What the Hotness of Your Waitress Says About the Economy — New York Magazine — FYI

In New York, we have our own economic indicators, often based on the degree to which people are being thwarted by the lack of opportunity. An old standby is the Overeducated Cabbie Index. The Squeegee Man Apparition Index is another good one. There’s also the Speed at Which Contractors Return Calls Index: within 24 hours, you’re in a recession; if they call you without prompting, that’s a depression.

The indicator I prefer is the Hot Waitress Index: The hotter the waitresses, the weaker the economy. In flush times, there is a robust market for hotness. Selling everything from condos to premium vodka is enhanced by proximity to pretty young people (of both sexes) who get paid for providing this service. That leaves more-punishing work, like waiting tables, to those with less striking genetic gifts. But not anymore.

A waitress at one Lower East Side club described to me what happened there: “They slowly let the boys go, then the less attractive girls, and then these hot girls appeared out of nowhere.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. MikeN says:

    “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours, and a recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.”

    Reagan in a debate after Carter complained that he didn’t understand the difference between a recession and a depression.

  2. pecker says:

    Finally, an interesting news article about the economy. I didn’t think that was possible! Funny comments posted underneath it too – looks like some female New York readers don’t appreciate the article. Ha!

  3. qb says:

    Probably more accurate, and more revealing, than anything Alan Greenspan ever said.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    Click on the pic and then select Vanessa from the list.

    Now that’s what I’m taking about. What was it we were talking about again……

  5. amodedoma says:

    Had a topless breakfast in Las Vegas, That, was a smokin’ hot waitress. All I could think of was gettin’ a little cream from those wonderful jugs.

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    Lol, at least they will have practical job experience for when the day comes that they aren’t “qualified” anymore for the other ones.

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    It’s been so long since i ate in a place that had waitresses. If I eat out now, I’m feeling lucky if the chick at the drive-thru remembers to ask if I wan’t ketchup…

  8. bobbo, its all definitional says:

    When did waitresses start working at whore houses selling food?


  9. B.Dog says:

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Another gauge is the average intelligence of mini-mart clerks.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    :A waitress at one Lower East Side club described to me what happened there: “They slowly let the boys go, then the less attractive girls, and then these hot girls appeared out of nowhere.”

    uhm there is a certain percentage of the population that would like the boys yet…
    i wonder if anyone has done study on house sales between hot girls and hot boys…

  12. Glenn E. says:

    Well this particular waitress’ pic jumped out at me, from the website (if you know what I mean). OMG!


    Good thing I don’t live in South Beach. I’d camp out at that park, 24/7. But at least this job is better than them ending up as hookers. Or in the porn industry. This girl would have no problem qualifying for the latter. I’ll bet Playboy comes a callin soon.

    As far as indicators of the economy goes. How about how many internet websites now work well with Firefox? As opposed to when they mostly only worked with IE. This “SmokingHotWaitress” website works VERY well with Firefox. Better than most I’ve seen.

    These Hot Waitress bar could be the 21th century’s replacements for all those lost Playboy Clubs. I remember reading about them when I was a teen. Then they all closed down, before I was of legal age. As far as I knew, it was the feminist movement that killed them. But was the 1960s in an economic slump, that caused these clubs and various adult bars to existed?

  13. Floyd says:

    I actually visited a Playboy Club in Baltimore, in 1974. My boss had a membership, and took us to lunch there. Bunnies wore a lot more (uniform was a satin suit with stockings) than any of the waitresses on the Hot Waitress site.

  14. Russ, Dallas, Texas says:

    Evidence of the Hot Waitress economic indicator can be seen (ok, bad pun) by the recent success of Twin Peaks Restaurants in Texas. They are sort of an upscale Hooters. And, with lots of people taking pictures, blogging, etc. (http://twinpeaker.wordpress.com)

    There’s a silver lining in every recession. smile.

    Russ, Dallas, texas


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