal says:

    I have two relatives who both work for US contractors and they are not allowed to use Facebook – at. all.


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