A cover version of Boston’s “Foreplay/Long Time” presented in split screen. Jon Baglo playing all the instruments. Spencer Needham doing all the bg vocals. And featuring the amazing David Steele on lead vocal.

The video editing is pretty good too. More info here.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Awesome performance! All the best to these guys.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    My son does this, mostly originals but a few covers. No video, but he’ll get ideas from this when I send him the link. Jon here is a level above, and luckily has some nice tools. Very well done, if you’re into note-for-note copies.

  3. bobbo, every audience has its favorites says:

    I’ll bet this guy is quite capable of and prefers his own take on things but the purpose here is to demonstrate skills by presenting something immediately familiar to the WWW.

    To everything there is a season.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Very impressive.

    I don’t think many people realize how difficult it is to have the perfect timing when following single notes on an organ. Usually it is the drums and bass that provide the timing.

    And WOW !!! That was some guitar selection.

  5. bobbo, loving the good music says:

    Reminds me of Micheal (?) Oldfield (??) who wrote and played all the instruments for “Tubular Bells”–kinda a rip off of Bolero, but the kid was pretty young when he did it and became mega rich off that one song. Nothing else he writes is accepted by anyone.

    If I had a choice, I would wish to be so frustrated. Hopefully, he can enjoy his own music for its own sake?

  6. rectagon says:

    One of my all time favourite songs…. Brings a wee tear to my eye! Wonderful job kid.

  7. Improbus says:

    Wow, that was great. It was kind of hard to tear myself away from the Youtube music video section after that. Who knew there was some much great stuff there. I have just been watching technical videos and science fiction stuff. D’oh! One of my favorite YouTube music videos from Tool:

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mr F…for a cover the first few tracks are played along with the original. For originals…it’s all in the musician’s head anyway.

    What I wonder is where he got the sheet music for all the parts.

  9. hhopper says:

    Hot Damn! Music Sunday on DU!

    …and yes Uncle Dave… that was an amazing version!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    After looking into this a little further, the kid’s father is a producer. The singer does session work for the father and the back up singer is a close friend.

    Here is a five minute radio interview with the kid. Well recommended for the background and upcoming projects.

  11. LDA says:

    Excellent vocalists & brilliant multi-instrumentalist.

    I have never heard the original song before so I got to enjoy it for the first time.

  12. rfhigdon says:

    Wow, best 7:46 I have spent all day. Excellent!

  13. chuck says:

    So what? Taylor Swift is waaaay more talented.

  14. Thinker says:

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! How’d they get guys with voices to match so closely? 🙂

    Just wonderful!

  15. FRAGaLOT says:


  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Mr. Baggins,

    it’s all in the musician’s head anyway.

    Yes, that is the way I’ve always played. But what is in your head is only a fraction of the whole; the other instruments (and even the atmosphere) are the rest. I (you) play to fill the whole.

    Playing from the sheet music suggests (to me) that he isn’t playing from inside himself, but note for note. Because we are mesmerized by his virtuosity most people won’t pick that up.

    Good point.

  17. hhopper says:

    If he was playing from inside his head, this version would be less like the original.

  18. totalmarketing says:

    Freakin’ awesome!


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