Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D) of the 25th District of Texas was one of the first members of Congress to face the ire of his constituents during a recent town hall meeting at a Randall’s store in Austin over health care reform.

According to the Austin American Statesman:

“Doggett, D-Austin, spoke at the Randalls at Brodie and Slaughter lanes on Saturday. A video of the event on YouTube shows many in the crowd showed up with signs denouncing President Obama’s proposed health care plan. “Witnesses say that when Doggett was asked if he would support the plan even if he found his constituents opposed it, Doggett said he would still support the plan. From there, the crowd began chanting ‘Just Say No,’ and overwhelmed the congressman as he moved through the crowd and into the parking lot.”

What is remarkable about this protest is that the 25th District of Texas is one of the most liberal in the state, being majority Hispanic and containing the city of Austin, a liberal conclave in the middle of Red State Texas. Lloyd Doggett has been a reliably liberal Congressman, opposing the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, and supporting gay marriage, gun control, partial birth abortion, and immigration reform.

  1. smartalix says:


    I condemn those on both sides that are part of the problem and not the solution. Fuck them all. These antics are nothing but childish deestruction in the face of a lack of an intelligent contribution.

  2. Dr. haha. says:

    A child gets disappointed over his new Obama action figure.

    “But it said on the tv commercial that it ended wars, saved economies, gave people jobs, and would make natural medicine legal for the sick.”

    “I bought this toy because my dad lost his job, and my mom cant find work and where moving to tent city next month.”

  3. ECA says:

    I find it humorous, in the EXTREME..
    That the Taxes we pay, can go to..

    MAJOR CORPS, If they were run correctly they wouldnt need it.
    Banks(?), dont they CONTROL the money already?
    Farm subsidies, which are controlled by MAJOR corps.
    War industry, Hmm, funny that we pay mercenaries and they keep changing the name of the company. When we have 1000’s of men fighting and DIEING and getting min wage. That we keep BUYING goods from them EVEN during peace time. PAY them to store goods for the protection of our military and ITS NOT THERE..

    we cant HELP/ASSIST those in need around this country. Those that DONT HAVE.
    when we have the chance to fix it… RICH CORPS(HMO,..) are fighting it with the SAME MONEY PAID to them FROM US/we. And you know the rates are going to ROCKET after this, unless they are KICKED OFF the payroll.

    Those fighting this? Are the ones that NEVER worried about coverage. Those with PAID RETIREMENT in the $10,000 per MONTH range.
    THOSE trying to Cripple the bill? the HMO, medical insurance corps.
    WOW, isnt it funny. Banks, insurance corps, and health organizations..ALL IN 1 BUNDLE. arnt these MOSTLY the same companies that got us INTO THIS MESS??

  4. doik says:

    Fusion talking about being off meds for calling names…funny. That’s pretty much all our Darling Little Fusionator does.

    Lookie here and tell me how these are paid protests.

  5. ECA says:


    Hmm, neet..500 people out of a city of ???

  6. Rick Cain says:

    Its amazing what people will do when Fox Jazeera barks out orders to them.

  7. mscarlat says:

    This guy is going to bankrupt the nation


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