We’ve had WAGS, yuppies and metrosexuals; now meet our newest social phenomenon, TWITs.

The TWITs are “Teenage Women In Their Thirties”.

Just like men with Peter Pan-syndrome who are not ready to grow up, TWITs are putting serious relationships and parenthood on hold, instead choosing to continue partying and enjoying the freedoms they discovered in their teens, the Sunday Herald Sun reports.

Melbourne fashion model Kelly Johns is proud to be a TWIT. Ms Johns keeps her age a secret but admits she is in her 30s. “People have a perception of me as being young and fun and when I tell them my age it changes the way they see me,” she said.

She doesn’t have children, is single and said the freedom of youth shouldn’t be a distant memory. “I am here to have good clean fun, party it up and live my life.” she said.

“If I found the right man I would settle down and have kids, but I am not going to sit around at home waiting.”

  1. Special Ed says:

    I dated more than a few TWITS, and one of them really stood out. I will never forget ‘ol what’s her name. I even gave her my phone number, which was my Verizon cell from several years ago and no longer in service.

  2. by george says:

    As time goes by they become TWATS, Teenage Women After Their Thirties and look like crap in their 40’s from abusing alcohol.

  3. moondawg says:

    LOLZ @ by george. Well played, sir.

  4. Johan says:

    Indeed, LOLZ @ george. And yeah, this is a true phenomenon, and it’s all too common.

  5. Benjamin says:

    When do we truly become grownups? From XKCD: “It seems that my generation can’t grow up for some reason. Yes, we go to work and behave professionally, but when we go home we have don’t do grown up things. When you reach your thirties you normally want to try to grow up, have a family, buy a house, etc.”

    BTW, any chance on Leo Laporte suing these TWITs for trademark infringement?

  6. Faxon says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with women acting like teenagers. When men sit on their asses and watch basketball or football, they are being equally childish. Women should act like teens as long as they want. I dated a woman who acted like she was still a college girl. No problems. It did get kind of old, but she is still acting that way, I am sure.

  7. Animal Mother says:

    Sarah Palin is the leaders of the TWATS, or was that MILFS?

  8. amodedoma says:

    Back in my day we just called them sluts. Not really a surprise considering the crap the television is cranking out.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    growing up is overrated.

    growing up leads to growing old and then to dying, and dying to me don’t sound like all that much fun…

  10. John C Dvorak says:

    Another term is Bar-fly.

    Personally I do not see how it goes from “Party all the time” “or sit around home doing nothing.” There are plenty of productive things to do besides burn yourself out on the road to becoming an “old maid” — a lost term that needs a revival.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    by george! I think you got it!

  12. bobbo, trying to earn his wings says:

    My goodness. SOOOoooo Judgmental. More than a bit hypocritical, mindless, and loathing as well.

    Makes me feel sorry for the gals-having to put up with your sort.

  13. pacman says:

    Is that TWIT or Cougar? It’s a fine line.

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Spend 5 hrs riding in a car with a couple of teenage girls. If you don’t blow your brains out or suck on the tailpipe to relief the stress, then imagine women in their thirties acting that way.

    Any wonder why they are still single?

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    Most men in their thirties are still of high school sophistication, so I don’t see why women cant join in. I’d prefer they didn’t however.

  16. deowll says:

    Party girls are bags of disease not all of which can be cured by medical science.

  17. Thinker says:

    #2 Starts and #16 finishes! The Wisdom of Solomon. With a garnish from JC himself. I agree!


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